--> Sayadasite: Chapter 11 India seasons

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Chapter 11 India seasons


1. Highest temperature region in the country is _______
(Ganganagar, Rajastan)
2. The season of maximum rainfall is _________
(South-West Monsoon)
3. The area receiving the VERY LESS RAINFALL in the country is ________
(Ruyli, Rajastan)
4. The area receiving HIGHEST RAINFALL in the country is _________
(Mawsynram, Meghalaya)
5. Indian agriculture is said to be a ___________ with the monsoons.
1. Which type of climate is experienced by India?

TROPICAL MONSOON type of climate.
2. What are monsoon winds?
These are the winds, BLOWING IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS at different seasons of the year.
3. Which season is generally called the ‘Rainy Season’?
4. What are the FACTORS INFLUENCED on climate of India?
1. Latitude
2. Height from sea level
3. Distance from the sea
4. Direction of the winds
5. Mountain ranges
6. Ocean currents

5. ‘Indian agriculture is gambling with the monsoons’. Discuss.
1. Failure of monsoon leads to drought.
2. If there is heavy rain, it will lead to floods.
3. Floods will distruct the life & property.
4. Hence the Indian agriculture is called as ‘gambling with the monsoons’.
1. What are the special features of TROPICAL MONSOON?
In this climate, the wind blows in opposite directions at different seasons of the year.
2. What are the two directions of monsoon winds in India?
1. Half of the year: Wind blows from South-West to North-East
2. The rest: Wind blows from North-East to South- West
3. The word ‘Monsoon’ is derived from ____________ language.
4. What is the meaning of the word – ‘Mausim’?
5. Where does India located geographically?
Geographically India is located both intropic & temperate zone.
6. Which are the four seasons of Indian climate?
1. SUMMER SEASON(March to May)
2. SOUTH-WEST MONSOON SEASON (June to September)
3. RETREATING MONSOON SEASON (October to November)
4. WINTER SEASON (December to February)
7. What is another name for ‘Rainy Season’?
South-west monsoon
8. Which is the SUMMER season in India?
From the first week of March till the end of May.
9. In India, the TEMPERATURE will be very high during SUMMER. Why?
1. SUN RAYS are PERPENDICULAR in the northern hemisphere.
2. North Indian plains are AWAY FROM THE SEA.
10. In India, the DAYS are quite LONG during SUMMER. Why?
Because, SUN RAYS are PERPENDICULAR in the northern hemisphere.
11. Rajasthan’s Ganganagar records a MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE of____
12. Which is the HOTTEST PLACE in India?GANGANAGAR
13. In summer, the temperature of South India will be MODERATE. Why?
Because, South India is surrounded by WATER ON THREE SIDES.
14. The average temperature of South India during South India is __________
320C to 350C
15.Which parts of India is COOLER during summer?
North-Indian mountain regions & Peninsular Plateau.
16.Why RAINFALL did occurs in some places of India during April & May?
17. What are the different names of rainfalls that occur during April & May in India?
1. ‘KALA BAISAKHI’ in West Bengal
2. ‘ANDHIS’ in Uttar Pradesh

3. ‘COFFEE BLOSSOMS’ in Karnataka
4. ‘MANGO SHOWERS’ in Kerala
18. In summer, India receives only _______ of annual rainfall.
19. In India, ‘Southwest Monsoon’ means ___________.
(Rainy season)
20. Which winds are VERY HUMID and shower RAIN most parts of the country?
South-West Monsoon
21. What is the total rainfall occurs during the Southwest Monsoon season?
22.In how many branches of the South West Monsoon separates into India?
Two Branches
23. Which are the South-West Monsoon winds that separate India into two branches?
1. Arabian Sea Branch
2. Bay of Bengal Branch
24. Write a note: ARABIAN SEA BRANCH of MONSOON WINDS. OR Why do we call EASTERN SIDE of Western Ghats as ‘Rain-Shadow Regions’?
1. The Western Ghats obstruct this wind.
2. So WEST of the GHATS receive maximum rainfall.
3. As this wind moves eastward, the RAIN DECREASES.
4. Hence these eastern regions are called ‘RAIN-SHADOW REGIONS’.
1. It brings rain to North-Indian plains, Himalaya, North-East India.
2. As it moves towards North-West, the RAIN REDUCES.
26. Which branch of the Monsoon winds are blocked by the Western Ghats?
Arabian Sea Branch of Monsoon Winds
27. Which state of India gets very little rain during the South-West Monsoon season? 

By the end of October, the South-West Monsoon begun to retreat from Indian subcontinent. It is called ‘Retreating Monsoon’.
29. Why do Monsoon winds exit from India in October-November?
1. In India, temperature will decrease by the end of October.
2. So there will be a high pressure in Indian land.
3. But in Bay of Bengal, the pressure will be very low.
4. So the Monsoon winds starts to exit from India.
30. How much RAIN does India receive during Retreating Monsoons?
31. Why TROPICAL CYCLONES are dangerous?
1. They frequently occur in Bay of Bengal.
2. They are high speed & heaavy rain winds.
3. They cause widespread damage along their path.
4. Hence tropical cyclones are dangerous.
32. Which states in India witness VERY LOW TEMPEATURE during WINTER?
Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, North Indian Plains
33. How much rain did India gets during winter?
Only 2%
34. Which is the least rainfall season in India?
winter season
35. In which season, normally India receives its annual rainfall?
In rainy season
36. Through which monsoon, normally India receives its annual rainfall?
Through the South-West Monsoon.
37. An average rainfall of India is _______

118 Cms 

38. Which are the 3 regions ofIndia based on rainfall?
1. Low Rainfall Region
2. Moderate Rainfall Region
3. Heavy Rainfall Region
Areas getting less than 50 cms of annual rainfall are called Low Rainfall regions.
40. Which are the areas of deficit rainfall in India?
2. Its adjoining areas like PUNJAB, HARYANA, KUTCH
5. Interior KARNATAKA

41. Where does Ruyli located?
Ruyli is located atJaisalmer district in Rajastan.
42. What is the specialty of Ruyli?
It is the least annual rainfall areaof India.
43. What is the least annual rainfall of Ruyli?
8.3 Cms per annum
44. What is a moderate rainfall regions?
Areas gettingrain from 50 to 250 Cms are called Moderate Rainfall Regions.
45. What is a high rainfall regions?
Areas receivingrain more than 250 Cms are called high Rainfall Regions.
46. Which are the areas of high rainfall in India?
1. Western parts of Western Ghats
2. Assam
3. Other Eastern States
4. West Bengal
47. Which is the highest rainfall Area both in India & world?
Mawsynram of Meghalaya
48. How does the climatic condition of a country affect a country? or How does the climate of a country has a great influence on its economy?
1. It influences the nation’s economy.
2. It controls the agriculture of India.
3. Failure of rainfall leads to drought.
4. Heavy rainfall results the flood. In this way, climatic condition affects a country.




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