--> Sayadasite: UNIT – IV Business Concepts in E-Commerce

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UNIT – IV Business Concepts in E-Commerce

1-Mark Questions

1.     What is Digital Marketing?


What is Digital Marketing? Digital marketing refers to the practice of promoting products or services using digital channels such as the internet, social media, mobile devices, search engines, and other digital platforms. It encompasses various online marketing strategies aimed at reaching and engaging with target audiences to drive brand awareness, lead generation, and sales.

2.     What is Digital Advertising?


What is Digital Advertising? Digital advertising involves the use of online platforms and channels to deliver promotional messages or advertisements to target audiences. It includes various formats such as display ads, search engine marketing (SEM), social media ads, video ads, and sponsored content.


3.     Write any two types of Digital marketing.


Write any two types of Digital marketing:


o              Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO involves optimizing website content and structure to improve visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), thereby driving organic (non-paid) traffic to the website.


o              Social Media Marketing (SMM): SMM involves promoting products or services through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. It includes creating and sharing content, engaging with followers, and running paid advertising campaigns.


4.     Write any two examples of social marketing.


Write any two examples of social marketing:


o              Cause-related Marketing: Brands align themselves with social causes or issues and



promote their products or services while supporting charitable initiatives. For example, a company may donate a portion of its sales to environmental conservation efforts.


o              Influencer Marketing: Brands collaborate with social media influencers who have a large following and influence over their audience to promote their products or services. Influencers create content endorsing the brand and share it with their followers, leveraging their credibility and trust.


5.     Write any two types of Mobile marketing.


Write any two types of Mobile marketing:


o              Mobile Advertising: Mobile advertising involves delivering promotional messages or advertisements to users on their mobile devices through various channels such as mobile apps, websites, SMS (short message service), MMS (multimedia message


service), and in-app notifications.


o              App-based Marketing: App-based marketing focuses on promoting products or services within mobile applications. This includes in-app advertisements, sponsored content, in-app purchases, and push notifications to engage and retain users.

6.     Write any two ethical issues of E-commerce.


Write any two ethical issues of E-commerce:


o              Privacy Concerns: E-commerce platforms collect and store a vast amount of personal data from users, including their browsing history, purchase behavior, and financial information. Ethical issues arise when companies misuse or mishandle this data, such as unauthorized data sharing or failing to secure sensitive information, leading to privacy


breaches and concerns.


o              Consumer Trust: E-commerce relies heavily on building trust with customers to foster long-term relationships and repeat business. Ethical issues arise when businesses engage in deceptive practices, such as false advertising, misleading product information, or undisclosed fees, which erode consumer trust and confidence in the brand.

7.     Write any two social issues of E-commerce.


Write any two social issues of E-commerce:


o              Digital Divide: E-commerce has the potential to widen the gap between those who have access to digital technology and those who do not, creating disparities in access to goods, services, and economic opportunities. People without internet access or digital


literacy skills may be excluded from participating in online commerce, exacerbating social inequalities.


o              Job Displacement: The growth of e-commerce and automation technologies has led to concerns about job displacement and the loss of traditional retail jobs. Brick-and-mortar stores may struggle to compete with online retailers, leading to store closures and layoffs, particularly for low-skilled workers in the retail sector.


5-Mark Questions

1. What is the difference between Digital marketing and Digital advertising?


Difference between Digital marketing and Digital advertising:


o              Digital Marketing: Digital marketing refers to a broader concept that encompasses various online marketing strategies and tactics aimed at reaching and engaging with target audiences to achieve business goals. It includes activities such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), content marketing, email marketing, and more. Digital marketing focuses on building relationships with customers and


driving overall brand awareness, engagement, and conversions.


o              Digital Advertising: Digital advertising, on the other hand, is a subset of digital marketing that specifically involves paid promotional activities across digital channels. It includes various formats such as display ads, search engine marketing (SEM), social media ads, video ads, and sponsored content. Digital advertising is more focused on direct promotion and driving immediate actions, such as clicks, leads, or sales.

2.     Explain social marketing.


Explain social marketing: Social marketing involves leveraging social media platforms and networks to promote products, services, or causes and engage with target audiences. It focuses on creating and sharing content that resonates with users' interests and preferences, fostering community engagement, and building brand awareness and loyalty. Social marketing strategies may include creating and sharing compelling content, engaging with followers through comments and messages, running paid advertising campaigns, and collaborating with influencers to reach wider audiences.

3.     Explain mobile marketing.


Explain mobile marketing: Mobile marketing refers to marketing strategies and tactics aimed at reaching and engaging with audiences on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It includes various channels and techniques such as mobile advertising, app-based marketing, SMS (short message service) marketing, MMS (multimedia message service) marketing, and location-based marketing. Mobile marketing capitalizes on the widespread use of mobile devices to deliver personalized and timely messages, drive user engagement, and promote products or services effectively.

4.     Explain Location based marketing.


Explain Location-based marketing: Location-based marketing utilizes location data from mobile devices to deliver targeted and personalized marketing messages or advertisements to users based on their geographical location. It allows businesses to reach customers with relevant offers, promotions, or information based on their proximity to physical locations or specific areas. Location-based marketing techniques may include geo-targeted ads, check-in rewards, location-based notifications, and proximity-based marketing using technologies such as GPS (Global Positioning System) or beacon technology.

