--> Sayadasite: Social Media is Making Us Unsocial Kristin Gallucci

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Social Media is Making Us Unsocial Kristin Gallucci


Kristin Gallucci speaks to marketers about Marketing with emotion to move brands to align with customers and act with passion. Kristin has over 20 years of experience leading strategic digital marketing, social media, influencer engagement, and analytics initiatives for brands. Kristina Gallucci was born in 1978 at Rhode Island and is currently 44 years. I'm a hybrid marketer - former ad agency EVP turned corporate marketing executive. I have a deep understanding of the nuances and complexities of how a brand shows up across the digital landscape. I thrive in the intersection of strategyI am a very dedicated team mate and my swim team is my family. With all the time we spend together practicing as well as cheering each other on at our best

Kristin Gallucci speaks to marketers about Marketing with emotion to move brands to align with customers and act with passion.

Kristin has over 20 years of experience leading strategic digital marketing, social media, influencer engagement, and analytics initiatives for brands. She’s a Linkedin Top Voice for Marketing & Social Media, is sourced in Inc. Magazine and Adweek, and currently leads strategy for digital marketing at the top franchise brand Signarama for the signage industry.

She founded Modern Marketer, a consultancy that helps companies make better connections with their audiences.

She speaks regularly on topics such as the changing world of marketing, LinkedIn optimization, and personal branding. She also serves on Board of the American Marketing Association.

Kristin Gallucci works as a Senior Manager, Marketing at Adobe, which is a Multimedia, Games & Graphics Software company with an estimated 26 K employees; and founded in 1982. They are part of the Marketing team within the Marketing Department and their management level is Manager. Kristin is currently based in United States.


Social technology is simultaneously connecting us and isolating us. It's affecting everything from our basic social relationships to the way that we work, learn and experience. Social media should be a support to real relationships, not a catalyst to losing them.


Information and communication technology has changed rapidly over the past 20 years, with a key development emergence of social media.

For example, the development of mobile technology has played an essential role in shaping the impact of social media. Across the globe, mobile devices dominate in terms of total minutes spent online. They put the means to connect anywhere, at any time on any device in everyone’s hands.

Why People Share Information?

Sharing information on social media include valuable and entertaining content to others; to define themselves; to grow and nourish relationships and to get the word out about brands and causes they like or support.

These factors have caused social networks to evolve from being a handy means for keeping in touch with friends and family to being used in ways that have a real impact on society.

The Influence of Social media is being used in ways that shape politics, business, world culture, education, careers, innovation, and more.

Social media are interactive media technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, interests, and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. While challenges to the definition of social media arise due to the variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently available.

There are some common features:

Social media are interactive Web 2.0 Internet-based applications.

User-generated content—such as text posts or comments, digital photos or videos, and data generated through all                         online interactions—is the lifeblood of social media.

Users create service-specific profiles for the website or app that are designed and maintained by the social media organization.

Social media helps the development of online social networks by connecting a user's profile with those of other individuals or groups.

The term social in regard to media suggests that platforms are user-centric and enable communal activity. As such, social media can be viewed as online facilitators or enhancers of human networks—webs of individuals who enhance social connectivity.

Users usually access social media services through web-based apps on desktops or download services that offer social media functionality to their mobile devices (e.g., smart phones and tablets).

Social media are used to document memories, learn about and explore things, advertise oneself, and form friendships along with the growth of ideas from the creation of blogs, podcasts, videos, and gaming sites. This changing relationship between humans and technology is the focus of the emerging field of technological self-studies. Some of the most popular social media websites, with more than 100 million registered users, include Facebook (and its associated Facebook  Messenger),                                                                                                          TikTok, WeChat, Instagram, QZone, Twitter, Tumblr,  and LinkedIn. Depending on interpretation, other popular platforms that are sometimes referred to as social media services  include YouTube, QQ, Quora, Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal, LINE,  Snapchat,                                                                                                                                                   Pinterest, Viber, Reddit, Discord, VK, Microsoft Teams, and more. 

