--> Sayadasite: Chapter 4 Opposition to British Rule in Karnataka

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Chapter 4 Opposition to British Rule in Karnataka

 I. Fill In The Following Blanks With Suitable Answers

Question 1.
The first Anglo – Mysore war took place between,
Hyder Ali and British

Question 2.
The second Anglo – Mysore war ended with

Question 3.
Kittur Chennamma adopted a boy named

Question 4.
Rayanna of knitter state belonged to village.

Question 5.
Surapura is in the present district of

Question 6.
The Bedas of the village of Belgaum district rebelled against the British.

Question 7.
The Aniara Sulya rebellion was basically a rebellion.

II. Discuss In Groups And Answers Later

Question 1.
How did Hyder Ali come to power?

  • Hyder Ali gained prominence in this scenario of uncertainty that clouded over the Mysore and Carnatic region.
  • He joined Mysore army as an ordinary Soldier, but was known for his shrewd political moves.
  • He was closely observing the political developments of Mysore.
  • He came into prominence during the siege of Devanahalli and military action against Nizam of Arcot.
  • He was known for his innovations in arms usage.
  • With his swift actions, he weakened the power of Dalawayee and sidelined, the king Krishnaraja Wodeyar and established control over the administration.

Question 2.
What are the effects of second Anglo – Mysore war?
Hyder Ali was defeated in a battle held in port Novae by the British.

  • Hyder Ali died due to illness during the war. The war was led by his son Tippu Sultan.
  • Tippu Sultan was waging war in Malabar region when Hyder Ali died.
  • The British tried to take advantage of Hyder Ali’s death by invading Mangalore and Bidanoor.
  • They also tried to instigate the rulers of Calicut and Malabar regions against Tippu Sultan.
  • Tippu Sultan thought of all these developments and decided to protect Mangalore and the coastal regions.
  • He defeated the British.
  • The ‘Treaty of Mangalore’ ended the second Anglo – Mysore war in 1784.

Question 3.
What were the conditions of Sri Ranagapatanam treaty?

  • Tippu signed the‘Treaty of Sri Rangapatana’
  • Tippu Was forced to part with half of his kingdom, was forced pay three crore rupees as war damage fee and had to pledge two of his children as a guarantee against the payment.
  • He was also forced to release the prisoners of war.

Question 4.
The Fourth Anglo Mysore strengthened the position of British in Mysore. Discuss.

  • The war started in 1799.
  • The British were able to destroy the strong fort.
  • Tippu died while fighting the British in 1799.
  • With the death of Tippu Sultan, the British were happy as if the whole India came under their rule.
  • Most of the territories under Tippu’s rule was shared among the British, Marathas and Hydarabad Nizam.
  • A Small territory was handed over to the royal representative of Mysore Wadeyars.
  • This region came to be known as Mysore princely state.

Question 5.
Explain the method of resisting the British power by Dondiya Wagh.

  • Dondiya Wagh built a small army and started his operations.
  • He captured Bidanuor and Shivamogga forts and made unsuccessful attempt to capture Chitradurga fort.
  • Lord Welleseley tried check this rebellion.
  • An attack was organized on Shivamogga Honalli, Harihara and other places under the control of Dondiya.
  • Many unhappy Palyegaras encouraged Dondiya Wagh.
  • The British army followed him the vast area that included Harihara, Chitradurga, Shikaripura, Savanuru, Ranibenur, Kittur and Londa.

Question 6.
Explain the method adopted by Rayanna to fight the British.

  • He went oh organizing secret meetings at sensitive geographical locations.
  • He aimed at looting the treasury and taluk offices of the British.
  • He had an army of five hundred men.

Question 7.
Explain the contribution of Puttabasappa of Kodagu in freedom struggle.

  • The rebellion started in the hilly region
  • Puttabasappa organized the rebels and calmed down the people.
  • He declared that tax on tobacco and salt will be withdrawn, if the rebel government assumes power.
  • The capture of the government office in Bellare was the first move in this rebellion.
  • Puttabasappa killed an Amaldhar who was known for his brutality further increased the popularity of puttabasappa.
  • The rebels marched towards mangalore to capture it.
  • The rebels marched towards mangalore through Panimangalore and Bantwal. They looted the treasury and prison of Bantwal.

Question 8.
Discuss the Surapura rebellion in brief.

  • In 1857, it came to the notice of government that the representations of Nana – Saheba were present in Surapura.
  • This made the British suspicious of King’s intentions.
  • The British appointed an officer named Campbell to report on the various activities of the king.
  • The officer submitted a report to the resident of Hyderabad that the king is involved in misadministration.
  • Venkatappa Nayaka is usually presented as the leader of 1857 revolution in Karnataka by the historians
  • The British army captured Surapura in 1857.

