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E-Commerce Question and Answers III

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language · HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages

Which tag is used for inserting images in HTML?

The <img> tag is used to embed an image in an HTML page.

Write any two examples of C2C in e-commerce


Ali Express


What is traditional commerce?

Traditional commerce refers to the face-to-face process of buying and selling goods in physical store space, by exchanging goods for monetary gains.

What is e-commerce security?

E-commerce security is the protection of e-commerce assets from unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction.

Write any two anti-virus software


AVG Antivirus




Mention any two types of digital marketing


Social Media Marketing

Content Marketing

Email Marketing

Mobile Marketing

What is digital advertising?

Digital advertising is any form of advertising that appears online or on digital channels like websites, search engines, social media

What is location based marketing

Location-based marketing is a direct marketing strategy that uses a mobile device's location to distribute content or services (such as push notifications) associated with a particular place.

Expand C2B and B2B

Business to Business

Business to Consumer

Expand HTML
Hyper text markup language
Who invented HTML
Sir Tim Berners-Lee (Timothy John Berners-Lee) in 1993.
What is e commerce
the business of buying and selling things over the Internet
Ecommerce or electronic commerce is the trading of goods and services on the internet.
Write two futures of e commerce
Easy-to-navigate product catalogs.
Rich, real-time product information.
Write any two disadvantages of ecommerce

Need For Internet Access.
Credit Card Fraud.

Expand b2c and c2c
B2C (Business to Consumer), B2B (Business to Business), C2C (Consumer to Consumer) and C2B (Consumer to Business)
Mention any two types of ecommerce

The Most Common Types of Ecommerce Business Models
B2C (Business-to-consumer). B2C businesses sell directly to their end-users. ...
B2B (Business-to-business).
What is malware
Malware is any software intentionally designed to cause disruption to a computer, server, client. Etc
Malware is intrusive software that is designed to damage and destroy computers and computer software.
What is digital marketing
Digital marketing is the act of promoting products and services through digital channels, such as social media, SEO, email, and mobile apps.

Mention any two example of social marketing

Health and safety


Explain basic structure of HTML

HTML Structure

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>          Write the Page Title      </title>


<body>   Write Page content

<h>         Page Heading         </h>

<p>                          </p>




<!DOCTYPE html>this tag shows the document type

<html> </html>     Tag indicates that this webpage is written in html

<head> </head>    This tag contains information about the web

<title> </title> This tag contains the webpage title

<body></body>     This tag contains the content of the webpage

<h> </h>      This tag defines a heading; <h1> to <h6> tags are used for different-sized

                Headings, with <h1> the largest and <h6> the smallest

<p> </p>      This tag defines a paragraph

</html>        This tag indicates the end of the webpage

Write the difference between traditional commerce and e-commerce



Limited Accessibility

Any time Accessibility

Linear Business Relationship

End-to-end Business Relationship

One way Marketing

One to one Marketing

Delivery of products Instantly

Delivery of products Takes some time



Limited Time




Supply side

Demand side

What are the advantages of e-commerce?

1.                  Faster buying process.

2.                  Store and product listing creation.

3.                  Cost reduction.

4.                  Affordable advertising and marketing.

5.                  Flexibility for customers.

6.                  No reach limitations.

7.                  Product and price comparison.

8.                  Faster response to buyer/market demands.

9.                  Several payment modes

10.          Enables easy exports

What are the tools available to achieve web site security?

Secure Your Passwords. ...

Opt For Secure Hosting. ...

Get an SSL Certificate. ...

Install Security Plugins and Anti-malware Software. ...

Schedule Regular Site Updates. ...

Perform Timely Backups. ...

Add Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) ...

Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)


Scanning / Pentesting

Runtime Application Self-Protection



Big Data

How an online credit card transaction works

Entities involved in every card transaction.

The customer

The merchant

Merchant's bank

Credit card issuer

Credit Card Transactions

1 Merchants send batches of authorized transactions to their payment processor.

2 The payment processor passes transaction details to the card associations that communicate the appropriate debits with the issuing banks in their network.

3 The issuing bank charges the cardholder’s account for the amount of the transactions.

4 The issuing bank then transfers appropriate funds for the transactions to the merchant bank, minus interchange fees.

5 The merchant bank deposits funds into the merchant account.

Write futures of e commerce
Complex pricing rules made simple.
Online order processing.
Superior customer service.
Faster buying process.
Cost reduction.
Affordable advertising and marketing.
Flexibility for customers.
Product and price comparison.
Faster response to buyer/market demands

Write disadvantages of ecommerce
There can be lack of system security
reliability or standards owing to poor implementation of e-commerce.
One Can Buy During a Site Crash.
Customers Can't Try Before They Buy.
Shipping Times Can Be Lengthy.

Mention the types of ecommerce
The Most Common Types of Ecommerce Business Models
B2C (Business-to-consumer). B2C businesses sell directly to their end-users. ...
B2B (Business-to-business).
B2B2C (Business-to-business-to-consumer).
B2G (Business-to-government).
C2B (Consumer-to-business).
D2C (Direct-to-consumer).
C2C (Consumer-to-consumer

Write the example of social marketing

Health and safety


Substance abuse

Safe driving

Healthy diet and exercise

Environmental causes

Wildfire prevention


Animal welfare

Environmental pollution

Social activism

Handicap accessibility

Gender and racial discrimination

Domestic violence

Human rights

Social justice

Explain social marketing

The term “social marketing” refers to the adoption of commercial, promotional technologies into programs that are intended to influence the response of target audiences to improve both the individuals’ well-being and the well-being of the community in which they belong.

