--> Sayadasite: Mobile marketing overview

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Mobile marketing overview

Unit IV

Mobile Marketing: Mobile marketing overview, Mobile advertising strategies, Mobile app marketing, Location-based marketing, Mobile marketing analytics

Mobile marketing overview       

People around the world choose mobile devices as their preferred medium to connect with other people gather information or even do business. As a result, many businesses are actively devising new mobile marketing strategies to reach out to their audience.

In the present world, mobile marketing is a common technique that almost every company, irrespective of the business it is into, is pursuing some kind of mobile marketing campaign. Whether it’s an E-commerce gian such as Amazon or a manufacturing such as General Motors, everyone is following a “mobile first” approach, when it comes to creating a marketing strategy for their businesses.

Businesses are also aware that the use and influence of mobile phones today have gone up since the days of the simple text & voice messages. People order meals from a restaurant, buy & read a book/magazine/news, and find a childhood friend all with a single tap on their smart phones.

How does Mobile Marketing work?

Promotions provided by SMS text messaging, MMS multimedia messaging, downloaded applications utilizing push notifications, in-app or in-game marketing, mobile websites, or by using a mobile device to scan QR codes are all examples of mobile marketing. Users may get alerts from proximity (Closeness) systems and location-based services depending on their physical location or their closeness to a service provider.

Given the prevalence of mobile devices, mobile marketing is a vital tool for businesses of all sizes. The brands (and businesses they advertise on behalf of) and service providers who enable mobile advertising are the main participants in the market.

When creating a short- or long-term marketing strategy, mobile marketing is a crucial component. Every segment of your audience may be reached via a mobile marketing channel, such as emails, content marketing, social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), and many more. 

What are the advantages of Mobile Marketing?

Here are some benefits of mobile marketing:

There are more channels or platforms to pick from with strong engagement levels as mobile time rises steadily.

Mobile phones are well-suited for social networking. Social media platforms provide as efficient media ad platforms.

Anywhere around the world, audiences may be reached at any time.

Mobile information conveys more personal information and facilitates consumer relationships.

You may target certain market groups with mobile marketing strategies and customize your content.

Utilizing geographical information for potential consumers, deliver timely and pertinent content or adverts.

It is affordable compared to other forms of advertising, especially.

All of your content has the innate ability to become viral, and it won't cost you anything more to do so.

Types of Mobile Marketing

SMS marketing
MMS marketing
Push notifications
App-based marketing
In-game mobile marketing
Location-based marketing
Mobile search ads
QR codes
Mobile image

Types of Mobile Marketing

SMS Marketing

SMS marketing it is one of the oldest forms of mobile marketing in this you send messages using phone numbers of your potential buyers.

MMS Marketing

Multimedia messaging service (MMS) it’s one of the oldest forms of mobile marketing. In this mobile media marketing is done by sending a timed slideshow of images, text, audio, and video. in this form, you can send both mobiles terminated and receive mobile originated rich content through MMS A2P person to person.

Push notifications

Push notifications are another important mobile marketing tool. It helps brands to communicate those messages to the potential buyers in a simple and effective way. This method is cheaper compared to SMS marketing if used for a longer period but for short-term it may be expensive.

App-based marketing

Today it is a known fact that people daily engage with their mobile apps. Daily huge number of apps is being downloaded on mobile devices. The most popular and market leader is Google app store. As per the reports, it is clear that Android smart phones are the winner.  As far as the download of the mobile app is concerned. This gives us great potential for direct engagement and targeting the right customers and generating revenue.

One another successful example of Mobile app based marketing is Facebook. Facebook mobile promoted ad post is integrated so seamlessly with their feeds is that it is difficult to recognize them as any kind of distractions.

In-game mobile marketing

All types of age group people like to play games on their mobile devices. The huge success of Pokémon Go is the latest example.  This is a significant platform to engage with our target audience directly. Different types of advertisements can be displayed while playing the game such as banner pop up image advertisement video ads at the beginning in between or at the end of the game.

Location-based marketing

Marketing messages are sent to the website visitors depending on the geographical presence of the people. For example, a pizza outlet based in South Mumbai may wish to put ads for that specific location only and need not market the whole of Mumbai region.

Search Advertising

These are given as extra add-on extensions such as click2call; search advertising mainly used by the search engines such Google, Microsoft and MSN etc.

QR codes

QR codes are mainly used for Mobile gaming sites. QR codes are scanned by the users through their mobile camera and are taken to the site at which the QR code is linked.

Mobile image

Images are used as an important tool of mobile marketing, advertisements are placed at different places on the website such as header footer or as a pop-up of images.

Difference between Mobile Marketing and Traditional Marketing

1. Device and Platform 

Mobile Marketing: It primarily targets smart phones, tablets, and apps, utilizing platforms like social media, mobile websites, and mobile apps.

Traditional Marketing: Traditional methods encompass TV, radio, print (newspapers and magazines), billboards, and other offline channels.

2. Accessibility and Reach 

Mobile Marketing: It reaches a vast and global audience due to the widespread use of mobile devices.

Traditional Marketing: Reach may be limited to specific geographic areas, demographics, or time slots.

3. Interactivity and Engagement 

Mobile Marketing: Offers higher interactivity through features like push notifications, in-app ads, and social media engagement.

Traditional Marketing: Lacks direct interaction with the audience and relies on one-way communication.

4. Personalization and Targeting 

Mobile Marketing: Allows for precise targeting based on user behavior, location, and interests, offering personalized content.

Traditional Marketing: Often employs a more generalized approach, reaching a broad audience without the same level of personalization.

5. Cost and ROI 

Mobile Marketing: Can be cost-effective, with options like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, providing measurable ROI.

Traditional Marketing: Tends to be more costly and measuring ROI can be challenging.

6. Real-Time Data and Analytics 

Mobile Marketing: Provides immediate access to data and analytics, enabling quick adjustments to campaigns for better results.

Traditional Marketing: May require longer periods to gather and analyze data, making real-time adjustments challenging.

7. Content Format 

Mobile Marketing: Employs multimedia content such as videos, GIFs, and interactive ads to capture attention.

Traditional Marketing: Often relies on static formats like print or broadcast commercials.

8. Geo location Targeting 

Mobile Marketing: Utilizes GPS and location-based services for geo targeting, allowing businesses to reach consumers based on their physical location.

Traditional Marketing: Generally lacks this level of precision in targeting based on location.

9. Feedback and Reviews 

Mobile Marketing: Facilitates user-generated reviews, ratings, and feedback, which can influence potential customers.

Traditional Marketing: Offers limited options for immediate customer feedback and reviews.

Mobile advertising strategies 2

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