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Digital Fluency Important Questions and Answers Module 2

I. Artificial Intelligence

Important Questions

What are the applications of artificial intelligence?

Some of the areas in which artificial intelligence is used are

Artificial general intelligence.


Computer vision.

General game playing.

Knowledge reasoning.

Machine learning.

Natural language processing.


What examples of AI do we use in daily life?

Here is a list of eight examples of artificial intelligence that you're likely to come across on a daily basis.

Maps and Navigation. AI has drastically improved traveling.

Facial Detection and Recognition.

Text Editors or Autocorrect.

Search and Recommendation Algorithms.


Digital Assistants.

Social Media.


 How is artificial intelligence used in education?

The use of AI in education can help automate the grading and assessment of activities like multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, etc. Another tedious and cumbersome activity for teachers is preparing the report cards of students. The use of artificial intelligence in education can help automate this as well.

AI can help students find answers to their most commonly asked questions in seconds through support automation and conversational intelligence

How is AI used in human resources?

During the recruitment process, AI can be used to the benefit of not only the hiring organization but its job applicants. Instead, AI technology allows new hires to utilize human resources support at any time of day and in any location through the use of chatbots and remote support applications. AI can be used for Candidate Screening, Engagement and Development and Employees Training.

Another interesting area where artificial intelligence is helping HR is workforce planning. AI can be used to predict future demand for employees based on multiple data points such as weather forecasts, day of week, holiday, closures etc

Using AI frees up talent acquisition teams to spend more time on the work that only humans can do: conducting phone screens and interviews, building relationships, putting together offers and guiding both hiring managers and candidates through the process.

How AI can be used in agriculture?

AI systems are helping to improve the overall harvest quality and accuracy – known as precision agriculture. AI technology helps in detecting disease in plants, pests and poor nutrition of farms. AI sensors can detect and target weeds and then decide which herbicide to apply within the region.

Driverless tractors, smart irrigation and fertilizing systems, smart spraying, vertical farming software, and AI-based robots for harvesting are some examples of how farmers can get the work done without having to hire more people.

Agricultural AI bots are harvesting crops at a higher volume and faster pace than human laborers, more accurately identifying and eliminating weeds, and reducing cost and risk.

 With the power of AI, farmers can track weather changes, precipitation, pests infestations, and more to ensure precise water, fertilizers, and pesticides application based on accurate data.

Machine learning in agriculture used to improve the productivity and quality of the crops in the agriculture sector. The seed retailers use this agriculture technology to churn the data to create better crops. While the pest control companies are using them to identify the various bacteria's, bugs and vermin.




II. Big Data Analytics

Important Questions

What is public health analytics?

Public health analytics is the process of obtaining, reviewing, and managing health-related data of entire populations, typically carried out by public health organizations in an effort to maintain population health. Public health data may include mortality reports, demographic data, socioeconomic data, procedural and diagnostic data, and medical claims data, among others. Public health organizations may use analytics to monitor disease trends and determine patterns in certain populations, guide the implementation of disease control programs, and set priorities for allocating health resources to populations in need.


Which are the 10 companies that are using big data?









American Express



How You Can Leverage the Power of Data to Grow Sales?

There is only one place to begin, and this is with data analytics that pertains to your audience. This will give you in-depth insights regarding the demographics of your audience, i.e. their gender, age, income, occupation, where they are based and what language they speak. In addition to this, audience data should inform you of the different devices that your audience is using. Do they mainly access your store from their mobile phone or desktop? If it is the former, do they tend to use Android or Apple devices? This can give you great insights into how your online store is being accessed so that you can target your efforts accordingly.


Where does big data come from?

Big data is often boiled down to a few varieties including social data, machine data, and transactional data. Social media data is providing remarkable insights to companies on consumer behavior and sentiment that can be integrated with CRM data for analysis, with 230 million tweets posted on Twitter per day, 2.7 billion Likes and comments added to Facebook every day, and 60 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute. Machine data consists of information generated from industrial equipment, real-time data from sensors that track parts and monitor machinery (often also called the Internet of Things).


Who are some of the BIG DATA users?

From cloud companies like Amazon to healthcare companies to financial firms, it seems as if everyone is developing a strategy to use big data. For example, every mobile phone user has a monthly bill which catalogs every call and every text; processing the sheer volume of that data can be challenging. The size of Big Data can be relative to the size of the enterprise. For some, it may be hundreds of gigabytes, for others, tens or hundreds of terabytes to cause consideration.


How Data Science differs from Big Data and Data Analytics?

Data Science is a field which contains various tools and algorithms for gaining useful insights from raw data. It involves various methods for data modelling and other data related tasks such as data cleansing, preprocessing, analysis, etc. Big Data implies the enormous amount of data which can be structured, unstructured and semi-structured generated through various channels and organisations. The tasks of Data Analytics involve providing operational insights into complex business situations. This also predicts the upcoming opportunities which the organisation can exploit.


How does big data help in decision making for the organization?

Research backs these claims, with studies showing businesses that use big data for making decisions realize up to a 10% increase in profits and a 10% decrease in overall costs. Data can be used to make financial, growth-related, marketing and sales, and customer service decisions that drive your business forward.