It includes concept development, pricing, information exchange, delivery, and market analysis. Social marketing is developing, putting into action, and managing programs intended to influence the degree to increase acceptance of social ideas. It is a type of marketing that is expanding quickly and has a significant potential to lead to decreased consumption.

What is encryption explain 

In simpler terms, encryption takes readable data and alters it so that it appears random. Encryption requires the use of a cryptographic key: a set of mathematical values that both the sender and the recipient of an encrypted message agree on.

Although encrypted data appears random, encryption proceeds in a logical, predictable way, allowing a party that receives the encrypted data and possesses the right key to decrypt the data, turning it back into plaintext. Truly secure encryption will use keys complex enough that a third party is highly unlikely to decrypt or break the ciphertext by brute force — in other words, by guessing the key. Data can be encrypted "at rest," when it is stored, or "in transit," while it is being transmitted somewhere else.

What are the advantages of digital marketing?

Global Reach. Traditional marketing is restricted by geography and creating an international marketing campaign can be hard, expensive, as well as labor-intensive

Local Reach

Lower Cost

Easy to Learn

Effective Targeting

Multiple Strategies

Multiple Content Types

Increased Engagement


Variety in digital marketing strategies

Multiple content types

Increased engagement


Analytics and optimization

Easy to start

Mention the ethical issues in e-commerce

Online Piracy

Vulnerable Data Lakes

Web Tracking


Web Spoofing

Email Spamming

Counterfeit Products 



Transaction non-refutability

Explain text formatting tags used in HTML

<b> - Bold text

<strong> - Important text

<i> - Italic text

<em> - Emphasized text

<mark> - Marked text

<small> - Smaller text

<del> - Deleted text

<ins> - Inserted text

<sub> - Subscript text

<sup> - Superscript text

What is e-commerce Explain its types? 

E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the internet.

E-Commerce types with explanation

Business-to-Business (B2B)

A B2B model of business involves the conduct of trade between two or more businesses/companies. The channels of such trade generally include conventional wholesalers and producers who are dealing with retailers.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

Business-to-Consumer model of business deals with the retail aspects of e-commerce, i.e. the sale of goods and/or services to the end consumer through digital means.

Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)

This business model is leveraged by a consumer for selling used goods and/or services to other consumers through the digital medium.

Consumer-to-Business (C2B)

C2B model provides the end consumers with an opportunity to sell their products/services to companies.

Business-to-Administration (B2A)

This model enables online dealings between companies and public administration, i.e. the Government by enabling the exchange of information through central websites.

Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)

The C2A platform is meant for consumers, who may use it for requesting information or posting feedbacks concerning public sectors directly to the government authorities/administration.

Explain the steps to create a systematic E-commerce website

Choose Your Content Management System (CMS) ...

Create an Account (Or Get Web Hosting) ...

Select an E-commerce Theme or Template. ...

Customize Your Site and Build Out Web Pages. ...

Create Product Listings. ...

Set Up a Payment Gateway, Inventory and Tax Tools. ...

Test and Launch Your E-Commerce Site.


Select your perfect ecommerce platform.

Purchase a domain name.

Find a developer.

Pick your ecommerce theme.

Customize your ecommerce template.

Add your products.

Set up payment options.

Sort out your shipping settings.

Preview, test… and publish your online store.

What is E-Payment explain its types

An electronic payment system is a means of making payments online without the use of cash. It can be done using credit cards, debit cards, e-wallets, bank transfers and so on.

E-Payment types explanation

Credit/Debit card payments:

Credit cards are simple to use and secure. The customer just has to enter the card number, expiry date, and CVV, which has been introduced as a precautionary measure. The CVV helps detect fraud by comparing customer details and the CVV number.

Prepaid card payments:

They usually come in different stored values and the customer has to choose from them. Prepaid cards have virtual currency stored in them.

Bank transfers:

It is a simple way of paying for online purchases and does not require the customer to have a card for payment purposes


E-wallet is one of the upcoming trends which gives a new shopping experience altogether. The use of e-wallets is becoming popular at an alarming rate.

E-Wallets require a sign up from merchants as well as customers. After creating an e-wallet account and linking it to the bank account they can withdraw or deposit funds.


Let’s face it, in India cash is the king. For eCommerce, it comes in the form of the cash-on-delivery option.

Mobile payments:

Payment acceptance was no exception for mobile penetration.

As eCommerce is becoming mobile mainstreamed, customers are finding it more convenient to use mobile payment options.

What are the ethical, social and political issues in e-commerce?

Ethical issues in e-commerce?

Online Piracy. This is a great challenge that plagues online businesses. ...

Vulnerable Data Lakes. A data lake is a storage of a large amount of raw data. ...

Web Tracking. ...

Cyber-Squatting. ...

Web Spoofing. ...

Email Spamming. ...

Counterfeit Products. ...

Unreliable Customer Service.

Social issues in e-commerce?


The major social issues related to e-commerce and privacy concern the development of “exception of privacy” or privacy norms, as well as public attitudes. In what areas of should we as a society encourage people to think they are in “private territory” as opposed to public view?

Political issues in e-commerce?

Defining the rights of people to express their ideas and the property rights of copyright owners are just two of many ethical, social, and political issues raised by the rapid evolution of e-commerce.

What is security threat explain different types of threats in e-commerce

Explain social mobile and location based marketing


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