--> Sayadasite: E-GOVERNANCE

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UNIT III        



The term e-commerce was coined back in the 1960s, with the rise of electronic commerce – the buying and selling of goods through the transmission of data – which was made possible by the introduction of the electronic data interchange. Fast forward fifty years and e-commerce has changed the way in which society sells goods and services.

E-commerce has become one of the most popular methods of making money online and an attractive opportunity for investors. For those interested in buying an e-commerce business, this article serves to provide an introduction to e-commerce, covering the reasons for its popularity, the main distribution models and a comparison of the major e-commerce platforms available.

 ‘E-commerce’ and ‘online shopping’ are often used interchangeably but at its core e-commerce is much broader than this – it embodies a concept for doing business online, incorporating a multitude of different services e.g. making online payments, booking flights etc.

E-Commerce refers to the paperless exchange of business information using electronic data interchange, electronic mail, electronic bulletin boards, electronic funds transfer, worldwide web and other network based technologies.

E-Commerce is the business environment in which information for the buying, selling and transportation of goods and services moves electronically. E-Commerce includes any technology that enables a company to do business electronically.

E-Commerce is the application of communication and information sharing technologies among trading partners to pursuit of business objectives. E-Commerce is associated with the buying and selling of information, products and services via computer networks. It is a new way of conducting, managing and executing business transactions using computer and telecommunication networks.

Some of the direct benefits of Electronic Commerce are:

Improved Productivity

Cost Savings

Streamlined Business Processes

Better Customer Service

Opportunities for New Businesses

1) Improved Productivity:

Using electronic commerce, the time required creating, transferring and process a business transaction between trading partners is significantly reduced. Furthermore, human errors and other problems like duplications of records are largely eliminated with the reduction of data entry and re-entry in the process. This improvement in speed and accuracy, plus the easier access to document and information, will result in increase in productivity.

2) Cost Savings:

Based on the experience of a wide variety of early adopters of electronic commerce. Forrester Research has estimated that doing business on the Internet can result in cost savings of about 5% to 10% of sales. This cost savings stem from efficient communication, quicker turnaround time and closer access to markets.

3) Streamlines Business Processes:

Cost savings are amplified when businesses go a step further and adapt their internal processes and back-end legacy systems to take advantage of electronic commerce. Inventories can be shaved if businesses use the Internet to share such information as promotional plans, point-of-sale data, and sales forecasts. Business processes can also be made more efficient with automation.

4) Better Customer Service:

With electronic commerce, there is better and more efficient communication with customers. In addition, customers can also enjoy the convenience of shopping at any hour, anywhere in the world.

5) Opportunities for New Businesses:

Businesses over the Internet have a global customer reach. There are endless possibilities for businesses to exploit and expand their customer base.


The term E-commerce Framework is related to software frameworks for e-commerce applications. They offer an environment for building e-commerce applications quickly.

E-Commerce frameworks are flexible enough to adapt them to your specific requirements. As result, they are suitable for building virtually all kinds of online shops and e-commerce related (web) applications like the Aimeos E-commerce Framework does.

An E-commerce framework must provide

Common business services, for facilitating the buying and selling process.

Messaging and information distribution, as a means of sending and retrieving information.

Multimedia content and network publishing, for creating a product and a means to communicate about it.

The Information Superhighway – the very foundation – for providing the highway system along which all e-commerce must travel.

The two pillars supporting all e-commerce-applications and infrastructure are just as indispensable:

Public policy, no govern such issues as universal access, privacy, and information pricing.

Technical standards, to dictate the nature of information publishing, user interfaces, and transport in the interest of compatibility across the entire network.

Examples of E-commerce frameworks are

Aimeos (Laravel, Symfony, TYPO3, SlimPHP, Flow)

Spryker (Symfony only)

Sylius (Symfony only)

E-Commerce Applications

Supply chain management Video on demand

Remote Banking

Procurement and purchasing

Online marketing and advertising Home shopping

They provide an overall structure for e-commerce related applications. Furthermore, they implement the general program flow e.g. how the checkout process works. Contrary to monolithic shop systems, existing program flow can not only be extended but completely changed according to your needs.


