--> Sayadasite: Chapter 2 The Extension of the British Rule

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Chapter 2 The Extension of the British Rule

 Exercise Questions and Answers

I. Fill In The Blanks With Suitable Answers

Question 1.
At the end of first Anglo – Maratha w ar agreement was entered between Marathas and British.

Question 2.
The subsidiary Alliance system was implemented by ‘
Lord Wellesley

Question 3.
The Doctrine of lapse policy was implemented in the year

Question 4.
The Doctrine of lapse policy was implemented by

Additional Questions and Answers

I. Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
British had gained control most of the eastern parts of India in
a. 1757
b. 1764
d. 1760
c. 1765

Question 2.
Sha Aalarn II instilled the throne of Moghal empire by
a. English
b. Marathas
c. Nawabs
d. Nizams
b. Marathas

Question 3.
During 1st Anglo – Maratha war English were occupied
a. Ahamadabad
b. Nizamabad
c. Aurangabad
d. Usmanabad
a. Ahamadabad

Question 4.
First Anglo – Maratha war ended with treaty of
a. Poona
b. Madras
c. Bessien
d. Salbai
d. Salbai

Question 5.
‘Subsididiary Alliance’ was introduced by
a. Lord Warren Hastings
b. Lord Wellesley
c. Dalhousie
d. Munroe
b. Lord Wellesley

Question 6.
The final result of doctrine of lapse in India was
a. Anglo – Sikh Wars
b. Anglo – Maratha Wars
c. Anglo – Mysore Wars
d. Sepoy Mutiny
d. Sepoy Mutiny

Question 7.
Ranjith Singh has died in
a. 1776
b. 1746
c. 1813
d. 1839
d. 1839

Question 8.
“Continuous Agreement” signed between
a. Maratha’s ad English
b. Ranjith Singh and English
c. Marathas and Ranjith Singh
d. Ranjith Singh and Nizam
b. Ranjith Singh and English

Question 9.
The English gained complete political control over Bengal through the
a. War of Plassey
b. WarofBuxar
c. Carnatic wars
d. War of Plassey and Buxar
d. War of Plassey and Buxar

Question 10.
Lord Wellesley implemented this policy to expand the British empire in India
a. Subsidiary Alliance
b. War against new states
c. Direct administration
d. All the above
d. All the above

Question 11.
Lord Wellesley resigned from his governor-general post because
a. His battle thirstiness increased the financial burden
b. Marathas were defeated the Army of Wellesley
c. Local army protested the all activities of English
d. South Indian ruler did not accept his policies.
a. His battle thirstiness increased the financial burden

Question 12.
British installed Prathap Simha the descendant of Shivaji as the ruler of
a. Avvadlt
b. Tanjavore
c. Gwalior
d. Satara
d. Satara

Question 13.
The Peshwa entered the subsidiary alliance by accepting the treaty of
a. Bassein
b. Salbai
c. Madras
d. Mangalore
a. Bassein

Question 14.
Punjab became the dependent state of East India Company through the
a. Lahore agreement 1848
b. Punjab treaty 1846
c. Lahore agreement 1846
d. Punjab treaty 1848
c. Lahore agreement 1846

II. Answer The Following Questions In One Sentences

Question 1.
How the English gained complete control over Bengal?
English gained complete political control over Bengal through Plassey and Buxar battles.

Question 2.
What was the term took by British to extend their empire in India?
From the middle of 18th century to mid of 19th century.

Question 3.
Which methods used by British to annexed various kingdoms?
Subsidiary Alliance and Doctrine of lapse policies.

Question 4.
Who gave Kora and Alahabad to Marathas?
The Emperor Sha Aalam II.

Question 5.
Which was reason for enmity’ between Marathas and the British?
Sha Aalam II gave Kora and Allahabad to Marathas which he had earlier given them to the British.

Question 6.
How did the first Anglo – Maratha war end?
The Maratha federation unable to sustain the war with the British finally entered ‘Salbai Agreement’ and ended the war.

Question 7.
Who introduced subsidiary alliance?
Lord Wellesley

Question 8.
What is the Aim of Subsidiary alliance?
Military protection agreement between the Indian company and the Indian state.

Question 9.
Which state of India first enter the subsidiary alliance?
Hyderabad state.

Question 10.
Why lord Wellesley resigned from his post?
Lord Wellesley’s battles thirstiness increased the financial burden on the company.

Question 11.
Who introduced doctrine of lapse policy?
Lord Dalhousie

Question 12.
What is doctrine of lapse?
‘if any Indian ruler dies without children their adopted children had no legal right over the throne”.

Question 13.
When the British gained control of most of the eastern parts of India?
In 1765

Question 14.
Which was the main result of 3rd Anglo – Maratha war?
Peslnva Baji Rao II fought against the British at Koregaon and Asliti and later surrendered to the British

Question 15.
Who founded Canons factory at Lahore?
Ranjith Singh

II. Discuss In Group And Then Answer The Following:

Question 1.
Explain the reasons for first Anglo Maratha War.

1.                      Sha Aalam 11 gave Kora and Alahabad to Marathas, which he had earlier given them to the British.

2.                      After death of Mahadeva Rao his brother Narayana Rao came to power but lie was murdered by his uncle Raghobha.

3.                      Maratha appointed Madhara Rao II as Peshwa. So Raghabha was upset with these development and received support from British.