Social media makes us more social. The positive impacts of social media outweigh the negatives by allowing us to engage more with people we know, people we don’t and create positive changes by a few taps on a screen. Today, we see that people have lots of friends with friend lists consisting over hundreds of friends. But, are they really our friends? More than 50% percent of ‘friends’ on our list are those people whom we have never even chatted with, a few percent also comprise of those whom we have never even seen! According to the dictionary, a friend is someone who is attached to the other living being by feelings of affection or personal regard.

I agree that these sites help us to be in touch with our close ones but "people have nowadays forgotten this and they think that ‘this’ is their home". People these days find it easier to chat rather than talk to a person. Often, I hear complaints from my parents, my sister that I am not giving them enough time. Almost all the time, I am just sitting on Facebook or Instagram , even though no one is there to chat with. All the time, I keep waiting for people but I never realise that there are people who are waiting for me outside this social network world. Maybe, I have even lost a few good friends in order to make few new friends. May be, this social networking has actually made me unsocial.

Why is social media making us unsocial?

It often results in anxiety and depression because we are continuously concerned about missing out and if we do, we make excuses to reach back. Now, this is very dangerous because the network companies are constantly finding more ways to keep you hooked up on their sites and we are becoming addicted to it.

Is social media making us unsocial against?

Multiple studies have shown that excessive social media use can cause increased feelings of loneliness, diminish self-esteem, and lead to antisocial behavior.

It’s certainly not a stretch to say that smart phones and social media have become a fundamental part in our everyday lives, and not necessarily for the better. At times, we can all agree that the internet is very beneficial; it offers us new relationships, new ideas, and new trends. However, its merits never seem to be worth the ugly, unintended consequences the internet inevitably brings into the world. In Kristin Gallucci’s Ted Talk, oxymoronically entitled “Social Media Is Making Us Unsocial”, she shares how she once tried to introduce herself to someone at a social media event, only to be brushed off because they would rather connect online than in person (Gallucci, 2019) I empathize with Gallucci. Considering the risks Gallucci highlighted, we need to disconnect ourselves from social media to begin truly connecting with

FOMO: The Fear of Missing Out

We are so intricately tethered to social media that we have established a psychological dependence on the network because of the compulsive concern of missing out on an opportunity of social interaction. It often results in anxiety and depression because we are continuously concerned about missing out and if we do, we make excuses to reach back. Now, this is very dangerous because the network companies are constantly finding more ways to keep you hooked up on their sites and we are becoming addicted to it. Social media sites have become a significant contributing factor to the FOMO sensation.

Advantages of Social Media


Connectivity is among the most significant benefits of social media. It can link countless users at any time, everywhere. Information could be spread globally through social media and its connectedness, making it simple for people to interact with one another. It results in global relationships.


The use of social media in education is commendable. Learners and educators can enroll in global collaborative platforms to facilitate constructive learning. It also aids in skill improvement by fostering knowledge and creativity. 

Information and Updates

Stay informed about events happening across the globe or in other people's lives using social media. In contrast to television, radio, or newspapers, social media lets everyone convey information accurately by presenting the real picture. It aids in showcasing real-world news across the globe.


People have become more conscious thanks to social media. It serves as a channel for information, thus paving the way to innovation and success via developing their knowledge and abilities. Social media well-covers global events, making people more aware of their surroundings.

Share Anything with Others

Social media is the best platform to convey feelings and opinions - a song, a poem, a work of art, a decadent dessert, or anything else. Anyone can let their creativity shine through the platform for it to be shared by millions of others. Sharing the artistic works with others could open the door to achievement and several milestones.

Helps in Building Communities

Live in a diverse world where individuals from different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds exist. Social media brings these people together by linking them on a common platform. Thus, fostering a sense of unity facilitates the development of community links. For instance, food lovers can join the community of food bloggers, while gamers can join communities focused on gaming, etc.

