--> Sayadasite: THE IEEE STANDARDS

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Module 3: IEEE: The IEEE standards, the Ethernet, IEEE 802.4: token bus, IEEE 802.5: the token ring, X.25 protocol, digital network architecture.



IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The main AIM of IEEE is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. The IEEE standards in computer networks ensure communication between various devices; it also helps to make sure that the network service, i.e., the Internet and its related technologies, must follow a set of guidelines and practices so that all the networking devices can communicate and work smoothly. Since there are various types of computer system manufacturers, the IEEE's computer society started a project in 1985 called project 802 to enable standard communication between various devices. The standards that deal with computer networking are called the IEEE 802 wireless standards.


Introduction to the IEEE standards in computer networks.

List of the IEEE standards in computer networks.

Importance of the IEEE ``802 standards.

What are IEEE Standards in Computer Networks?

Before learning about the IEEE standards in computer networks, let us get a brief introduction to the IEEE. IEEE, or Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is an organization that develops standards for the electronics industry and computers. IEEE is composed of numerous scientists, engineers, and students from all over the globe. The main AIM of IEEE is to ensure foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

The IEEE standards in computer networks ensure communication between various devices; it also helps to make sure that the network service, i.e., the Internet and its related technologies, must follow a set of guidelines and practices so that all the networking devices can communicate and work smoothly.

Since there are various types of computer system manufacturers, the IEEE's computer society started a project in 1985 called Project 802 to enable standard communication between various devices.

The IEEE divided the data link layer into two sub-parts, namely

LLC or Logical Link Control and

MAC or Media Access Control.

The standards that deal with computer networking (networking in general) are called the IEEE 802 wireless standards. The IEEE 802 is a collection of networking standards that deals with the data link layer and physical layer technologies like ethernet and wireless communications.

There are various IEEE standards in computer networks. We will be discussing all the IEEE standards in computer networks in the later section. Let us first learn about the three notable IEEE standards.

IEEE 802: The IEEE 802 deals with the standards of LAN and MAN, i.e., Local Area Network and Metropolitan Area Network.

IEEE 802.1: The IEEE 802.1 deals with the standards of LAN and MAN. Along with that, it also deals with the MAC (Media Access Control) bridging.

IEEE 802.2: The IEEE 802.2 deals with the LLC (Logical Link Control).

Let us take an example of IEEE standards in computer networks. The IEEE 802.11 standard in computer networks is used in various homely devices like laptops, printers, smartphones, and various other devices that allows them to communicate with each other using the Internet. Hence, the IEEE 802.11 standard in computer networks is useful for devices that use wireless communication, i.e., WiFi bands.

List of IEEE standards in computer networks

Let us look at the various IEEE standards in computer networks and their usage (or function):

IEEE standards in computer networks


IEEE 802

It is used for the overview and architecture of LAN/MAN.

IEEE 802.1

It is used for bridging and management of LAN/MAN.

IEEE 802.1s

It is used in multiple spanning trees.

IEEE 802.1 w

It is used for rapid reconfiguration of spanning trees.

IEEE 802.1x

It is used for network access control of ports.

IEEE 802.2

It is used in Logical Link Control (LLC).

IEEE 802.3

It is used in Ethernet (CSMA/CD access method).

IEEE 802.3ae

It is used for 10 Gigabit Ethernet.

IEEE 802.4

It is used for token passing bus access methods and the physical layer specifications.

IEEE 802.5

It is used for token ring access methods and the physical layer specifications.

IEEE 802.6

It is used in distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) access method and for the physical layer specifications (MAN).

IEEE 802.7

It is used in broadband LAN.

IEEE 802.8

It is used in fiber optics.

IEEE 802.9

It is used in isochronous LANs.

IEEE 802.10

It is used in interoperable LAN/MAN security.

IEEE 802.11

It is used in wireless LAN, MAC, and Physical layer specifications.

IEEE 802.12

It is used in the demand-priority access method, in the physical layer, and in repeater specifications.

IEEE 802.13

It is not used.

IEEE 802.14

It is used in cable modems (not used now).

IEEE 802.15

It is used in WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network).

IEEE 802.16

It is used in Wireless MAN (Wireless Metropolitan Area Network).

IEEE 802.17

It is used in RPR access (Resilient Packet Ring).

Why IEEE 802 Standards are Important?

There are numerous computer equipment manufacturers in the world, and they manufacture network hardware that would connect to certain computers only. Now, this is a major problem since it would be very difficult to connect various systems having different hardware.