4.                      By that time Marathas were opposed British thus 1st Anglo – Maratha war fought in 1775.

Question 2.
What were the conditions under subsidiary Alliance? Explain.

  • Subsidiary Alliance system was introduced by lord Wellesly in 1798.

This was basically a military protection agreement between the east India company and the Indian state.

The conditions:

  • The Indian king had to keep the British Army in his kingdom.
  • The concerned state had to bear the expenses of the army and the wages of soldiers.
  • The king has to have a British resident in his court.
  • The king could not appoint any other European without British permission.
  • In order to enter any agreement with any Indian government. The governor permission was compulsory.
  • In return of all these services the company would offer protection to the state from any aggression.

Question 3.
Explain third Anglo – Maratha war

  • The Maratha families tried their best to protect their independence and honour.
  • Peshwa attempted to free himself from the clutches of the company.
  • The Peshwa attacked the British residency in Poona.
  • Appa Saheb and Malhar Rao were opposed British.
  • Finally Peshwa Baji Rao II fought against the British at Koregaon and Asthi. [1817- 18]


  • Baji Rao II was surrendered to the British.
  • The British abolished the Peshwa post.
  • The British granted a pension to Baji Rao II.
  • They installed Pratapa Simha, and named him as the traditional leader of Marathas.
  • They suppressed the Maratha resistance.

Question 4.
How did the doctrine of lapse support the expansion of British empire in India?
Dalhousie adopted Doctrine of Lapse policy whereby the adopted children of Indian Kings were refused of their right to throne. According to this policy, “If any Indian ruler dies without children, their adopted children had no legal right over the throne”. And such state gets merged with the British Empire. Princely states like Satara, Nagpur, Sambalpur, Udaipur, Jhansi, Jaipur came under this policy. As the Governor-General knew the conditions of these states, he used this policy as a political weapon.

Question 5.
Which were the states that chine under the doctrine of lapse policy.

  • Satara
  • Nagpura
  • Udaipura
  • Sambalpura
  • Jhansi
  • Jaipura etc

Two Marks Questions

Question 1.
Who were the impediments in the path of expansion for the British in India?

  • Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan of Mysore
  • Marathas and Peshvvas of Maharastra
  • Sikhs of Punjab
  • Nizam of Hyderabad.

Question 2.
Which were the three policies of Wellesley to expand the British empire in India?

  • Subsidiary Alliance
  • Waging war against new states
  • Administrating the states directly

Question 3.
Which states of India have accepted the subsidiary alliance?
Hyderabad. Mysore. Awadh, Tanjavore, Maharashtra. Poona, Bihar, Gwalior and other states.

Question 4.
Which area of India came under the Dalhousie’s control?
Satara, Nagpura, Sambalpura, Udaipur, Jhansi, Jaipur etc.

Question 5.
“Dalhousie used doctrine of lapse policy as a political weapons” How?

  • “If any Indian ruler dies without children, their adopted children had no legal right over the throne’’.
  • ‘Dalhousie know the conditions of weakness states. Ex: Satara, Jaipura.
  • This policy not only for princely families applied to other families.

Three Marks Questions

Question 1.
Write the causes and results of the Second Anglo – Maratha War.

  • The differences among the Maratha chieftains.
  • An enmity broke out between Yeshwanth Rao of Holkar and Daulat Rao of the Sindhia family along with Bajirao II.
  • In 1802 the Army of Holkar defeated Sindhia and Peslnva.
  • The Peshwa received help from British and the entered the Subsidiary Alliance.


  • Wellesley defeated the armies of various Marathas families from 1803 to 1805.
  • The Peshwa accepted the treaty of Bassein.
  • Holkar, Gwalior and Bhonsle formed an Alliance opposing this treaty.

Question 2.
Write a note on Ranjith Singh.

  • Ranjith Singh was born in 1780 as the son of Malan Singh.
  • He lost his father by the age of ten,.
  • When Jaman Sha of Kabul invaded India he offered his services to him.
  • Jaman Sha made him the Governor of Lahore along with the title ‘Raja’.
  • By the support of the Sikh dynasty, he established his own Sikh dynasty.
  • He entered “continuous Agreement” with the British in 1809.
  • He founded a foundry workshop at Lahore.
  • He supported both Hindu and Muslim spiritual leaders.
  • He was successful in protecting his state from the British.
  • He ruled an independent king till his death in 1839.

Question 3.
Explain the Anglo – Sikh Wars.

1.                      Political anarchy broke out in Punjab after the death of Ranjith Singh in 1839.

2.                      The British attempted to invade Punjab violating the continuous friendship pact.

3.                      In December 1845 a war broke out between the British and Punjab. But Hindus, Sikhs, and Muslims got together to defeat the British.

4.                      Finally, they had to accept a humiliating Lahore agreement in 1846. Punjab became the independent state of the East India company.

5.                      The Sikh opposed the direct rule of the British. Chattar Singh Attarivvala in Lahore and Moolraj in Multan.

6.                      Lastly, the people of Punjab were defeated. Finally, Dalhousie merged the state of Punjab with the British empire.

Match The Following
A – B
1. Dalhousie – a. Lion of Punjab
2. Lord Wellesley – b. Supported to English
3. Ranjith Singh – c. Last Peshwa
4. Baji Rao II – d. I solar family
5. Raghobha – e. Subsidiary Alliance
6. Yeshvvanth Rao – f. Doctrine lapse
1. f,
2. e,
3. a,
4. c,
5. b,
6. d


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