--> Sayadasite: Chapter 8 Social Stratification

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Chapter 8 Social Stratification

I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate answers:

Question 1.
Minority Communities are allowed to establish educational institutions under article …………… of the constitution.

Question 2.
The Practice of untouchability is prohibited by ……….. article.

Question 3.
The Untouchability Crimes act implemented in the year ……………

II. Discuss in groups and answer the following:

Question 1.
What are the reasons for Social Inequality?
The fact that people are stratified according to various qualities (Gender, Caste, Profession, Class and Race) is the proof of Social Inequality. The Social Inequalities are Income sources, Education and Professional opportunities, health facilities and political representation and participation. This means Social inequality is the result of already present unequal social opportunities. For example, by neglecting the social service sectors like Public Health system, Public education and social security; the life of the poor is made difficult.

Question 2.
How does gender discrimination take place?
Gender Inequality is one of the various Social Inequalities gets formed. In reality, our social perspectives are interdependent. It means one person’s thoughts are influenced by other’s thoughts. Such influences on an individual are may be due to the thoughts of the family members or from the neighbors. Hence, the motivational issues supporting the education of a boy or a girl has more in the social sphere of human life. There is more gender-based inequality in access to school education, food, and health facilities.

Question 3.
What are the features of Social Stratification?
Features of Social Stratification:

1.                      Social Stratification is social in nature: The Stratification is based on the social recognition and importance but not on any physical traits like height, beauty and strength; but it is based on his education, income profession, skill and other social traits.

2.                      The Social Stratification is Universal: Social stratification is universal. Whenever human society exits, social stratification exists based on the division of labor, profession, income and other social traits.

3.                      Social Stratification is ancient: The Social Stratification is in existence since the birth of human society. Social Stratification is found in Nomadic society as well as the modern civilized societies.

4.                      Social Stratification exists in different ways: The Social Stratification exists in different names in different areas.

For example in ancient Rome differences were there between Plebeians and Patricians. Similarly in India four groups of people: Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vyshya, and Shudra were there based on Karma theory.

Question 4.
How is Untouchability a social evil? Discuss.
In the beginning, the Varna System was present in the Indian Society. It is believed that it started during the Vedic period. ‘Four Varna System’ is a system of social division. It is said that it is based on Karma theory. Brahmana, Kshtriya, Vysya and Shudra – are four varnas. All the people who belong to these four groups are expected to perform their respective roles.

The fifth group which were considered as untouchables, were never considered as humans. The practice of untouchability has its beginning in Varna System. The untouchables were expected to carry the night soil, dead animals and other filthy jobs according to B. Kuppuswamy. They were assigned the lowest possible position in the Caste system. Their birth was the main reason for this restriction on their social mobility. Untouchables were kept out of education for many centuries. They were not supposed to listen to Veda recitation nor recite them also. They were barred from learning Sanskrit.

They were not supposed to learn about religious texts. They were kept outside the ambit of education. Ambedkar could come up with more provisions and directives in the draft version of the constitution of India. And he is rightly called “The Chief Architect of the Indian Constitution.

Additional Questions and Answers

I. Complete The Following Blanks With Suitable Answers

Question 1.
Equal opportunities and social justice are created by

Question 2.
Right to speak and right to express ones own opinion belongs to Article.

Question 3.
There is more gender-based inequality in access to and
Education and health

Question 4.
Independent India has taken a special interest in providing to ail.

II. Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
Education is a special structure that brings in
a. Religious equality
b. Equal development
c. Welfare of people
d. Social justice and people welfare
d. Social justice and people welfare

Question 2.
The government support the education interest of SC and ST through the
a. Article 45
b. Article 29
c. Article 46
d. Article 21
c. Article 46

Question 3.
This act classified the untouchables and tribal people as scheduled castes and tribes
a. Independence Act of 1947
b. India Government Act of 1935
c. Queen Victoria Act
d. Untouchability Crime Act 1955
b. India Government Act of 1935

III. Three Marks Questions

Question 1.
Which steps are taken to control social inequality
Article 39, it is said that providing social justice and people welfare is the duty of the state government.

  • Article 21 A says free and compulsory education to all children between 6 and 14 years is a fundamental right of the children.
  • Article 19 says that the right to speak and write to express one’s own opinion is the fundamental right.
  • Article 29 provides for the protection of cultural rights of the minorities
  • Article 30 provided for the establishment of minority educational institutions
  • Article 46 clearly expresses that it is the duty of the government to support the education interest of scheduled caste and tribes.

Question 3.
Which steps are taken to control untouchability?

·         Article 15, 16, 17, 38 and 39 prohibits any discrimination among the Indian citizens

·         Article 16(4) and 320(4) have provided reservation in the employment for the scheduled tribe and scheduled castes.

·         Article 330, 332, 334 provides scheduled reservations for scheduled castes and tribes in politics.

·         Article 29 declares education facilities

·         Article 25 has given rights to all people to enter public temples.


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