--> Sayadasite: Email Marketing

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Email Marketing

Unit III

Email Marketing: Introduction toemail marketing, Building an email list, Creating effective email campaigns, Email automation and segmentation, Email marketing metrics and analytics

Content Marketing: Understanding content marketing, Content strategy andplanning, Content creation and distribution, Content promotion and amplification, Content marketing metrics and analytics.

Email Marketing

Introduction to email marketing

Email marketing is a form of marketing that can make the customers on your email list aware of new products, discounts, and other services. It can also be a softer sell to educate your audience on the value of your brand or keep them engaged between purchases. It can also be anything in between.

Email marketing is a type of direct digital marketing method that uses emails to engage with a business's audiences. It involves sending promotional or informational content. Email marketing is typically used to create product or brand awareness and generate leads or sales.

Why do we use Email Marketing?

 It’s one of the least expensive means of marketing. It’s also extremely effective in helping you gather data that enables you to better appeal to your customers.

With email marketing, you can measure the effectiveness of your messaging based on metrics such as open rate, clickthrough rate, and conversion. You can also look at data such as how long a person spent on your site, and what they clicked once they were there and weren’t  successful, allowing you to refine future messages, segment audiences, and create more compelling offers.

What is the audience segment?

Audience segmentation is the process of grouping people based on shared characteristics. These groups, or audience segments, can be used to create more targeted campaigns, and tailored messaging that resonate with your target audiences.

Building an email list

List building is the process of collecting email addresses from visitors, customers, and other patrons of a business. This can be done using a website, social media accounts, events, in-store signup sheets, and more

Email marketing helps you not only to build a relationship with your customers, but gives you a proven way to nurture lead and convert them into long lasting customers. 

No matter what type of business you operate, an email list is the most important element of a successful marketing strategy.

With that list, you can share your story, promote your business, and showcase your products, all while turning subscribers into paying customers.

Email marketing helps you build a relationship with your customers.

Here’s how to combine pop‑up forms and Facebook ads to start growing your list in a few simple steps.

How to Build an Email List

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