So, the IEEE standards for computer networks developed IEEE 802 standards which ensures that various devices having different network hardware can easily connect over the network and exchange data. The IEEE 802 standards also make sure that the network connectivity and management are easier.

Use cases of IEEE 802 standards:

Can be used by the organization to ensure that any new product meets the requirements of standards or not.

It can also be used to define the connectivity infrastructure of the network. For example, individual networks, large-scale networks, etc.


IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The main AIM of IEEE is to ensure foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

The IEEE standards in computer networks ensure communication between various devices.

The IEEE standards in computer networks make sure that the network service, i.e., the Internet and its related technologies, must follow a set of guidelines and practices so that all the networking devices can communicate and work smoothly.

Since there is various type of computer system manufacturers, the IEEE's computer society started a project in 1985 called the project 802 to enable standard communication between various device.

The IEEE 802 is a collection of networking standards that deals with the data link layer and physical layer technologies like ethernet and wireless communications.

The IEEE standards for computer networks developed IEEE 802 standards which ensures that various devices having different network hardware can easily connect over the network and exchange data.

The IEEE 802 standards also make sure that the network connectivity and management are easier.

The IEEE 802 standards can be used by the organization to ensure that any new product meets the requirements of standards or not.

The IEEE 802 standards can also be used to define the connectivity infrastructure of the network. For example, individual networks, large-scale networks, etc.

What is a token ring?

A token ring is a data link for a local area network (LAN) in which all devices are connected in a ring or star topology and pass one or more tokens from host to host. A token is a frame of data transmitted between network points. Only a host that holds a token can send data, and tokens are released when receipt of the data is confirmed. IBM developed token ring technology in the 1980s as an alternative to Ethernet.

What is a token ring network?

Also known as IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 802.5, a token ring network connects all devices, including computers, in a circular or closed-loop manner. In this scenario, the word token describes a segment of data sent through the network.

Token ring networks prevent data packets from colliding on a network segment because only a token holder can send data, and the number of tokens available is also controlled. When a device on the network successfully decodes that token, it receives the encoded data.

Token ring history

Attached Resource Computer Network, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) and the token bus used the token ring. But the most broadly deployed token ring protocols were those of IBM, released in the mid-1980s, and the standardized version of it known as IEEE 802.5, which appeared in the late 1980s.

The use of token rings and 802.5 started declining in the 1990s. Today, they are considered inactive and obsolete. Enterprise organizations gradually phased out the token ring and adopted Ethernet technology, which dominates LAN designs today. The IEEE 802.5 working group is now listed as disbanded.

Token rings were popular because they worked well with large amounts of traffic, but they were not well suited to large networks, particularly if those networks were spread widely or had physically remote nodes. To overcome some of these limitations, multistation access units (MSAUs), which are like hubs on Ethernet, were added. MSAUs are centralized wiring hubs and are also known as concentrators.

What is token ring star topology?

In a star topology, token ring access could connect up to 225 nodes at 4 million, 16 million or 100 million bits per second, conforming to the IEEE 802.5 standard. An MSAU connects all stations using a twisted pair cable. For example, users could connect six nodes to an MSAU in one office and connect that MSAU to an MSAU in another office that served eight other nodes. In turn, that MSAU could connect to another MSAU that connected to the first MSAU.

Such a physical configuration is called a star topology. However, the actual configuration is a ring topology because every message passes through every computer, one at a time, until it forms a ring.

An advantage of an MSAU is that, if one computer fails in the ring, the MSAU can bypass it, and the ring will remain intact. Typically, each node connection cannot exceed 382 feet, depending on the cable type. However, you can increase this distance by up to a mile and a half using token ring repeaters.

What are Type 1 and Type 3 token ring networks?

Token ring networks are generally considered either Type 1 or Type 3 configurations.

Type 1 networks can support up to 255 stations per network ring and use shielded twisted pair wires with IBM-style Type 1 connectors.

Type 3 networks can support up to 72 stations per network and use unshielded twisted pair wires with Cat3, Cat4 or Cat5 with RJ-45 connectors. Like Ethernet, the token ring functions at Layers 1 and 2 of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.

What is a full-duplex token ring?

In a dedicated token ring, also called full-duplex token ring, switching hubs enable stations to send and receive data simultaneously on the network. In this case, a token ring switching hub divides the network into smaller segments. When a data packet is transmitted, the token ring switch reads the packet's destination address and forwards the information directly to the receiving station.

