--> Sayadasite: The Future of Education

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The Future of Education

The Future of Education (A Student's Perspective) by Anna Nixon

Who is Anna Nixon?

Post-millennial young leader, Anna Nixon is an award-winning roboticist pioneering the world of technology and innovation. An advocate for the involvement of more females in STEM activities, she has devoted her time to increasing awareness of the importance of education.

Anna Nixon is an award-winning robotics, an accomplished conference speaker, a teacher and a young leader representing the post-millennial generation.

When Anna was in second grade, her father brought home a small robotics kit.

In elementary school her participation in robotics taught her about the engineering process, working as a team and presenting her ideas effectively. When she went to middle school she decided to take the initiative to start her own robotics team. That process taught her about leadership and management. This was also when she got really interested in STEM and started to explore programming. Now she is currently the software lead and vice president of her high school robotics team where she has expanded her knowledge to include mechanical and electrical skills as well as furthered her understanding of programming.

Anna wanted to give others access to the opportunities that she had grown up with, so she decided to cofound a nonprofit organisation dedicated to inspiring other girls to pursue opportunities and learning in science, technology, engineering, and math called STEM4Girls.

Anna launched 2018 with an inspiring TedX talk on inspiring students with the right type of education: “The value of schooling lies in the critical thinking skills that allow us to solve a variety of problems. By showing students the real world applications of what they’re learning, they’re more likely to stay engaged.”

Being a young leader (born in 2000), Anna represents a new generation that is coming to the workforce, she speaks about the importance of technical education for young kids, future technology trends, girls in STEM fields, generational changes caused by technology and education and much more.


My grandmother was born in small town village in India where the education ratio for young girls was quite low at that time she only allowed to study till 4th grade and after begging and requesting then she allowed studying further one year. At the age of 19 she got married and at 25 she was raising 3 children. Because my grandmother never had a chance to complete her graduation so my mom when she was 19 at that time she had two choices whether to get married or to complete her bachelor degree. My mother chosen education and completed her bachelor’s degree in mathematics and then masters in computer science. After that she got married and move to America with my dad and my three younger sisters. To this day whenever I call to my grandparents she never fell to remind me ANNA remember to study hard the most valuable thing anyone can own is knowledge and to me these are inspirational example of my parents and grandparents for getting progress and move on in life.

Access to education changes life and in order to get everyone life better we need get education access as easy as possible and we need to ensure that the kid have access to write type of education and there is no way to protect future of all But the critical thinking can allow us to solve variety of problem. Some of the jobs today were not existed 30 years ago and some of the jobs will be created after 30 years which we cannot imagine today. We need to teach children what to learn and how to learn and for those teaching skills is most needed by that they will be able to understand where to apply that knowledge.

Every subject is important whether they study chemistry, Calculus or leadership sometimes students get frustrated by these subjects because they are not experiencing that knowledge in their practical life so far. We have to create that environment of learning from their students can experience their learning and studies have proven that students do better when get emotional with their subject. But the problem is school has to provide that funding, environment and learning to students and we need to work on it .for example FIRST robotics they provide experience knowledge to their students and students are involved in innovating new robots.

I want to create the same opportunities for the influential girls were they can learn technology, engineering, computer and mathematics so for that I co founded Stem4girl a non profitable organization where girls are not only taught engineering, math’s and computer but also experience same what they have learned in lecture. Stem4girl organizes different seminar and workshops to indulge students in practical work. The same thing can also be done in different fields as well so that the students can be ready to face upcoming challenges in developing world.

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