--> Sayadasite: Chapter 1 Advent of Europeans to India

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Chapter 1 Advent of Europeans to India

 I. Choose the correct answer

1. Who laid the foundation of Portuguese power in India?

a. Vasco da Gama

b. Bartholomew Diaz

c. Alfonso de Albuquerque

d. Almeida

[Answer: (c) Alfonso de Albuquerque]

2. Which of the following European Nation was the foremost attempt to discover a sea route to India?

a. Dutch

b. Portugal

c. France

d. Britain

[Answer: (b) Portugal]

3. In 1453 Constantinople was captured by ____________.

a. The French

b. The Turks

c. The Dutch

d. The British

[Answer: (b) The Turks]

4. Sir William Hawkins belonged to ____________.

a. Portugal

b. Spain

c. England

d. France

[Answer: (c) England]

5. The first fort constructed by the British in India was ____________.

a. ort William

b. Fort St.George

c. Agra Fort

d. Fort St. David

[Answer: (b) Fort St.George]

6. Who among the following Europeans were the last to come India as traders?

a. The British

b. The French

c. The Danish

d. The Portuguese

[Answer: (b) The French]

7. Tranquebar on the Tamilnadu coast was a trade centre of the ____________.

a. The Portuguese

b. The British

c. The French

d. The Danish

[Answer: (d) The Danish]


II Fill in the blanks

1. National Archives of India (NAI) is located in New Delhi.

2. Bartholomew Diaz, a Portuguese sailor was patronized by King John II.

3. The printing press in India was set up by Portuguese at Goa in 1556.

4. The Mughal Emperor Jahangir permitted the English to trade in India.

5. The French East India Company was formed by Colbert.

6. Christian IV the King of Denmark issued a charter to create Danish East India company.

III Match the following

1 The Dutch - 1664

2 The British - 1602

3 The Danish - 1600

4 The French – 1616


1. The Dutch - 1602

2. The British - 1600

3. The Danish - 1616

4. The French – 1664

IV State true or false

1. Auto biography is one of the written sources. [Answer: True]

2. Coins are one of the material sources. [Answer: True]

3. Ananda Rangam was a translator served under British. [Answer: False]

Correct statement: Ananda Rangam was a translator served under French.

4. The place where historical documents are preserved is called archives. [Answer: True]

Consider the following statements and tick ( V) the appropriate answer

i. Governor Nino de Cunha moved Portuguese capital from Cochin to Goa.

ii. Portuguese were the last to leave from in India.

iii. The Dutch founded their first factory at Surat.

iv. Sir Thomas Roe was sent to Jahangir’s court by King James I of England.

a. i & ii are Correct.

b. ii & iv are Correct.

c. iii is correct.

d. i, ii & iv are correct.

[Answer: (d) i, ii & iv are correct]

Find out the wrong pair

a. Francis Day - Denmark

b. Pedro Cabral - Portugal

c. Captain Hawkins - Britain

d. Colbert – France

[Answer: (a) Francis Day - Denmark]

VI Answer the following in one or two sentences

1. Give a short note on Archives.

Answer: Archives is the place where historical documents are preserved. The National Archives of India (NAI) is located in New Delhi. It is the chief storehouse of the records of the government of India.

2. Write about the importance of Coins.

Answer: Coins are a good source to know about administrative history. As compared to the literary sources the chances of manipulation is very less in the case of coins. Thus they are an authentic archaelogical source.

3. Why Prince Henry is called ‘Henry the Navigator’?

Answer: Prince Henry of Portugal, who is commonly known as the “Navigator”, encouraged his countrymen to take up the adventurous life of exploring the unknown regions of the world.

4. Name the important factories established by the Dutch in India.

Answer: The important factories in India were Pulicat, Surat, Chinsura, Kasim bazaar, Patna, Nagapatnam, Balasore and Cochin.

5. Mention the trading centres of the English in India.

Answer: The English had established their trading centres at Surat, Agra, Ahmedabad and Broach.