What is “big data for small business”?

Many small businesses believe they are too small for big data. This is far from the truth as small businesses need big data to succeed, just as much as larger corporations. Data provides businesses with actionable insights needed to become more efficient and profitable.


What are Big Data Tools and Software?

*     Hadoop.

*     Quoble.

*     Cassandra. ...

*     MongoDB. ...

*     Apache Storm. ...

*     CouchDB. ...

*     Statwing


How Big Data is changing the Way People Live Their Lives?

The changes in how big data is collected have occurred so rapidly that big data is more prevalent in daily life than you might think. Companies and organizations are collecting information about their targeted audiences. They know what you’re watching, what you’re reading, and what you’re buying.This access to key, personalized data then affects your daily experience in some of the most

important and common areas of life.


Consider these ways big data is used in your everyday life:

1.     Music, Shows, and Movies

2.     Healthcare and medical services

3.     Shopping and Marketing

4.     Travel and Transportation

5.     News and Information

6.     Education and Employment





III. Internet of Things

Important Questions

What are the new IoT ideas in the field of home automation?

Smart lighting can control interior lighting colour and brightness relative to the time of day. Clock radios are being replaced by voice controlled smart displays like Google Home Hub and Amazon Echo Spot. These can be used for music, alarm, light control and control your bedroom TV via Chromecast. Robot vacuum cleaners can detect common items and avoid them. Door bells with cameras can let you see who is at the door from your smartphone.


What are 10 real world examples of IoT?

Voice activated assistants like Amazon Echo, Google Chromecast to make your TV smart, Samsung Home Monitoring Kit for house automation, Phillips Hue for lighting control, Nest

Learning Thermostat, Smappee Energy Monitor, Zmodo WiFi security system, Fitbit wearable, Fitbit scales, Acurite Weather Station and Ring WiFi Video doorbell.


List out Some popular companies are working on IoT

Popular companies working on IoT are:

1) Philips,

2) LG,

3) Google,

4) Apple and

5) Samsung.


Which are the different IoT softwares?

IoT software are : 1) Blockchain, 2) Windows IoT, 3) Predix, 4) Microsoft Azure, 5) Bluemix, and 6) Node-RED.


List hardware prototypes used in IoT

Hardware Prototypes used in IoT are

1) Raspberry Pi,

2) ARM Cortex Family, and

3) Arduino.


Is laptop an IoT device?

Yes, because the Internet of Things refers to electronic devices that are able to connect to the Internet and share data with other Internet enabled devices. That way, the mobile too is an IoT device.


Can Internet of things be hacked?

IoT hacking can be extremely effective, producing DDoS attacks that can cripple our infrastructure, systems, and way of life. Malicious hackers can launch attacks and infiltrate thousands or millions of unsecured devices, crippling infrastructure, downing networks, or gaining access to private information.


Can IoT work without Internet?

The IoT gets its name from the Internet, but – strictly speaking – it does not need the Internet. Instead, think IoT as things that make use of the same technology as the Internet does. The IoT is valuable even without the Internet.


IV. Cloud Computing

Important Questions

How do I know if Cloud is right for my business?

Companies that choose to shift to the Cloud do so for several reasons. The benefits of flexibility, scalability, cost savings, etc. are weighed against availability concerns. It is essential to evaluate if Cloud is right for you from a strategic and operational perspective. Does your demand for IT vary throughout the year? Are the costs of your IT impacting your ability to grow as a business? If so, you may consider a cloud option that can be easily scaled.


What type of security parameters does the Cloud have in place?

These days, with cyber-attacks on the rise, security is a major concern. Cloud providers put numerous security parameters in place so that, in the event of an attack, your data is secure and can be restored.


These tactics include encryption, identity management, and physical security. Providers should also have business continuity plans in place that utilize redundant hardware, backup generators, and other measures to prevent downtime. Data center locations will also have security in place like badge access restrictions, security cameras, fences and more.


Is the Cloud Safe for personal information?

With numerous high profile hacks of personal information in recent years (most notably Target and Anthem) cloud providers have worked to step up the security game for personal information. If a cloud provider has certifications in place for HIPAA, PCI-DSS and SOC, they have been evaluated by a third party and deemed qualified to handle personal/ private information.


How do I make sure I can access my data?

Cloud providers will outline your access, security, services and support when you partner with them. To ensure the accessibility of data, cloud providers develop a service level agreement (SLA). The SLA will detail what happens in the event of an outage and protects the customer in certain situations.


How much can I save by using cloud computing services?

There are many aspects to the IT savings you can achieve by using cloud computing services. The rule of thumb is that you can expect to save 20% to 80% of the cost of running a premises-based application by moving to a cloud-based service (SaaS). Your cloud navigator can work with you to determine more precisely your IT savings by moving to cloud-based services.


Will my current Internet connection support my use of Cloud computing services?

It depends on the number of users and the number of cloud-based services you will be using. Your cloud navigator recommends having two separate Internet connections arranged to provide redundancy, bandwidth bonding and load balancing. When you depend on the Cloud for application services, you need reliable Internet connectivity.






