--> Sayadasite: Artificial Intelligence MCQ I

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Artificial Intelligence MCQ I

1. You want to create a model to predict sales of ice cream based on historic data that includes daily ice cream sales totals and weather measurements. Which Azure service should you use?

Azure Machine Learning

Azure Bot



2. You are designing an AI application that uses images to detect cracks in car windshields and warn drivers when a windshield should be repaired or replaced. What AI workload is described?

Computer Vision

Anomaly Detection

Natural Language Processing


3. A predictive app provides audio output for visually impaired users. Which principle of Responsible AI is reflected here?





1. An automobile dealership wants to use historic car sales data to train a machine learning model. The model should predict the price of a pre-owned car based on its make, model, engine size, and mileage. What kind of machine learning model should the dealership use automated machine learning to create?



Time series forecasting

2. A bank wants to use historic loan repayment records to categorize loan applications as low-risk or high-risk based on characteristics like the loan amount, the income of the borrower, and the loan period. What kind of machine learning model should the bank use automated machine learning to create?



Time series forecasting

3. You want to use automated machine learning to train a regression model with the best possible R2 score. How should you configure the automated machine learning experiment?

Set the Primary metric to R2 score

Block all algorithms other than GradientBoosting

Enable featurization


1. You want to use the Computer Vision service to analyze images. You also want to use the Language service to analyze text. You want developers to require only one key and endpoint to access all of your services. What kind of resource should you create in your Azure subscription?

Computer Vision

Cognitive Services

Custom Vision

2. You want to use the Computer Vision service to identify the location of individual items in an image. Which of the following features should you retrieve?





3. You want to use the Computer Vision service to analyze images of locations and identify well-known buildings. What should you do?

Retrieve the objects in the image.

Retrieve the categories for the image, specifying the celebrities domain

Retrieve the categories for the image, specifying the landmarks domain


1. You want to use the Language service to determine the key talking points in a text document. Which feature of the service should you use?

Sentiment analysis

Incorrect. Sentiment analysis returns a numeric score indicating how positive or negative the text is.

Key phrase extraction

Entity detection

2. You use the Language service to perform sentiment analysis on a document, and a score of 0.99 is returned. What does this score indicate about the document sentiment?

The document is positive.

The document is neutral.

The document is negative.

3. When might you see NaN returned for a score in Language Detection?

When the score calculated by the service is outside the range of 0 to 1

When the predominant language in the text is mixed with other languages

When the language is ambiguous

1. Once the Industrial AI programme has been trained, it can be left alone and trusted to do its job like an employee.



2. How does Industrial AI mitigate negative outcomes or accidents in an industrial process? (Select all that apply.)

It looks at many different permutations of what can go wrong and raise alarm

Industrial AI pays attention to all variables in a process at a high speed and volume

AI can help explore new ideas and new products in the existing setup

We need to feed AI with correct information and understand its logic

3. How are businesses providing satisfaction to customers through the use of AI? (Select all that apply.)

Businesses train AI for the optimum work possible

AI can help bring more profits to the company

Better use of data giving personalised services

AI can help with smart and intelligent products

4. One of the goals of AI in Manufacturing is to not mimic humans blindly but to think and make decisions rationally and accurately.



5. Which of the following sectors does NOT yet reap the benefits of Industrial AI?




Perfume and Cosmetology

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