Multimedia Content for E-Commerce Applications

Multimedia Storage Servers & E-Commerce Applications

Client-Server Architecture in Electronic Commerce

Internal Processes of Multimedia Servers

Video Servers & E-Commerce

Information Delivery/Transport & E-Commerce Applications

Consumer Access Devices

Multimedia Content for E-Commerce Applications:

•Multimedia content can be considered both fuel and traffic for electronic commerce applications.

•The technical definition of multimedia is the use of digital data in more than one format, such as the combination of text, audio, video, images, graphics, numerical data, holograms, and animations in a computer file/document.

•Multimedia is associated with Hardware components in different networks.

•The Accessing of multimedia content depends on the hardware capabilities of the customer.

Multimedia Storage Servers & E-Commerce Applications:

•E-Commerce requires robust servers to store and distribute large amounts of digital content to consumers.

•These Multimedia storage servers are large information warehouses capable of handling various content, ranging from books, newspapers, advertisement catalogs, movies, games, & X-ray images.

•These servers, deriving their name because they serve information upon request, must handle large-scale distribution, guarantee security, & complete reliability

Client-Server Architecture in Electronic Commerce

All e-commerce applications follow the client-server model

Clients are devices plus software that request information from servers or interact known as message passing.

Mainframe computing, which meant for “dump”.

The client server model, allows client to interact with server through request-reply sequence governed by a paradigm known as message passing.

The server manages application tasks, storage & security & provides scalability ability to add more clients and client devices (like Personal Digital Assistants to PC’s)

Internal Processes of Multimedia Servers

The internal processes involved in the storage, retrieval & management of multimedia data objects are integral to e-commerce applications.

A multimedia server is a hardware & software combination that converts raw data into usable information & then dishes out.

It captures, processes, manages, & delivers text, images, audio & video.

It must do to handle thousands of simultaneous users.

Include high-end symmetric multiprocessors, clustered architecture, and massive parallel systems.

Video Servers & E-Commerce:

The electronic commerce applications related to digital video will include

Telecommunicating and video conferencing.

Geographical information systems that require storage & navigation over maps.

Corporate multimedia servers.

Postproduction studios.

Shopping kiosks.

Consumer applications will include video-on-demand.

The figure which is of video–on demand consist video servers, is an link between the content providers (media) & transport providers (cable operators)

Information Delivery/Transport & E-Commerce Applications

Information Transport Providers

Information Delivery Methods

Telecommunication companies

Long-distance telephone lines; local telephone lines

Cable television companies

Cable  TV  coaxial,  fiber  optic  & satellite lines

Computer-based on-line servers

Internet; Commercial online service providers

Wireless communications

Cellular & radio networks; paging systems

Transport providers are principally telecommunications, cable, & wireless industries.

Consumer Access Devices

Information Consumers

Access Devices

Computer with Audio & Video capabilities.

Personal/desktop computing, Mobile Computing

Telephonic devices


Consumer electronics

Television + Set-top Box, Game Systems

Personal Digital Assistance (PDAs)

Pen-based computing, voice-driven computing


National Science Foundation (NFS) has created five super computer centers for complex and wider range of scientific explorations in mid-1980s. Until then, supercomputers were limited to military researchers and other who can afford to buy.

NSF wanted to make supercomputing resources widely available for academic research. And the logic is that the sharing of knowledge, databases, software, and results was required. So NSF initially tried to use the ARPANET, but this strategy failed because of the military bureaucracy and other staffing problems. So, NSF decided to build its own network, based on the ARPANET's IP technology.

The NFSNER backbone is initially connected to five supercomputing networks with initial speed 56 kbps telephone leased lines. It was considered fast in 1985 but it is too slow according to modern standards.

Since every university could not be connected directly to the center, need of access structure was realized and accordingly each campus joined the regional network that was connected to the closest center. With this architecture, any computer could communicate with any other by routing the traffic through its regional networks, where the process was reserved to reach the destination. This can be depicted in the three level hierarchical models as shown in the figure1:











This abstraction is not completely accurate because it ignores commercial network providers, international networks, and interconnections that bypass the strict hierarchy.

