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Conversion tracking and optimization

What is Conversion Tracking?

Conversion tracking is a marketing term used to describe the process of tracking the number of visits, page views, and conversions (eg. Sales or leads) resulting from a campaign or advertisement.

What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the process of implementing different tactics to increase the percentage of visitors who convert (take a desired action) on your website.

Conversions can be many different activities, depending on what you want to achieve. 

Making a purchase

Signing up for a free trial

Booking a demo

Subscribing to a newsletter

Creating an account

Optimizing conversion rates on your website can have a direct impact on your bottom line. 

And while other marketing disciplines like search engine optimization (SEO) usually take months to show results, CRO tactics can prove effective almost immediately.

There are many different measures that can be tracked in conversion tracking, but some of the most common include:

1. Visits: This measures how many people have come to your site from a different source (eg. Search engines, social media, email campaigns).

2. Page views: This measures how many pages have been viewed on your site.

3. Conversions: These measures how many people have taken some action (eg. Bought a product, signed up for a newsletter, submitted a form) as a result of viewing your site.

How Does Conversion Tracking Work?

Conversion tracking is a way for web marketers to measure the success of their online advertising campaigns. The goal of conversion tracking is to identify how many visitors reached a specific goal, such as signing up for a mailing list or making a purchase.

There are a variety of ways to track conversions. The most common method is to create an event or action that triggers a conversion, such as when someone signs up for a mailing list or makes a purchase. Other methods include using cookies and web beacons. Cookies are small files that websites place on a visitor's computer. When the visitor returns, the website can read the cookie and track the visitor's activity across pages on the website. Web beacons are small pieces of code that websites or ad networks can insert into web pages or ads. When a visitor clicks on the beacon, the Beacon sends information about the visitor's device, such as the browser, operating system, and IP address, to the advertiser.

Once a conversion has been tracked, the web marketer can determine which ads and pages attracted the visitor and whether the visitor completed the desired action. This information can be used to improve future campaigns and track the effectiveness of each individual ad.

Benefits of Conversion

Conversion tracking is the process of recording the actions taken by website visitors that result in conversions. This information can be used to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts and to make changes to the marketing strategy that can improve the conversion rate.

There are a number of benefits to conversion tracking:

1. Provides detailed data on how visitors are converting, which can help to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

2. Which marketing efforts are working and which ones need modification?

3. Help to determine which areas of the website need more attention.

4. Provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences, which can be used to create more personalised content and advertisements.

5. Help to measure the success of customer retention strategies.

6. To identify areas where the website needs to be updated or improved.

7. Help to identify any problems with the websites design or functionality.

8. To measure the success of customer service initiatives.

9. Provide valuable insights into how different ad campaigns are performing.

10. Can help to identify any areas where the website is over-selling or under-selling its products or services.

How to Setup Conversion Tracking With Google Analytics

If you’re using Google Analytics as well, you can also set up conversion tracking there.

Google Analytics can track both online and offline conversions, so it’s a good idea to set it up even if you’re only using Google Ads for your digital marketing campaigns.

The first step is to create a new goal in Google Analytics.

To do this, follow these steps:

Sign in to your Google Analytics account.

Click on Admin in the left-hand sidebar.

Select the View where you want to add the goal.

Click on Goals in the View column.

Click the +New Goal button.

Enter a name for your goal and select the type of goal

There are four types of goals:



Pages/Screens per session


Reporting and data visualization 6

Tracking and measuring key performance indicators  4

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