--> Sayadasite: Pick and Speak

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Pick and Speak

What is the meaning of pick and speak?

SpeakingSkill    Role Play    Mono Acting     Pick and Speak

Pick and speak is the spotlight for those who voluntarily hold the mike and speak up to the topic and look up to the curious crowd. The stage was set and it was time for the speakers to highlight their perspectives on the picked topic and impress the audience.

The stage was set and it was time for the speakers to highlight their perspectives on the picked topic and impress the audience. One by one, each having their points with timer set tried their best and indeed a few did steal the audience’s heart and were rewarded with a huge round of applause. From women rights to vegetarianism, all topics were covered and the speakers did express and put forth their views to the judges and students. This event allowed the students to open up and showcase their abilities and their knowledge on various topics. It also helped them to broaden their outlook in a wide range and discover their hidden self and reveal the unknown facts.

Pick and Speak Tips to Make You a Better Speaker

Know Your Audience

Prepare a Visually Appealing Presentation

Practice In Front of a Mirror & In Front of Others

Make Enough Rehearsals

Speak From the Heart

Use Props for Effect

Start With a Question

End With a Question

Simplify the Complex

Test the Equipment That You’ll Be Using

Make Eye Contact With Your Audience

Speak Slower Than Usual

Leave Space to Breathe

Get to Know the Stage

Ask for Feedback to Improve

Don’t Be Afraid to Repeat Yourself

Try to Memorize Your Notes

Plan Your Speech & Create a Structure

Include a Digital Version of Your Presentation

What are the topics for pick and speak?

List of Persuasive Speech Topics on Environment

How will recycling help us?

Should there be a ban on smoking in public places?

Should zoos be banned?

Should there be a ban on animal testing?

Will banning plastic bags help?

Should exotic animals be kept as pets?

Pick and Speak Sample

Sample Question #1

Is your hometown a good place to live? Why or why not?

Sample answer to question 1:
Well, it's a fantastic place to live. I live in the southern part of India, in Tamil Nadu. To be specific, I stay in the capital city, Chennai. I was raised here and didn't know another place to compare it to because I've always been here.

Sample Question #2
What sort of jobs do people do in your hometown?

Sample answer to question 2:

Well, in my hometown, people do all kinds of jobs. We have a mix of professions like teachers, doctors, engineers, farmers, fishermen, and even artisans. It's cool to see so many different occupations at work.
Sample Question #3

In which part of your town do most people live?
Sample answer to question 3:
As for where most people live, it depends on the town layout. In some areas, you'll find that most people prefer living closer to the city centre where all the hustle and bustle happens. But in others, specific neighbourhoods or residential areas might be more popular. It varies from place to place.
Sample Question #4

Where did you play in your hometown during your childhood? 
Sample answer to question 4:
As a person living in Chennai, I played in various places in my hometown during my childhood. Some common locations included parks, playgrounds, and open spaces in residential areas. We often gathered with friends and played outdoor games such as cricket, football, and tag. 


This is what sample questions and answers for the IELTS Speaking practice test will look like:

Let’s talk about movies:

Sample Question #1
Do you prefer to watch a film in a cinema hall or at home? Why?

Sample answer to question 1:
I prefer the cinema hall because of the environment; the atmosphere it creates is entirely different from anything you try to create at home.

You might even have a home theatre. However, I feel it will need to match up with the sound and picture quality in general.
Sample Question #2
How often do you go to the cinema hall?

Sample answer to question 2:

I try to make it a regular thing, maybe once or twice a month. It depends on the movie lineup and my schedule. But I'll be there whenever I'm excited about a new movie.
Sample Question #3
Which film from your childhood do you remember the most? Why?

Sample answer to question 3:
I remember quite a few films from my childhood fondly. But if I had to pick one, it would probably be "The Lion King." 

The story, the music, and the animation were just so captivating. It was a movie that made me laugh, cry, and feel all sorts of emotions. Plus, who doesn't love Simba and his journey to becoming the king?
Sample Question #4
So, what's your favourite film now? Why?

Sample answer to question 4:

My favourite film has to be "Inception." It's a mind-bending masterpiece directed by Christopher Nolan. 

The concept of entering dreams and manipulating them is just mind-blowing. The visuals are stunning, the storytelling is complex yet gripping, and the performances are outstanding. 

Part 2 (Long Turn/ Cue Card)


Now, we'll move on to Part 2. I'm going to give you a task card, and you'll have one minute to prepare and take some notes. Then, you will need to speak for 1-2 minutes. Here's your task card:

Describe a memorable event in your life:You should say

What the event was

When it happened

Where it took place

Why was it memorable for you

You should say, “Okay, I'll start my preparation now.”

(You can take one minute to prepare notes)


The memorable event I would like to talk about is my graduation ceremony. It happened last year in June at the University of Manchester, where I completed my Bachelor's degree in Psychology. The ceremony took place in the university auditorium, and it was a significant moment for me because it marked the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. Seeing my family proud and being surrounded by friends and professors made it a truly unforgettable experience.


Thank you. Now, let's move on to Part 3.

PART 3 (Discussion)



In this part, we'll discuss more abstract and complex issues related to the topic. So, let's continue talking about education. In your opinion, what are the benefits of attending university?

You can say, “I believe attending university provides not only academic knowledge but also helps in personal development. It exposes individuals to diverse perspectives, teaches critical thinking, and enhances communication skills.”


Interesting. How do you think technology has affected education?

You can say, “Technology has significantly transformed education by providing access to a vast amount of information. Online courses, e-books, and educational apps have made learning more flexible and accessible, breaking down geographical barriers.”


Do you think traditional classroom learning will become obsolete in the future?

You should say, “While online learning is growing, I don't think traditional classrooms will become obsolete. There's value in face-to-face interaction, group discussions, and hands-on activities that online platforms may not fully replicate.”


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. That concludes our speaking test. You'll receive your results in the mail within two weeks. Goodbye!

You should say, “Thank you. Goodbye!”





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