--> Sayadasite: Digital Fluency Computer Practical Lab Module 2

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Digital Fluency Computer Practical Lab Module 2

I. Artificial Intelligence

Exercises to assess understanding of the concepts

When shopping online, observe the different ways in which AI is being used to influence your purchasing decisions. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?

Suggest different ways in which AI can be used to enhance your experience when you go to eat out in a restaurant.

Note down the different ways in which we use Artificial Intelligence in our daily lives.

Practical Assignments

Refer to practical assignments of Module 1 – Artificial Intelligence for some background.

Find out which apps in your smartphones use AI and how?

Install Google lens on your smartphone and explore the different ways in which the app uses AI.

Use the free version of the ELSA app on your android phone to improve your English.

 Note: The trainer is instructed to encourage the students to work in groups of 02-03 and discuss the above exercises before submitting the same

II. Big Data Analytics

Lab Session

Using search engines, calculate the total data consumed by any five popular social media applications in a day, month, and year.

Prepare a report/presentation on how big data can be used to help education sector. List any five big data applications in education.


III. Internet of Things

Exercises to assess understanding of the concepts

In what ways can IoT technology be used to implement a smart building?

Do smart phones incorporate IoT? If yes, cite some examples.

Practical Assignments

Refer to practical assignments of Module 1 – Internet of Things for some background.

Using Whatsapp on your smartphone, share your location with a friend to set up a meeting. Try using live location.

Using any fitness app on your smart phone, walk for 5 minutes and find out the number of steps used and trace the path that you have walked.

Note: The trainer is instructed to encourage the students to work in groups of 02-03 and discuss the above exercises before submitting the same


IV. Cloud Computing

Lab Session

Creating word document from Android app and accessing from computer

On your smart phone, install Google Docs App from Play store

Open the Google Docs app and create a new document

Write your resume and save

Enable sync option for Google Docs app

After successful syncing of document, open the web browser on computer/laptop

Login to Google Docs website

You should be able to see your resume on Google Docs website

Create a Digilocker account and upload your documents in DigiLocker Account.

Creating DigiLocker Account

Step 1: Visit the DigiLocker website. https://www.digilocker.gov.in (You can use Aadhaar number to create a digital locker account via visiting Digilocker website. Make sure that your current phone number is registered with the Aadhaar number.)

Step 2: Click on ‘Sign Up’. Enter your full name, date of birth, mobile number (registered with Aadhaar). Make a security PIN and enter an email ID.

Step 3: Enter your Aadhaar Number. Once you enter your unique 12-digit Aadhaar number, you will get two options – One Time Password (OTP) or Fingerprint

Step 4: User ID creation: Once the process is done, the application will prompt the user to create ‘Username’ and ‘Password’.







 (Enter your desired username and password for ‘Digital Locker’ account and click on the Sign-Up button. After successful account creation, the application will show the ‘Dashboard’ screen of the Digilocker.)






Upload Documents To DigiLocker via website

Step 1: After signing into Digital Locker, click on Drive tab→ Documents.





Step 2: Here, click on UPLOAD FILES to upload your documents.






Step 3: Choose the location of the files and select the files.

Step 4: After selecting the files, click on the Open button.

Note: You can upload multiple documents at a time.

Documents that are uploaded will be visible in the Uploaded Documents section. The uploaded files can be downloaded, renamed or deleted as per the user’s convenience.


V.  Cyber Security

 Lab Session

Understand and analyze strength of password

Open the web browser on your computer/smartphone

Browse to https://www.security.org/how-secure-is-my-password/

Enter password of different number of characters as given below and write down the strength of password:

Consisting of less than 8 characters (only alphabets)

Consisting of 8 characters (only alphabets)

Consisting of 8 characters (lowercase alphabets + numbers)

Consisting of 8 characters (lowercase alphabets + numbers + special characters)

Consisting of 8 characters (lowercase and uppercase alphabets + numbers + special characters)

Consisting of more than 8 characters (lowercase and uppercase alphabets + numbers + special characters)

Analyze the strength of password for above cases

Write down your observations in a paragraph

Check email ID for any breach

Open the web browser on your computer/smartphone

Browse to https://haveibeenpwned.com/

Enter your email ID and click on pwned?

Create an awareness of Phishing attacks and preventions

Make a group of 2-3 students and understand the different type of phishing attacks

Understand preventive measure to be taken to avoid phishing attacks

Make charts/presentations about phishing attacks and include the steps to avoid such attacks


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