--> Sayadasite: Future Tense

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Future Tense

The future tense is the verb tense used to describe a future event or state of being.

Future Simple

I will do

Future Continuous
I will be doing

Future Perfect
I will have done

Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been doing

What is Future Simple tense?

The simple future tense is a tense that is used to represent an action that takes place in the future.

Future Simple tense

Subject + will/shall + V1 + Object 

1)      I will meet him later

2)      It will rain tomorrow

3)      She will be late

4)      He will help us later

5)      They will cook dinner

6)      We shall go to the picnic tomorrow by bus.

7)      I shall be sixteen next Tuesday.

8)      I shall go to college tomorrow.

9)      I will win the match.

10)                  I think they will come back.

11)                  The result will be out on 22nd May.

12)                  I am going to buy a new car.

13)                  They fly to Paris tomorrow.

14)                  The school opens next Tuesday.

15)                  The party is next week.

What is Future Perfect tense?

The future perfect tense is a tense form that can be used to represent an action or event that will be over within a particular time in the future

Future Perfect tense

Subject + will have/shall have + V3 + Object 

1)      Boys will have played tennis by then.

2)      She will have studied hard during the exam.

3)      We will have written a letter.

4)      He will have run two kilometers.

5)      They will have scored a good mark in the exam.

6)      She will have cleaned their house.

7)      They will have played football in that field before you reach.

8)      April will have gone to the coffee shop before she comes here.

9)      Bob will have gone to the library before he comes to the class.

10)                  We will have shopped in that market before you come home.

What is Future Continuous tense?

The future continuous tense is generally used to represent an event or action that is happening at a certain point in time in the future

Future Continuous tense

Subject + will be/shall be + ing + V1 + Object 

1)      I will be writing the letter tomorrow.

2)      The baby will be playing the whole night.

3)      I will be helping my mother to make breakfast.

4)      Sheldon will be eating the cake later.

5)      Penny will be running the marathon tomorrow.

6)      She will be taking her dog for a walk


What is Future Perfect Continuous tense?

The future perfect continuous, also sometimes called the future perfect progressive, is a verb tense that describes actions that will continue up until a point in the future.

Future Perfect Continuous tense

Subject + will have been + V1 + ing + Object 

1)      I will have been waiting here for three hours by six o'clock.

2)      By 2001 I will have been living in London for sixteen years.

3)      When I finish this course, I will have been learning English for twenty years.

4)      Next year I will have been working here for four years.

5)      He will have been doing this since 2025.

6)      She will have been making noises for 10 minutes.

7)      It will have been neighing since morning.

8)      I shall have been laughing for an hour.

9)      We shall have been studying since Friday.

10)                  They will have been doing that business for 10 months.











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