Water distribution systems may be useful analogy in understanding the technology and economics of the NSFNET program.

We can think of the data circuits as pipes that carry data rather than water.

The cost to an institution was generally a function of the size of the data pipe entering the campus.

The campuses installed plumbing and appliances such as computers, workstations and routers. And Service cost as an infrastructure cost such as classrooms, libraries and water fountains.

But there is no extra charge for data use.

The mid-level networks acted like cooperatives that distributed data from the national backbone to the campuses. They leased data pipes from the telephone companies, and added services and management. So each member could access the pipe and either consume or send data.

Some funding was also provided by the federal government.

This model was a huge success but became a victim of its own success and was no longer effective. One main reason for it was-the network's traffic increased until, eventually, the computer controlling the network and the telephone lines connecting them became saturated. The network was upgraded several times over the last decade to accommodate the increasing demand.

The NSFNET Backbone

The NSFNET backbone service was the largest single government investment in the NSF-funded program. This backbone is important because almost all network users throughout the world pass information to or from member institutions interconnected to the U.S. NSFNET.

The current NSFNET backbone service dated from 1986, when the network consisted of a small number of 56-Kbps links connecting six nationally funded supercomputer centers. In 1997, NSF issued a competitive solicitation for provision of a new, still faster network service.

In 1988, the old network was replaced with faster telephone lines, called T-1 lines that had a capacity of 1.544 Mbps compared to the earlier 56 Kbps, with faster computers called routers to control the traffic.

By the end of 1991, all NSFNET backbone sites were connected to the new ANS-provided T-3 backbone with 45 Mbps capacity. Initial 170 networks in July 1988 to over 38,000 and traffic of initial 195 million packets to over 15 terabytes. Discussions of electronic commerce were due to the economic factor. The cost to the NSF for transport of information across the network decreased.

It fell from approximately $10 per megabyte in 1987 to less than $1.0 in 1989. At the end of 1993, the cost was 13 cents. These cost reduction occurred gradually over a six-year period. Cost reductions were due to new faster and more efficient hardware and software technologies.

Mid-Level Regional Networks

Mid level Regional Networks are often referred to as regional networks, are one element of the three-tier NSFNET architecture.

They provide a bridge between local organizations, such as campuses and libraries, and the federally funded NSFNET backbone service.

The service of Mid Level Regional Networks tends to vary from sub state, statewide and multistate coverage.

State and Campus Networks

State and campus networks link into regional networks.

The mandate for state networks is to provide local connectivity and access to wider area services for state governments, K-12 schools, higher education, and research institutions.

Campus networks include university and college campuses, research laboratories, private companies, and educational sites such as K-12 school districts.

These are the most important components of the network hierarchy, as the investment in these infrastructures far exceeds that of the government's investments in the national and regional networks.















The NSFNET has evolved into the National Research and Education Network (NREN). The NREN is a five-year project approved by Congress as part of the High Performance Computing and Communications Acts in fall 1991. NREN represents the first phase of the HPCC project. The intent is to create a next-generation Internet to interconnect the nation’s education and research communities at more than one gigabit (one billion bits per second) data rates, thereby facilitating enhanced access to information resources and computational capabilities.

Development and deployment of NREN is planned to occur in three phases. The first phase begun in 1988, involved upgrading all telecommunication links within the NSFNET backbone to 1.544 Mbps (T-1). This upgrade has been completed for most agencies. In phase two which began in 1991, the NSFNET backbone was upgraded to 45 Mbps (T-3). The second phase also provides upgraded services for 200 to 300 research facilities directly linked to this backbone. The third phase, which will result in a phased implementation of a gigabit-speed network operating at roughly 20-50 time T-3 speeds, to expected to begin during the mid 1990s if the necessary technology and funding are available.

NREN activities can be broadly split into two classifications:

Establishment and deployment of a new network architecture for very high bandwidth networks (vBNS)

Research to yield insights into the design and development of gigabit network technology.