Additional Questions and Answers

I. Multiple Choice Questions:

Question 1.
This century is considered as “The century of political problems”
a. 16th Century
b. 17th Century
c. 18lh Century
d. 19lh Century
18th Century

Question 2.
18th Century’ called as the century of political problems in South India because of
a. A lot of political struggle
b. The death of Aurangzeb
c. The decline of Mysore rule
d. Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan rule stated
The death of Aurangzeb

Question 3.
First Anglo – Mysore war was ended with treaty of
a. Madras
b. Mangalore
c. Sirangapattana
d. Mysore

Question 4.
The British attacked Mahe this incident became the reason for
a. Fourth Anglo Mysore war
b. Third Anglo – Mysore war
c. First Anglo – Mysore war
d. Secoi d Anglo Mysore war
d. Second Anglo Mysore war

Question 5.
Hyder Ali was defeated by British in a battle of held in
a. Mysore
b. Mangalore
c. Pondichery
d. Port Novae
d. Port Novae

Question 6.
The Treaty of Mangalore was signed in
a. 1769
b. 1784
c. 1792
d. 1799
b. 1784

Question 7.
Leader of British Army in third Anglo Mysore war was
a. Warren Hastings
b. Lord Wellesley
c. Cornwallis
d. Robert Clive
c. Cornwallis

Question 8.
Dondiya Wagh was encouraged by
a. Malabar Area people
b. Mahe Soldiers
c. Many unhappy palyegaras
d. All the above people
c. Many unhappy palyegaras

Question 9.
Shivalinga Rudra Sarja was signed the agreement with
a. The British people
b. Lord Cornwallis
c. The Marathas
d. Lord Thomas Munroe
d. Lord Thomas Munroe

Question 10.
Chennamina’s adopted son was
a. Shivalinga Rudra Sarja
b. Damodara
c. Sangoli Rayanna
d. Shivalingappa
d. Shivalingappa

Question 11.
The British shifted Chennamma to Kusugal prison from Bylahengala because
a. Rayamma was attacked Bhylahongee
b. Rise the sense of unity of among
c. The British thought Rayanna was being insitgated by Chennamma
d. None of the above points.
c. The British thought Rayanna was being instigated by Chennamma

Question 12.
Basically Amara Sullya revolt is called as
a. A farmers rebellion
b. Political Revolt
c. A labour Revolt
d. A tribal Revolt
a. Farmers rebellion

Question 13.
Venkatappa Nayaka was came to power in
a. 1857
b. 1853
c. 1837
b. 1853

Question 14.
Koppal and surrounding areas were controlled by
a. British people
b. Maratha kings
c. Nizam of Hyderabad
d. Mysore rulers
c. Nizam of Hyderabad

Question 15.
Halagali Hunters protested British rule because British
a. Banned the usage of weapons
b. Surrender their fire arms
c. Suppress the rebellion
d. They suppressed the Bedas
a. Banned the usage’of weapons.

Answer The Following Questions In One Sentences Each

Three Marks Questions

Question 1.
Which were the causes and results of First Anglo – Mysore war?

  • Hyder Ali was not tolerated by British, Marathas and the Nizam.
  • Hyder created enimity and distrust among Maraths Nizam and the British
  • In 1767 Hyder attacked Arest.


  • British entered an agreement with HyderAli through ‘Madras Treaty’
  • Mutual army support if attack third party on any group.

Question 2.
Explain breilly 3rd Anglo – Mysore war.

  • The politics of Travancore
  • The king of Travancore built a fort in Kochi with the help of the British
  • He occupied Aayakota and Kanganour from Dutch
  • Tippu was announced war on Raja of Travancore


  • This war ended with treaty of Srirangapattanam in 1792.
  • Tippu was forced to part with half of his kingdom.
  • Forced to pay three crore rupees as war damage fee.
  • Had to pledge two of children as a guarantee against the payment.

Question 3.
How Dondiya Wagh rule was ended?

  • Lord Wellesley decided to end the adventures of Dondiya Wagh.
  • British requested the local ruler.
  • They tried to defeat the army Dondiya.
  • They attacked him from all the Directions.
  • British attacked him near yelaparavi and killed him a Konagal.
  • The British captured a large cache of arms’and ammunitions.

Question 4.
Write a short note on Brave queen Chennamma.

  • After death of Mallasaarja, his queen Chennamma took active interest in administration.
  • Her elder son Shivalinga Rudra Sarja took over region of the Kittur.
  • Ofter the death of Shivalinga Rudra Sarja Chennamma adopted a boy named Shivalingappa.
  • Thackeray sent a report to the governor of Bombay and attempted to take over Kittur kingdom under the doctrine of lapse policy.
  • She prepared for the war.
  • Thackeray was shot dead
  • So British attacked Kittur again under the leader ship of Colonal Deak.
  • Chennamma attempted to flee from the battle field.
  • But she was imprisoned at Bylahongala fort queen Chennamma passed away in the prison.

I. Answer The Following Questions Related To The Given Pictures:

Question 1.
Name the person in the given picture
Hyder Ali

Question 2.
When did the Treaty of Madras was signed?
In 1769


Question 1.
Name the person in the given picture
Tippu Sultan

Question 2.
Which was his title?
Tiger of Mysore


Question 1.
Name the person in the given picture
Rani Chennamma

Question 2.
Who was her adopted son?


Question 1.
Name the person in the given picture
Sangolli Rayanna

Question 2.
Why he was very famous?
Because lie taught for the independence of Kittor.


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