What happens if hardware fails?

The Cloud has a completely self-healing architecture. This means that if any hardware node should fail, any cloud servers running on resources on that node will be re-provisioned on alternative hardware. This happens without the need for any human intervention. We can also engineer solutions for instantaneous failover for customers with specific availability requirements. Contact us, and we can discuss the various options available.


V.  Cyber Security

Important Questions

What is information security?

Information security is the practice of protecting information and information systems from unauthorized disclosure, modification, and destruction. It encompasses the security of all IT resources, including both University information and the IT devices that access, process, store, or transmit it.

How do I secure my computer?

Even if you aren't a security expert, there are a few basic steps you can take to secure your computer.

Read the Secure UD Essentials for computers for more information.

Install and run anti-virus software on your computer to detect and remove malware.

Back up your computer's data to protect yourself and the University from data loss or corruption.

Enable your computer's firewall to block potentially harmful traffic.

Encrypt sensitive information to protect it from being read or misused if it's lost or stolen.

Password-protect your computer to prevent others from logging in and using your system and files.

Regularly patch your computer's software and firmware to protect against the newest vulnerabilities.

Configure your computer to automatically lock after fifteen minutes of inactivity.




How do I secure my mobile device?

Mobile devices like smart phones and tablets present unique security challenges because of their portability and simplicity. Read the Secure UD Essentials for mobile devices for more information.

Back up your mobile device's data to protect yourself and the University from data loss or corruption.

Encrypt your mobile device with whole-disk encryption to protect its data from being read or misused if the device is lost or stolen.

Password-protect your mobile device to prevent others from accessing its data and apps.

Regularly patch your mobile device's software and firmware to protect it against the newest vulnerabilities.

Physically secure your mobile device in locked offices or cabinets when possible. Never leave mobile devices unattended in public locations.

Configure your mobile device for remote management. Enable it to automatically erase data after ten failed password entries in a row and to be remotely locked, located, or erased at your request.

Configure your mobile device to automatically lock after five minutes of inactivity.

What is a backup?

A backup is a copy of the data stored on a device. It's useful for restoring data if your device crashes or continuing work if your device is lost or stolen.

When you back up your data, you create a copy of some or all of the files on your device and store them in a separate location (which is usually either on a flash drive, removable hard drive, or in the cloud). Some kinds of backups even store your device configurations. Backup and recovery software can automate the backup process by performing backups based on a set schedule.

To restore data from a backup, you use either recovery software (to restore full backups of a device's data and configurations) or manually replace files with copies from the backup (usually to restore lost or corrupted files).

What is encryption?

Encryption is a means of protecting files and devices. When you encrypt a file, you "lock" it with an encryption key or password. The file itself is scrambled and becomes unreadable without the appropriate key or password.

Faculty and staff are required to encrypt portable devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones, and removable storage media) and sensitive University information.

IT recommends that all members of the University community also encrypt their personal devices and sensitive files to protect them from misuse. Don't leave your data defenceless against thieves and hackers!

Why are strong passwords important and how do I create one?

The strength of your password directly affects how easy it is to guess that password or how long it takes a hacker to crack it. In many cases, hackers gain access to an account because the account's owner set a weak password.

To set a strong password, follow:

Create a longer password. The more characters you use, the harder the password will be to guess and the longer it would take to crack.

Never use a single dictionary word or name as your password.

Use a variety of characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numerals, and special characters like punctuation marks.

Never choose an obvious password like "password," "password1," "12345," or "00000."

If you have a hard time remembering passwords containing random characters, try using a passphrase, which is a string of words used as a single password.

How can I protect myself from identity theft?

Protecting yourself from identity theft is largely a matter of following best practices (and requirements) for information security. If you learn to identify and avoid phishing scams and install and run anti-virus software, you'll protect yourself from the most common means by which hackers and scammers steal your personal information. Exercise caution when providing personal information, including your name and date of birth, Social Security number, and bank account or credit card numbers, to anybody. If you'reproviding this information online, make sure that you're using a secure form and connection and that you're on the legitimate website of the company or group you mean to contact.

What kinds of information are safe to share on social networking sites?

When you use a personal account on a social networking site, you are in control of the information you share, including what you share and who can see it.

 Limit the amount of personal information you share through your social networking sites. For example, consider whether you need to share your date of birth, hometown, birth town, the names of pets, etc. While this information may sometimes be interesting to friends, it's also the kind of information most often asked for by security questions, and attackers can potentially use the information you post on your social media accounts to impersonate you or bypass some kinds of authentication procedures.

Remember, too, that any information you share on the internet can be shared by others. Once you post something, you can't necessarily delete it; sharing and archiving features make it so that your information persists online, sometimes in unsafe locations. Personal photos in particular are often propagated, so think twice before posting a picture of yourself that you wouldn't want friends, family, or employers to see.

Check your account's privacy and sharing settings and limit who can see your posts and personal information. For example, you may choose to censor certain personal information such as your birthday so that only people on your friends list can see it. Think about whether you need location services turned on or whether you want other people to be able to tag you in photos.






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