5.     What are the ethical issues in e-commerce? Explain.


What are the ethical issues in e-commerce? Explain: Ethical issues in e-commerce include concerns related to privacy, security, transparency, fairness, and consumer rights. Some common ethical issues include:


o Privacy Concerns: E-commerce platforms collect and store vast amounts of personal data from users, raising concerns about data privacy and unauthorized access or misuse of personal information.


o Security Risks: E-commerce transactions involve sensitive financial information, making them susceptible to security breaches, data theft, and fraudulent activities.


o Transparency and Trust: Ethical e-commerce practices require businesses to be transparent about product information, pricing, terms, and conditions, and to build trust with customers through honest and accurate representations.


o Consumer Rights: E-commerce consumers have rights regarding product quality, delivery, refunds, and dispute resolution. Ethical e-commerce practices involve respecting and upholding consumer rights and providing fair and satisfactory resolutions to customer complaints or issues.

What are the social issues in e-commerce? Explain.


What are the social issues in e-commerce? Explain: Social issues in e-commerce relate to broader societal impacts and concerns arising from the growth and adoption of online commerce. Some social issues include:


o Digital Divide: E-commerce may widen the gap between those with access to digital technology and those without, exacerbating inequalities in access to goods, services, and economic opportunities.


o Job Displacement: The rise of e-commerce and automation technologies may lead to job displacement and the loss of traditional retail jobs, particularly for low-skilled workers in brick-and-mortar stores.


o Cultural Impact: E-commerce globalization may affect local cultures and economies by promoting standardized products and homogenized consumer preferences, potentially diminishing cultural diversity and local businesses.


o Social Isolation: Increased reliance on online shopping and digital interactions may contribute to social isolation and reduced community engagement, as people spend less time interacting face-to-face and more time online.


10-Mark Questions

1. Explain Social, Mobile and Location based Marketing in E-commerce.



Explain Social, Mobile, and Location-based Marketing in E-commerce:


o              Social Marketing in E-commerce: Social marketing involves leveraging social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to promote products or services, engage with customers, and build brand awareness. Businesses use social media to share content, interact with followers, run advertising campaigns, and gather customer feedback. Social marketing in e-commerce focuses on creating authentic connections with customers, driving website traffic, and increasing sales through social




o              Mobile Marketing in E-commerce: Mobile marketing in e-commerce refers to marketing strategies and tactics aimed at reaching and engaging with consumers on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This includes mobile-responsive websites, mobile apps, SMS marketing, push notifications, and location-based marketing. Mobile marketing leverages the ubiquity of mobile devices to deliver


personalized, timely, and location-specific messages to consumers, enhancing the shopping experience and driving conversions.


o              Location-based Marketing in E-commerce: Location-based marketing utilizes location data from mobile devices to deliver targeted and personalized marketing messages to consumers based on their physical location. Businesses use geotargeting techniques to reach consumers in specific geographic areas and deliver relevant promotions, offers, or notifications. Location-based marketing enhances the relevance and effectiveness of marketing campaigns by delivering messages tailored to consumers' real-time location and preferences.

2.     What are Ethical, Social, and political issues in E-commerce? Explain.


What are Ethical, Social, and Political issues in E-commerce? Explain:


o              Ethical Issues: Ethical issues in e-commerce encompass concerns related to privacy, security, transparency, fairness, and consumer rights. Examples include data privacy violations, security breaches, misleading advertising, deceptive pricing practices, intellectual property infringement, and unethical treatment of workers in the supply




o              Social Issues: Social issues in e-commerce pertain to broader societal impacts and concerns arising from the growth and adoption of online commerce. Examples include the digital divide, job displacement due to automation and online retail, environmental sustainability, cultural impact, social isolation, and implications for local economies and




o              Political Issues: Political issues in e-commerce involve government regulations, policies, and interventions that affect the operation and regulation of online businesses. Examples include taxation of e-commerce transactions, regulation of online marketplaces and platforms, data protection laws, intellectual property rights enforcement, cross-border trade regulations, and net neutrality.

3.     What are the Strategies and Tools used in Digital marketing and advertising? Explain.


What are the Strategies and Tools used in Digital marketing and advertising? Explain:


o              Digital Marketing Strategies: Digital marketing strategies encompass various online tactics and channels aimed at reaching and engaging with target audiences to achieve marketing objectives. Common digital marketing strategies include content marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing (SMM), email marketing,


influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, and search engine marketing (SEM).



o              Digital Advertising Tools: Digital advertising tools enable businesses to create, manage, and optimize online advertising campaigns across different platforms and channels. These tools include ad networks, social media advertising platforms (e.g., Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Twitter Ads), search engine advertising platforms (e.g., Google Ads, Bing Ads), programmatic advertising platforms, ad management platforms, analytics tools, and customer relationship management (CRM) software.

These strategies, along with ethical considerations, social impacts, and political regulations, play crucial roles in shaping the e-commerce landscape and influencing the success of businesses operating in the digital realm.

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