--> Sayadasite: How to identify finite and non finite verb

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How to identify finite and non finite verb


The verb changes according to the tens person and number. 

I came here to teach you. ( came Tens change)

I come here to teach you. ( come Tens change)

He comes here to teach you (person change)

So the changed verbs are called Finite

Unchanged verbs are called non finite

I love studying. (person change)

Kevin loves food. (person change)

He works at the photo shop. (works present Tens change)

He worked at the photo shop. (worked past Tens change)


The verb does not changes according to the tens person and number

Richie hates working.

My friends hated working.

We must go shopping now.

We must go shopping now.

Identify finite verb & non finite verb

1.        Nancy does her homework every day (does is a finite verb)

2.        Nancy is doing her homework at the moment (doing is a non-finite verb)

3.        They are writing a letter. (are is a finite verb)

4.        She speaks Chinese very well (speaks is a finite verb).

5.        He has a big car. (has is a finite verb)

6.        The proposal has been examined today. (been is a non-finite verb)

7.        She tried to help him. (tried is a finite verb)

8.        It is healthy to laugh at problems. (to laugh is a non-finite verb)

9.        Finding the gates widely open, the thief went inside (Finding is a non-finite verb)

10.                    He had his car cleaned(cleaned is a non-finite verb)

1. My little brother wants to be an actor. (wants – finite; to be – non-finite)

2. She worked hard to pass the test. (worked – finite; to pass – non-finite)

3. I couldn’t solve the problem. (couldn’t solve – finite)

4. To err is human. (to err – non-finite; is – finite)

5. Your duty is to cross the river without getting noticed. (is – finite; to cross – non-finite; getting – non-finite)

6. The doctor is attending to the injured people. (is attending – finite)

7. She opened the door. (opened – finite)

8. The students were asked to submit their assignments by Friday. (were asked – finite; to submit – non-finite)

9. The teacher encouraged the students to work hard. (encouraged – finite; to work – non-finite)

10. The dog wagged its tail to show its happiness. (wagged – finite; to show – non-finite)

Question Paper Solution (2022 Bcom & BA)

Identify finite and non finite verbs

She worked hard to pass the test (worked-finite, to pass-infinite)

The students were asked to submit assignment (to submit-infinite)

They fought for freedom (fought-infinite)


We are tired of writing (tired-finite, writing-infinite)

The bus moved very quickly (moved—infinite)

We write to communicate (write—finite)

Question Paper Solution(2022 Bcom & BA)

Identify transitive and intransitive verb

I wrote a letter (wrote-transitive)

He walked in the garden (walked – transitive)

She laughs beautifully (laughs-intransitive)


I buy new shoes (buy-transitive)

Tom likes coffee (likes-transitive)

The bird sings (sings-intransitive)


1. I had pasta for lunch today.

Finite verb – Had

2. They brought us some homemade cookies.

Finite verb – Brought

3. Chandra’s phone screen was broken.

Finite verb – Was

4. There are no more copies left.

Finite verb – Are

5. The children were playing cricket.

Finite verb – Were playing

6. Being sick, Adarsh decided to take a day off.

Finite verb – Decided

Non-finite verb – Being, to take

7. Chandra’s phone screen was broken.

Finite verb – Was

8. went there to meet him. (finite verb: went; non-finite verb: to meet )

9. was surprised to hear that she had failed her test. (finite verb: was surprised, had failed; non-finite: to hear )

10. Do you know where he lives? (finite verbs: do know, lives)

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