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Setting up web analytics tools

What Is GA4?

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a free tool for tracking visits to websites and apps. And the interactions that happen on these. 

The tool provides insights into traffic numbers, user demographics, most-visited pages, and more.

Google is the developer of GA4—and its predecessor, Universal Analytics (UA).

In this guide, we’ll explore how GA4 differs from UA and how to set up GA4.

And how to use it to track your website’s performance.

How GA4 Tracking Differs from UA

UA is the previous version of Google Analytics before Google launched GA4 in October 2020.

GA4 differs from UA in ways like:

Terminology for user interactions: UA (Universal Analytics) calls user interactions “hits.” With different hit types for page views, events, and other interactions. In contrast, GA4 calls all user interactions “events.”

Changes to the Google Analytics account structure: UA accounts could contain multiple properties. Which could, in turn, contain multiple views for creating filtered data segments. GA4 accounts can still contain multiple properties, but they cannot contain views. And unlike UA properties, GA4 properties can receive multiple data streams from websites and apps. Instead of tracking data from only one source.

Standard UA accounts stopped processing data on July 1, 2023. So, if you want to track your website performance using Google Analytics, you will need to set up GA4.

How to Set up GA4

Setting up GA4 involves five main steps:

Create a GA4 Account

Create a GA4 Property

Provide Your Business Details

Provide Your Business Objectives

Create a Data Stream

1. Create a GA4 Account

You will need a Google Analytics account to set up GA4. If you don’t already have a GA4 account, create one by going to https://analytics.google.com/ and logging in to your Google account.


If you don’t have a Google account, click “Create account” on the login screen to create one.

Once you’ve logged in, click the gear icon on the left sidebar to access the “Admin” settings.

Then, on the Admin dashboard, click “+ Create” > “Account” to create your Google Analytics account.

Give your account a name in the “Account name” field. And use the “Account Data Sharing Settings” to select the purposes for which you’re willing to share your data with Google.

Click “Next” when you’re done.

2. Create a GA4 Property

The next step is to create a property in your GA4 account.

A property is a collection of data from a website and/or app. A simple GA4 property example is a property that contains data from just one website. Or one app.

But if you have more advanced reporting needs, set up a property to comprise data from multiple sources.

To create a GA4 property, give your property a name using the “Property name” field. The name needs to contain at least four characters.

Next, provide your preferred time zone and currency for your reports.

Click “Next.”

3. Provide Your Business Details

Fill out the “Industry category” and “Business size” fields.

Click “Next.”

4. Provide Your Business Objectives

Select at least one of the business objectives shown on the screen. This is to help GA4 customize its default reports to meet your needs.

If you select “Get baseline reports,” GA4 will provide a collection of reports for activity across the customer life cycle. Instead of providing reports tailored to a specific business objective.

Then, click “Create.”

The Google Analytics terms of service agreement will appear on the screen. Adjust the country setting to view the appropriate agreement for your geographical region if you need to.

Review the terms of service. If you accept them, click “I Accept” to proceed to the next step.


If your business is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you’ll also need to select the “I also accept the Data Processing Terms as required by GDPR” checkbox.

5. Create a Data Stream

The final step is to create a data stream. Which will send data from your website or app to your GA4 property.

The steps for creating a data stream differ depending on whether your data source is a website, iOS app, or Android app.

To create a data stream from a website, click “Web.”

Type your domain into the “Website URL” field. And use the “Stream name” field to name your data stream.

Then click “Create stream.”

A window will slide in, showing your data stream’s measurement ID and other details.

Save the measurement ID to a text file for convenient reference—you may need it later.

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Tracking and measuring

key performance indicators 4

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