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Mobile advertising strategies

The term "mobile advertising" refers to any form of advertising that appears on mobile devices such as Smartphone’s and tablet computers. Companies advertise on these devices with text ads (via SMS), banner advertisements, other display ads, and videos.

Mobile marketing isn't new – but it is still a growing frontier for advertisers. Mobile strategies are even more powerful when combined with other types of advertising.

Mobile advertising strategies

A mobile marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that businesses and organizations develop to promote their products or services to a mobile audience, typically through Smartphone’s and tablets.

1. Optimize Your Website for Mobile

Have you ever tried to get on a retailer's website on your Smartphone, only to see it is distorted, hard to navigate, or completely unusable? Like most people, the first question is probably, "How do companies not have their websites optimized for mobile users?" Unfortunately, these retailers miss out on huge sales and customer acquisition opportunities due to a poor online experience.  

Optimizing your website for mobile accessibility by letting it scale according to whatever platform customers use is the easiest way to let shoppers browse, buy, or share your site with others.  

2. Make Ads Short, Valuable, and Humorous

Even though people worldwide use their mobile devices for almost everything, they are still their personal devices. That means mobile ads have a high bar to make it worth it for the customer.  

No one wants to scroll to read through a long ad on their phones. The best ads for mobile are concise, quickly providing value or humor to capture and retain the user's attention.  

3. Invest in Native Ads

Native ads are sponsored or paid ads designed to fit seamlessly with the surrounding format, so they don't appear to be advertising. They often look like recommended content, such as an article or blog post. They may also appear in your social feed.  

These ads reach customers when and where their attention is focused, making them highly effective for reaching users when browsing sites on mobile devices.  

4. Use QR Codes for Easy Mobile Access

Quick response (QR) codes are everywhere. They simplify getting information about an item in stores or on visual media by scanning a code that takes you directly to the item on the website without having to search for it.  

Using a QR code is another mobile marketing strategy uniquely suited to smartphone users. They help enhance the customers' shopping experience by making it easy to find what they need, particularly when combined with other ad formats.  

5. Launch Location-Based Ads

Location-based ads use geolocation and geofencing to trigger push notifications when a customer is near a retail establishment. For instance, you may get a coupon code or special offer from one of your favorite stores while they're currently at a mall.  

Location-based ads update based on the general customer location, so they can be more relevant when the user travels or visits a new area. It is also a great way to introduce existing customers to partner locations that may not be available in their regular shopping areas. 

6. Incorporate Mobile into Lead Generation Efforts

Lead generation is how you keep your customer pool growing and active. However, you need phone numbers for push notifications and text messages.  

When conducting lead generation online, ask for phone numbers and email addresses so customers can opt-in to receive text message ads and promotional emails. It may take longer for someone to check their email, but text messages are easy to glance at and take advantage of, making it a very effective mobile marketing strategy. 

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