--> Sayadasite: Jumbled sentences

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Jumbled sentences

Jumbled sentences are made up of a sequence of mismanaged or untied sentences that have been written in random order. Our job is to read and comprehend all of these sentences and then reassemble or rearrange them in a logical manner that makes sense.

Jumbled sentences are presented in the question format for students to arrange the sentence or rearrange the sentence. This is a very common way to learn how to form a correct sentence. In such questions, certain words that when combined rightly can translate to a meaningful sentence are presented in a disorderly way. 

For example, the sentence can be ‘I am going to a birthday party today with my friend Meena.’ While the question presented can be in the following way, birthday/today/friend/I/Meena/a/my/with/going/am/to/party.

Rearrange the following words/phrases to form meaningful sentences

cricket / He plays / his friends / with

for us / cooks / dinner / She

shoes / I wear / comfortable

often go / We / library / to the

sandwiches / for breakfast / eat / They


He plays cricket with his friends.

She cooks dinner for us.

I wear comfortable shoes.

We often go to the library.

They eat sandwiches for breakfast.


of leather / The jacket / was made

sipped / some water / The sparrow

the computer / is working on / My neighbor

our gratitude / to show / We have / to them

If you word hard, / surely / you will / succeed


The jacket was made of leather.

The sparrow sipped some water.

My neighbor is working on the computer.

We have to show our gratitude to them.

If you work hard, you will surely succeed.


a beautiful / I will / for myself / buy

as you listen / to note down / points / It is important

most important / of his career / match / This was the

in the city / many garden / There are

The old / honest individual / man / was an


I will buy a beautiful gown for myself.

It is important to note down points as you listen.

This was the most important match of his career.

There are many gardens in the city.

The old man was an honest individual.


the garbage / dispose of / properly / Please

clappled happily / entered / as santa claus / The children

had traveled / a long way / was tired / and / The old man

has given / us / Our cow / milk today

come from / Where / did / all these letters


Please dispose of the garbage properly.

The children clapped happily as Santa Claus entered.

The old man had traveled a long way and was tired.

Our cow has given us milk today.

Where did all these letters come from?


all over the room / spread / She has / garbage

my friend / I have received / an email / from

the window / has smashed / The ball / through

is situated / the skull / inside / The brain

on rain / Farmers depend / of crops / for the growth


She has spread garbage all over the room.

I have received an email from my friend.

The ball has smashed through the window.

The brain is situated inside the skull.

Farmers depend on rain for the growth of crops.

Some Example Questions:

Question 1

A. Till date it has no cure.
B. Ebola outbreak is the most deadly virus in human history.
C. Research is still at large to find the cure.
D. It has taken numerous lives in Africa.

What is the correct order of the sentences?


Answer: Option D (BDCA)
Explanation: Correct Option D, as clearly from that Rules of Jumbled Sentence we can verify the sequence of the paragraph.

1st sentence B – it starts with the name of a disease. (here, the paragraph is about Ebola.)

2nd sentence D – Addresses the effect of Ebola on human beings.

3rd sentence C – Talking about the cure for the same disease.

4th sentence A – Stating the results or report of the research. ( also, the use of ’till date’ shows that it is the final result, hence it will be the lat sentence. As an analysis)

Question 2

A. a fast pace was,
B. however, the first and the second world war
C. The main thing that propelled the
D. development of the aeroplanes at such
What is the sequence of the sentence?



Answer: Option B
Explanation: Correct option is B because it follows the rules of jumbled sentence construction.

1st sentence C – It starts with the phrase, ‘the main thing’, hence it’ll be the first sentence.

2nd sentence D – Following the rule of articles, we see that ‘the’ should be used before a specific noun, hence here ‘the development’ is specified about the aeroplanes.

3rd sentence A – a fast pace is used to show the rate of development, thus will follow sentence D.

4th sentence B – the last sentence starts with However, hence according to Rule 10, analytical words will always come in the end.


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