--> Sayadasite: Multiple Choice Questions DA-100 & PL-300

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Multiple Choice Questions DA-100 & PL-300


1)                  You want to create a model to predict sales of ice cream based on historic data that includes daily ice cream sales totals and weather measurements. Which Azure service should you use?

a)                  Azure Machine Learning

b)                 Azure Bot

c)                   Language

d)                 None of the above


2)                  You are designing an AI application that uses images to detect cracks in car windshields and warn drivers when a windshield should be repaired or replaced. What AI workload is described?

a)                  Computer Vision

b)                 Anomaly Detection

c)                   Natural Language Processing

d)                 All of the above


3)                  A predictive app provides audio output for visually impaired users. Which principle of Responsible AI is reflected here?

a)                  Transparency

b)                 Inclusiveness

c)                   Fairness

d)                 All of the above


4)                  An automobile dealership wants to use historic car sales data to train a machine learning model. The model should predict the price of a pre-owned car based on its make, model, engine size, and mileage. What kind of machine learning model should the dealership use automated machine learning to create?

a)                  Classification

b)                 Regression

c)                   Time series forecasting

d)                 None of the above


5)                  A bank wants to use historic loan repayment records to categorize loan applications as low-risk or high-risk based on characteristics like the loan amount, the income of the borrower, and the loan period. What kind of machine learning model should the bank use automated machine learning to create?

a)                  Classification

b)                 Regression

c)                   Time series forecasting

d)                 All of the above


6)                  You want to use automated machine learning to train a regression model with the best possible R2 score. How should you configure the automated machine learning experiment?

a)                  Set the Primary metric to R2 score

b)                 Block all algorithms other than GradientBoosting

c)                   Enable featurization

d)                 All of the above


7)                  In Azure Machine Learning studio, what can you use to author regression machine learning pipelines using a drag-and-drop interface?

a)                  Notebooks

b)                 Automated machine learning

c)                   Designer

d)                 All of the above


8)                  You are creating a training pipeline for a regression model. You use a dataset that has multiple numeric columns in which the values are on different scales. You want to transform the numeric columns so that the values are all on a similar scale. You also want the transformation to scale relative to the minimum and maximum values in each column. Which module should you add to the pipeline?

a)                  Select Columns in a Dataset

b)                 Clean Missing Data

c)                   Normalize Data

d)                 All of the above


9)                  Why do you split data into training and validation sets?

a)                  Data is split into two sets in order to create two models, one model with the training set and a different model with the validation set.

b)                 Splitting data into two sets enables you to compare the labels that the model predicts with the actual known labels in the original dataset.

c)                   Only split data when you use the Azure Machine Learning Designer, not in other machine learning scenarios.

d)                 All of the above


10)          You're using Azure Machine Learning designer to create a training pipeline for a binary classification model. You've added a dataset containing features and labels, a Two-Class Decision Forest module, and a Train Model module. You plan to use Score Model and Evaluate Model modules to test the trained model with a subset of the dataset that wasn't used for training. What's another module should you add?

a)                  Join Data

b)                 Split Data

c)                   Select Columns in Dataset

d)                 All of the above


11)          You use an Azure Machine Learning designer pipeline to train and test a binary classification model. You review the model's performance metrics in an Evaluate Model module, and note that it has an AUC score of 0.3. What can you conclude about the model?

a)                  The model can explain 30% of the variance between true and predicted labels.

b)                 The model predicts accurately for 70% of test cases.

c)                   The model performs worse than random guessing.

d)                 All of the above


12)          You use Azure Machine learning designer to create a training pipeline for a classification model. What must you do before deploying the model as a service?

a)                  Create an inference pipeline from the training pipeline

b)                 Add an Evaluate Model module to the training pipeline

c)                   Clone the training pipeline with a different name

d)                 All of the above


13)          You are using an Azure Machine Learning designer pipeline to train and test a K-Means clustering model. You want your model to assign items to one of three clusters. Which configuration property of the K-Means Clustering module should you set to accomplish this?

a)                  Set Number of Centroids to 3

b)                 Set Random number seed to 3

c)                   Set Iterations to 3

d)                 All of the above


14)          You use Azure Machine Learning designer to create a training pipeline for a clustering model. Now you want to use the model in an inference pipeline. Which module should you use to infer cluster predictions from the model?

a)                  Score Model

b)                 Assign Data to Clusters

c)                   Train Clustering Model

d)                 All of the above


15)          You want to use the Computer Vision service to analyze images. You also want to use the Language service to analyze text. You want developers to require only one key and endpoint to access all of your services. What kind of resource should you create in your Azure subscription?

