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Digital Fluency important questions 2024 part 1

Module 1: Emerging Technologies


1.               Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning


1.      What is Artificial intelligence?


a)               Putting your intelligence into Computer


b)              Programming with your own intelligence


c)                 Making a Machine intelligent


d)              Playing a Game


2.      Who is the father of Artificial Intelligence?


a)               Charles Babbage


b)              Alan Turing


c)                 John McCarthy


d)              Bill Gates


3.      Which programming language is used for AI?


a)                 Python


b)                LISP


c)                   PROLOG


d)                All the above


4.      What is the full form of “ML”?


a)                 Machine Learning


b)                Machine Looking


c)                   Mechanic Link


d)                Many Learning


5.      Machine learning is a subset of ................


a)                 Deep Learning


b)                Artificial Intelligence


c)                   Data Learning


d)                None of the above


6.      Which of the following is an example of deep learning?


a)                 Self-driving cars


b)                Pattern recognition


c)                   Natural language processing


d)                All of the above


2.                        Database Management for Data Science, Big Data Analytics


1.                  What is abbreviation of DBMS?


a)     Data Base Management system


b)    Data base mining source


c)       Data Base Management Schema


d)    Data Base Manipulation Schema


2.                  Which is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) with a client-server model?


a)     Oracle


b)    MySQL


c)       MS-Access


Dept of Computer Science – VSKUB   1

d)    None of the above

3.                  Amongst which of the following can be considered as the main source of unstructured data.


a)     Twitter


b)    Facebook


c)       Webpages


d)    All of the mentioned above


3.      Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)


1.                  IoT stands for?


a)     Introduction of Things


b)    Internet of Things


c)       Internet of Tracking


d)    Interaction of Things


2.                  IIoT stands for


a)     Industrial Internet of Things


b)    Internet Internet of Things


c)       Intelligence Internet of Things


d)    Internal Internet of Things


3.                         IoT devices are naturally vulnerable to threats

a)     Sensors


b)    Heterogeneity


c)       Security


d)    Connectivity


4.                  What is the full form of IaaS?


a)     Internet as a Software


b)    Internet as a Service


c)       Infrastructure as a Software


d)    Infrastructure as a Service


5.                  What is the full form of PaaS?


a)     Platform as a service


b)    Product as a software


c)       People as a service


d)    Press as software


6.                  What is the full form of SaaS?


a)     Software as a Service


b)    Source as a service


c)       Special as a software


d)    Shift as a software

7.                  Which of the following is the way in which an IoT device is associated with data?


a)     Internet


b)    Cloud


c)       Automata


d)    Network



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8.                     An IoT network is a collection of  devices.


a)     Signal


b)    Machine to Machine


c)       Interconnected


d)    Network to Network


9.                  What is the role of Big Data in IoT's Smart Grid architecture?


a)     Filter the data


b)    Locked the data


c)       Store data


d)    None of the these


10.                   attacks are real threats to IIoT.


a)     Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)


b)    Worms


c)       Ransomware


d)    Virus


4.     Cloud computing and its service models


1.                  What is Cloud Computing?


a)     Cloud Computing means providing services like storage, servers, database, networking, etc


b)    Cloud Computing means storing data in a database


c)       Cloud Computing is a tool used to create an application


d)    None of the mentioned


2.                  What does the word Cloud represent in cloud computing?


a)     Internet


b)    Wireless


c)       Data


d)    Disk


3.                  Which technique is used in creating cloud computing?


a)     Transubstantiation


b)    Virtualization


c)       Insubordination


d)    Cannibalization


4.              A private cloud is   .


a)     It is a cloud maintained within an enterprise data center.


b)    It can be accessible by anyone


c)       It is offered offline


d)    All the above


5.            Amazon uses   as a cloud platform.


a)     AWS


b)    Azure


c)       Opera


d)    Gdrive


Dept of Computer Science – VSKUB



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