By the late 1980s, the Internet had spread globally, including Canada, Australia, Europe, South Africa, South America, Asia and Japan. Today the global network environment reaches over 140 countries. Asian countries see the Internet as way of expanding business and trade. Eastern European countries, longing for western scientific ties, have wanted to participate and development is progressing rapidly. Other countries see the internet as a way to raise their education and technology levels.

At present, the Internet’s international expansion is hampered by the lack of good supporting infrastructure, namely, a decent telephone system.

International Computer Networks:

In 1970, United Kingdom and Norway were connected to the ARPANET.

National Network Project was JANET (Joint Academic Network) in United Kingdom, JUNE in Japan, DFN in Germany, UNINET in Norway and SDN in Korea.

In 1980, CSNET, BITNET (Because It’s Time Network) and UUCP (UNIX and Unix Copy) all developed international links.

In 1984, CSNET was operating e-mail gateways between USA, Canada, Korea, Israel, Japan, France, Germany, Australia and Scandinavia.

NSFNET and European networks are connected by two high speed circuits linking the NSFNET at New York to INRIA.

In 1989, RIPE (Reseaux IP European) began coordinating the Internet operation in Europe.

In 199, other international links to NSFNET were established. The connection between California’s regional network CERFnet and UFRJ is intended to provide Internet access to a regional network located within the state of Rio de Janeiro.

NSFNET in November 1991 with a 64 Kbps satellite link to the CERFnet via the Mexican satellite was brought online.

China was CNPAC (China National Public Data Network) was designed to carry data at speeds varying between 1.2 and 9.6 Kbps.


No one body controls the Internet. In effect, the system itself polices such things: if any organization strays from the collective standards, it loses the benefits of global connectivity which was the whole point of becoming part of the Internet. Groups do exist that carry out central management functions for the Internet, such as the InterNIC (www.internic.net), which, among other things, registers companies that are connected to the Internet, and the Internet Society (www.isoc.org). The Internet Society has various engineering committees that help make technical recommendations for the future development of the Internet. But none has the power to force a particular direction or action on the Internet community.

The ultimate authority for the technical direction of the Internet rests with the Internet Society (ISOC). This professional society is concerned with the growth and evolution of the worldwide Internet. It is a voluntary organization whose goal is to promote global information exchange. The four groups in the structure are the ISOC and its Board of Trustees, the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), the IESC, and the IETP itself.

ISOC appoints a council IAB that has responsibility for the technical management and direction of the Internet. The IAB is responsible for overall architectural considerations in the Internet. It is also serves to adjudicate disputes in the standards process and is responsible for the setting the technical direction, establishing standards, and resolving problems in the Internet. IAB also keeps track of various network addresses. Each host computer has a unique 32 bit address called an IP Address; no two computers in the world can have the same address.

The IAB is supported by the Engineering Task Force (IETF), the protocol engineering and development arm of the Internet. The IETF is a large open international community of the network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet.

The internal management of the IETF is handled by the area directors. Together with the chair of the IETF, they form the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). The operational management of the Internet standards process is handled by the IESG under the auspices of the Internet Society.















To understand why the Internet is being commercialized, we need to understand what Internet applications people are interested in and are actively seeking. The Internet provides a broad range of services to address a variety of user needs:

Individual to group communication, group conferencing, tele-meeting services, with interactive multimedia and conferencing, negotiation, decision support systems; mailing lists, list services – for research collaboration and distance education across institutional, state and national boundaries.

Information transfer and delivery services, text-based e-mail, multimedia e-mail, e-mail/fax interface e-mail/EDI interface; news groups/bulletin boards/directories; digital audio and video communication.

Information databases, access to citation, full-text databases and “virtual” libraries containing both text and multimedia information. These databases are accessible using Internet tools like Gopher, World Wide Web, file transfer, remote log-in, resource discovery services, and news-gathering agents.

Information processing services, remote access to a variety of software programme including operations research (OR) tools, statistics, simulation and visualization tools.

Resource-sharing services, access to printers, fax machines, and rather processing services that enable the utilization of spare capacity on underutilized machines.

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