a)                  Computer Vision

b)                 Cognitive Services

c)                   Custom Vision

d)                 None of the above


16)          You want to use the Computer Vision service to identify the location of individual items in an image. Which of the following features should you retrieve?

a)                  Objects

b)                 Tags

c)                   Categories

d)                 All of the above


17)          You want to use the Computer Vision service to analyze images of locations and identify well-known buildings. What should you do?

a)                  Retrieve the objects in the image.

b)                 Retrieve the categories for the image, specifying the celebrities’ domain.

c)                   Retrieve the categories for the image, specifying the landmarks domain.

d)                 All of the above


18)          You plan to use the Custom Vision service to train an image classification model. You want to create a resource that can only be used for model training, and not for prediction. Which kind of resource should you create in your Azure subscription?

a)                  Custom Vision

b)                 Cognitive Services

c)                   Computer Vision

d)                 None of the above


19)          You train an image classification model that achieves less than satisfactory evaluation metrics. How might you improve it?

a)                  Reduce the size of the images used to train the model.

b)                 Add a new label for "unknown" classes.

c)                   Add more images to the training set.

d)                 All of the above


20)          You have published an image classification model. What information must you provide to developers who want to use it?

a)                  Only the project ID.

b)                 The project ID, the model name, and the key and endpoint for the prediction resource

c)                   The project ID, iteration number, and the key and endpoint for the training resource.

d)                 None of the above


21)          Which of the following results does an object detection model typically return for an image?

a)                  A class label and probability score for the image

b)                 Bounding box coordinates that indicates the region of the image where all of the objects it contains are located

c)                   A class label, probability, and bounding box for each object in the image

d)                 All of the above


22)          You plan to use a set of images to train an object detection model, and then publish the model as a predictive service. You want to use a single Azure resource with the same key and endpoint for training and prediction. What kind of Azure resource should you create?

a)                  Cognitive Services

b)                 Custom Vision

c)                   Computer Vision

d)                 All of the above


23)          You plan to use Face to detect human faces in an image. How does the service indicate the location of the faces it detects?

a)                  A pair of coordinates for each face, indicating the center of the face

b)                 Two pairs of coordinates for each face, indicating the location of the eyes

c)                   A set of coordinates for each face, defining a rectangular bounding box around the face

d)                 All of the above


24)          What is one aspect that may impair facial detection?

a)                  Glasses

b)                 Extreme angles

c)                   Fast shutter speed

d)                 None of the above


25)          You want to extract text from images and then use the Language service to analyze the text. You want developers to require only one key and endpoint to access all of your services. What kind of resource should you create in your Azure subscription?

a)                  Computer Vision

b)                 Cognitive Services

c)                   Language

d)                 All of the above


26)          You plan to use the Computer Vision service's Read API. What results can the Read API provide?

a)                  Results arranged in pages, lines, and words

b)                 Only the bounding box coordination

c)                   Results arranged by pages that have photographs first, then pages that exclusively have text.

d)                 All of the above


27)          You plan to use the Form Recognizer pre-built receipt model. Which kind of Azure resource should you create?

a)                  Computer Vision resource

b)                 Form Recognizer or Cognitive Services resource

c)                   Only Form Recognizer resource

d)                 All of the above


28)          You are using the Form Recognizer service to analyze receipts that you have scanned into JPG format images. What is the maximum file size of JPG file you can submit to the pre -built receipt model?

a)                  2 MB

b)                 50 MB

c)                   200 MB

d)                 All of the above


29)          You want to use the Language service to determine the key talking points in a text document. Which feature of the service should you use?

a)                  Sentiment analysis

b)                 Key phrase extraction

c)                   Entity detection

d)                 All of the above


30)          You use the Language service to perform sentiment analysis on a document, and a score of 0.99 is returned. What does this score indicate about the document sentiment?

a)                  The document is positive.

b)                 The document is neutral.

c)                   The document is negative.

d)                 All of the above


31)          When might you see NaN returned for a score in Language Detection?

a)                  When the score calculated by the service is outside the range of 0 to 1

b)                 When the predominant language in the text is mixed with other languages

c)                   When the language is ambiguous

d)                 All of the above


32)          You plan to build an application that uses the Speech service to transcribe audio recordings of phone calls into text, and then submits the transcribed text to the Language service to extract key phrases. You want to manage access and billing for the application services in a single Azure resource. Which type of Azure resource should you create?

a)                  Speech

b)                 Language

c)                   Cognitive Services

d)                 All of the above


33)          You want to use the Speech service to build an application that reads incoming email message subjects aloud. Which API should you use?

a)                  Speech-to-Text

b)                 Text-to-Speech

c)                   Translate

d)                 All of the above


34)          You are developing an application that must take English input from a microphone and generate a real-time text-based transcription in Hindi. Which service should you use?