I. Choose the correct answer

1. Who laid the foundation of Portuguese power in India?

a. Vasco da Gama

b. Bartholomew Diaz

c. Alfonso de Albuquerque

d. Almeida

[Answer: (c) Alfonso de Albuquerque]

2. Which of the following European Nation was the foremost attempt to discover a sea route to India?

a. Dutch

b. Portugal

c. France

d. Britain

[Answer: (b) Portugal]

3. In 1453 Constantinople was captured by ____________.

a. The French

b. The Turks

c. The Dutch

d. The British

[Answer: (b) The Turks]

4. Sir William Hawkins belonged to ____________.

a. Portugal

b. Spain

c. England

d. France

[Answer: (c) England]

5. The first fort constructed by the British in India was ____________.

a. ort William

b. Fort St.George

c. Agra Fort

d. Fort St. David

[Answer: (b) Fort St.George]

6. Who among the following Europeans were the last to come India as traders?

a. The British

b. The French

c. The Danish

d. The Portuguese

[Answer: (b) The French]

7. Tranquebar on the Tamilnadu coast was a trade centre of the ____________.

a. The Portuguese

b. The British

c. The French

d. The Danish

[Answer: (d) The Danish]

II Fill in the blanks

1. National Archives of India (NAI) is located in New Delhi.

2. Bartholomew Diaz, a Portuguese sailor was patronized by King John II.

3. The printing press in India was set up by Portuguese at Goa in 1556.

4. The Mughal Emperor Jahangir permitted the English to trade in India.

5. The French East India Company was formed by Colbert.

6. Christian IV the King of Denmark issued a charter to create Danish East India company.

III Match the following

1 The Dutch - 1664

2 The British - 1602

3 The Danish - 1600

4 The French – 1616


1. The Dutch - 1602

2. The British - 1600

3. The Danish - 1616

4. The French – 1664

IV State true or false

1. Auto biography is one of the written sources. [Answer: True]

2. Coins are one of the material sources. [Answer: True]

3. Ananda Rangam was a translator served under British. [Answer: False]

Correct statement: Ananda Rangam was a translator served under French.

4. The place where historical documents are preserved is called archives. [Answer: True]

Consider the following statements and tick ( V) the appropriate answer

i. Governor Nino de Cunha moved Portuguese capital from Cochin to Goa.

ii. Portuguese were the last to leave from in India.

iii. The Dutch founded their first factory at Surat.

iv. Sir Thomas Roe was sent to Jahangir’s court by King James I of England.

a. i & ii are Correct.

b. ii & iv are Correct.

c. iii is correct.

d. i, ii & iv are correct.

[Answer: (d) i, ii & iv are correct]

Find out the wrong pair

a. Francis Day - Denmark

b. Pedro Cabral - Portugal

c. Captain Hawkins - Britain

d. Colbert – France

[Answer: (a) Francis Day - Denmark]

VI Answer the following in one or two sentences

1. Give a short note on Archives.

Answer: Archives is the place where historical documents are preserved. The National Archives of India (NAI) is located in New Delhi. It is the chief storehouse of the records of the government of India.

2. Write about the importance of Coins.

Answer: Coins are a good source to know about administrative history. As compared to the literary sources the chances of manipulation is very less in the case of coins. Thus they are an authentic archaelogical source.

3. Why Prince Henry is called ‘Henry the Navigator’?

Answer: Prince Henry of Portugal, who is commonly known as the “Navigator”, encouraged his countrymen to take up the adventurous life of exploring the unknown regions of the world.

4. Name the important factories established by the Dutch in India.

Answer: The important factories in India were Pulicat, Surat, Chinsura, Kasim bazaar, Patna, Nagapatnam, Balasore and Cochin.

5. Mention the trading centres of the English in India.

Answer: The English had established their trading centres at Surat, Agra, Ahmedabad and Broach.



1.  Who among the following was the first European to come to India?

A. Portuguese

B. British

C. French

D. Dutch

Ans: A

Explanation: Portuguese was the first European to come to India. They established trading stations at Calicut, Cochin, and Cannanore. Hence, A is the correct option.