Noble Cause

Noble deeds can be promoted on social media. It is the ideal tool for endorsing causes like giving donations to those with cancer, for instance, to those who need money for treatment. While everyone can use social media to assist others in finance, it is also the simplest and fastest way to advance any worthwhile cause.

Mental Health

Social media serves as an excellent stress reliever. Several groups can support people battling against stress, depression, and loneliness. By creating a feeling of elation, these communities can bestow a brighter attitude while also helping develop healthy relationships with others, thus enhancing mental health. 

Advantages of Social Media for Business

Brand Reputation

Social media improves company relationships by fostering goodwill among users; its promotion increases sales, which in turn increases profitability.

Brand Awareness

Networking platforms contribute to greater brand recognition. Visually appealing products and information capture users' attention, which increases brand visibility and raises customer knowledge about certain goods and services.

Customer Interaction

Social media enhances customer engagement by providing goods and services and soliciting comments on them. Users from across communities leave various feedback and suggestions, which can assist in improving areas of focus and satisfy them.


Social media is a great supporter of internet commerce and marketing. Posts and promotions facilitate effective user connections and contribute to the profitability of a business. It fosters user relationships and endorses customer loyalty, which is crucial for any company's expansion.

Disadvantages of Social Media

Affects Social-Emotional Connection

Social media hampers emotional bonds. Everything is conveyed through texts digitally, which can stunt expressions. Ingenuity is lost when people who would ideally visit one another to convey greetings only send text messages instead of hugs.

Decreases Quick-witted Skill

With the decrease in real face-to-face conversations and in-person chats, quick-wittedness is rare. Sense of humor and sporty have been compromised – the sense of love, friendship, fun, and enjoyment have all disappeared due to the effects of social media on human mental health.

Causing Distress to Someone's Feelings

People who use social media to communicate lack empathy and do not wink an eyelid when they have to hurt someone. The latest trolls, negative comments, and feedback are all witnesses to the hard-heartedness that has evolved due to the invisible nature of social media.

Present Physically Not Mentally

Spending time with each other is about being 'present' and in the moment. As friends and family gather, create memories by speaking to one another about times past, present and future. Unfortunately, today with social media being made available on the mobile phone, people spend time with each other 'scrolling' through posts.

Lacking Understanding and Thoughtfulness

Feelings are conveyed through word and voice – but to do this, there is a need to be physically present in front of the other person to communicate feelings effectively. However, social media gives it a different hue when anyone puts them into a text, thus masking the real meaning.

Lack of Quality Family Time

Social media has been the cause of many disrupted relationships simply because families cannot spend quality time with each other. Family time has taken a hit with 'me' and privacy taking precedence (due to the quality of texts that appear on social media).

Cyber bullying

People, particularly children, have been victims of cyber bullying where threats, cons, and other negative activities easily ensnare them. Fake news and rumors spread effortlessly, leading to depression and suicide.


The vulnerability of social media has also thrown light on how easy it is to gather a person's data. Privacy settings must be constantly updated and profile locked to avoid such situations.

Distracted Mind

Social media is impulsive. New messages, notifications, and updates are the impetus to constantly checking the phone, resulting in distraction. The individual wastes time even ignoring important work to only look at the menial update.

Facilitates Laziness

Spending hours on the couch glued to our smart phones results in several health problems such as obesity, stress, and high blood pressure. Technology and accompanying social media have led to a rise in laziness among people due to no physical activity or exercise.


A serious issue among youth social media addiction has led to disastrous consequences. While checking social media and using the smart phone in moderation is not bad, productive time and energy are wasted due to overuse.

Cheating and Relationship Issues

Individuals are now using social media as a platform for dating and marriage.


So we would like to conclude rather though if we use social media in a good way it will be very effective. It helps the student to update their knowledge. Excess of every this is harmful. If we use social media in a strategic manner it is very helpful & as we all know excess of everything is harmful and let your emotional, physical & mental capacity, skills sets into darkness.


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