a)                  Translator

b)                 Speech

c)                   Language

d)                 Spoke


35)          You need to use the Translator service to translate email messages from Spanish into both English and French. What is the most efficient way to accomplish this goal?

a)                  Make a single call to the service; specifying a "from" language of "es", a "to" language of "en", and another "to" language of "fr".

b)                 Make a single call to the service; specifying a "from" language of "es", and a "to" language of "en-fr".

c)                   Make two calls to the service; one with a "from" language of "es" and a "to" language of "en", and another with a "from" language of "es" and a "to" language of "fr".

d)                 All of the above


36)          You need to provision an Azure resource that will be used to author a new Language Understanding application. What kind of resource should you create?

a)                  Custom Language service

b)                 Language service

c)                   Cognitive Services

d)                 Speak services


37)          You are authoring a Conversational Language Understanding application to support an international clock. You want users to be able to ask for the current time in a specified city, for example "What is the time in London?". What should you do?

a)                  Define a "city" entity and a "GetTime" intent with utterances that indicate the city intent.

b)                 Create an intent for each city, each with an utterance that asks for the time in that city.

c)                   Add the utterance "What time is it in city" to the "None" intent.

d)                 None of the above


38)          You have published your Conversational Language Understanding application. What information does a client application developer need to get predictions from it?

a)                  The endpoint and key for the application's prediction resource

b)                 The endpoint and key for the application's authoring resource

c)                   The Azure credentials of the user who published the Language Understanding application

d)                 All of the above


39)          Your organization has an existing frequently asked questions (FAQ) document. You need to create a knowledge base that includes the questions and answers from the FAQ with the least possible effort. What should you do?

a)                  Create an empty knowledge base, and then manually copy and paste the FAQ entries into it.

b)                 Import the existing FAQ document into a new knowledge base.

c)                   Import a pre-defined chit-chat data source.

d)                 All of the above


40)          You want to create a knowledge base for bots. What service would you use?

a)                  Conversational Language Understanding

b)                 Question Answering

c)                   Azure Bot

d)                 All of the above


41)          You need to deliver a support bot for internal use in your organization. Some users want to be able to submit questions to the bot using Microsoft Teams, others want to use a web chat interface on an internal web site. What should you do?

a)                  Create a knowledge base. Then create a bot for the knowledge base and connect the Web Chat and Microsoft Teams channels for your bot

b)                 Create a knowledge base. Then create two bots that use the same knowledge base - one bot connected to the Microsoft Teams channel, and the other to the Web Chat channel.

c)                   Create two knowledge bases with the same question and answer pairs. Then create a bot for each knowledge base; one connected to the Microsoft Teams channel, and the other to the Web Chat channel

d)                 All of the above


42)          What is meant by seasonal data?

a)                  Data based on the time or year it was recorded.

b)                 How far apart the values are by default for each recorded period.

c)                   Data occurring at regular intervals.

d)                 All of the above


43)          What is the purpose of specifying granularity in your JSON data object?

a)                  It is used to indicate the recording pattern of the data.

b)                 It tells the service how to chunk up the results that are returned for review, independent of the time series data pattern.

c)                   It is used to indicate the range of acceptable values.

d)                 All of the above


44)          How does the Anomaly Detector service evaluate real-time data for anomalies?

a)                  It collects all the values in a window of time and evaluates them all at once.

b)                 It evaluates the current value against the previous value.

c)                   It uses interpolation based on the current value and the previous value to predict what the expected value should be.

d)                 All of the above


45)          Which data format is accepted by Azure Cognitive Search when you're pushing data to the index?

a)                  CSV.

b)                 SQL.

c)                   JSON.

d)                 All of the above


46)          Which explanation best describes an indexer and an index?

a)                  An indexer converts documents into JSON and forwards them to a search engine for indexing.

b)                 An indexer can be used instead of an index if the files are already in the proper format.

c)                   An indexer is only used for AI enrichment and skillset execution.

d)                 All of the above


47)          If you set up a search index without including a skillset, which would you still be able to query?

a)                  Sentiment.

b)                 Text content.

c)                   Image captions.

d)                 All of the above


48)          Which data role enables advanced analytics capabilities specifically through reports and visualizations?

a)                  Data scientist

b)                 Data engineer

c)                   Data analyst

d)                 All of the above


49)          Which data analyst task has a critical performance impact on reporting and data analysis?

a)                  Model

b)                 Analyze

c)                   Visualize

d)                 All of the above


50)          Which one of the following options is the most important key benefit of data analysis?

a)                  Decisive analytics

b)                 Informed business decisions

c)                   Complex reports

d)                 All of the above

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