2. Who among the following discovered the Cape Route from Europe to India?

A. Christopher Colobus

B. Vasco-da-Gama

C. Ferdinand Magellan

D. Amerigo Vespucci

Ans: B

Explanation: The Cape Route was discovered from Europe to India by Vasco-da-Gama. He reached the port of Calicut in May, 1498 AD. Hence, B is the correct option.

3. Which of the following Portuguese Governor in India who introduced the ‘Policy of imperialism’?

A.  Francisco de Almeida

B. John Mildenhall

C. Gerald Angier

D. Alfonso de Albuquerque

Ans: D

Explanation: Alfonso de Albuquerque was the second Portuguese Governor in India who introduced the ‘Policy of Imperialism’. Hence, D is the correct option.

4. Which of the following Portuguese Governor in India who captured Goa from the ruler of Bijapur?

A.  Francisco de Almeida

B. John Mildenhall

C. Gerald Angier

D. Alfonso de Albuquerque

Ans: D

Explanation: Alfonso de Albuquerque was the first Portuguese Governor in India who captured Goa from the ruler of Bijapur in 1510 AD. Hence, D is the correct option.

5. The English East India Company was formed by a group of merchants known as the ______ in 1600 AD.

A.  Merchant Adventures

B. English Trader

C. Duke Trading Community

D. Cox & King

Ans: A

Explanation: The English East India Company was formed by a group of merchants known as the Merchant Adventures in 1600 AD. Hence, A is the correct option.

6. Who among the following British explorer and adventurer and one of the first to make an overland journey to India?

A. Francis Dey

B. John Mildenhall

C. Gerald Angier

D. Captain Hawkins

Ans: B

Explanation: John Mildenhall or John Midnall was a British explorer and adventurer and one of the first to make an overland journey to India. He was the self-styled ambassador of the British East India Company in India. Hence, B is the correct option.

7. In which place the first factory of East India Company was built?

A. Masulipatnam

B. Nagapatnam

C. Surat

D. Bombay

Ans: C

Explanation: The first factory of East India Company was built at Surat in 1613 AD. Hence, C is the correct option.

8. Who among the following European forced to sell all their settlements in India to the British?

A. Dutch

B. Portuguese

C. Danish

D. French

Ans: C

Explanation: The Danish formed an East India Company and arrived in India in 1616 AD. They established settlements at Tranquerbar (in Tamil Nadu) in 1620 AD and at Serampore (Bengal) in 1676 AD. However, they failed to strengthen themselves in India and were forced to sell all their settlements in India to the British. Hence, C is the correct option.

9.  Who among the following obtained the site of Madras from the Raja of Chandragiri?

A. Francis Dey

B. John Mildenhall

C. Gerald Angier

D. Captain Hawkins

Ans: A

Explanation: In 1639, Francis Dey obtained the site of Madras from the Raja of Chandragiri with permission to build a fortified factory, which was named Fort St. George. Hence, A is the correct option.



Advent of Europeans to India

I. Complete the following blanks with suitable answers :

In 1453, the Ottoman Turks occupied …………. city.

The sea route between India and Europe was discovered by …………
Vasco-da Gama.

The capital of French in India was ……….

In 1757, Robert live declared …….. war over Siraj-ud-Daula.

The Dewani rights over Bengal were handed over to British by ……….
Shah Alam-II

The dual government policy was implemented by …….. in Bengal.
Robert Clive.

Additional Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Dutch establish ……… company.
United East India.

Question 2.
The Mughul Emperor ………… issued royal permission to English to establish their first warehouse of the factory at Surat.

Question 3.
English had established……….,…….. and ….. as the centres of their Presidencies.
Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta.

Question 4.
French started their first factory insured in the year ………..

Question 5.
The Hyderabad Kingdom was established in 1724 by ……..
Asaf Jah.

Question 6.
Between English and French …….. Carnatic wars took place.
3 (three).

Question 7.
Shah Alam-II accorded the ………… rights over Bengal to the British

Question 8.
English started their first warehouse of a factory at ………

Question 9.
Robert Clive brought in …….. concept.

Question 10.
Nasir Jung defeated French and took …….


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