The switch establishes a dedicated connection between the two stations. This enables data to be transmitted and received simultaneously. But, in a full-duplex token ring, the token-passing protocol is suspended, making the network a "tokenless" token ring. Full-duplex token rings are designed to improve network performance by increasing the sending and receiving bandwidth for connected stations.

X.25 Structure

X.25 is generally a protocol that was developed by International Telecommunications Union (ITU). It usually allows various logical channels to make use of same physical line. It basically defines a series of documents particularly issued by ITU. These documents are also known as X.25 Recommendations. X.25 also supports various conversations by multFiplexing packets and also with the help of virtual communication channels. X.25 basically encompasses or suits to the lower three layers of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model for networking. These three protocol layers are :

Physical Layer

Frame Layer

Packet Layer

These are explained as following below.

Physical Layer : This layer is basically concerned with electrical or signaling. The physical layer interface of X.25 also known as X.21 bis was basically derived from RS-232 interface for serial transmission. This layer provides various communication lines that transmit or transfer some electrical signals. X.21 implementer is usually required for linking.

Data Link Layer : Data link layer is also known as Frame Layer. This layer is an implementation or development of ISO High-Level Data Link Layer (HDLC) standard which is known as LAPB (Link Access Procedure Balanced). It also provides a communication link and transmission that is error-free among any two physically connected nodes or X.25 nodes. LAPB also allows DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) or DCE (Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment) simply to start or end a communication session or start data transmission. This layer is one of the most important and essential parts of X.25 Protocol. This layer also provides a mechanism for checking in each hop during the transmission. This service also ensures a bit-oriented, error-free, and also sequenced and ordered delivery of data frames or packets.

There are many protocols that can be used in frame-level as given below :

Link Access Procedure Balanced (LAPB) – It is specified by ITU-T Recommendation X usually derived from HDLC. It is the most commonly used protocol that allows establishing a logical connection.

Link Access Protocol (LAP) – This protocol is very rarely used. This is usually used for framing and transferring data packets across point-to-point links.

Link Access Procedure D-channel (LAPD) – It is used to convey or transfer data over D-channel. It also enables and allows transmission of data among DTEs through D channel especially among a DTE and an ISDN node.

Logical Link Control (LLC) – It is used to manage and ensure the integrity of transmissions of data. It also allows transmission of X.25 data packets or frames through a LAN (Local Area Network) channel.

Packet Layer : Packet layer is also known as Network Layer protocol of X.25. This layer generally governs the end-to-end communications among various DTE devices. It also defines how to address and deliver X.25 packets among end nodes and switches on a network with the help of PVCs (Permanent Virtual Circuits) or SVCs (Switched Virtual Circuits). This layer also governs and manages set-up and teardown and also flow control among DTE devices as well as various routing functions along with multiplexing multiple logical or virtual connections. This layer also defines and explains the format of data packets and also the procedures for control and transmission of data frames. This layer is also responsible for establishing a connection, transmitting data frames or packets, ending or terminating a connection, error and flow control, transmitting data packets over external virtual circuits. 



Digital Network Architecture The Network. Intuitive. Digital Network Architecture is "intent-based networking" and is laying the foundation for the network of today’s world, and tomorrow’s. This new network is focused on business outcomes and how quickly and efficiently businesses achieve these outcomes. It removes the complexity of the traditional, timeintensive manual approach, introducing one that is automated, intelligent, and highly secure. With an automated network, you can connect billions of devices, identify them almost instantly, know what’s trustworthy and what isn’t, and draw exponential value from the connections – and you can do it in hours instead of weeks and months.

The new network:

• Interprets who, what, when, where, and how

• Automatically translates intentions into the right network configuration

• Continually learns from and turns data into actionable, predictable insights

Benefits Solving Today's Challenges Network automation: fully automate the network infrastructure with Software-Defined Access, and can easily set and apply policies across the entire network.

Advanced analytics: device, application, and user data is collected by the network allowing customers to predict issues before they happen through predictive intelligence.

Data security: newly developed Encrypted Traffic Analytics (ETA) is a self-protecting network that can identify encrypted malware anywhere on the network.

Software-based subscription licensing: purchase only what you need and can now leverage flexible network consumption.

Digital Network Architecture The Network. Intuitive. Digital Network Architecture is "intent-based networking" and is laying the foundation for the network of today’s world, and tomorrow’s. This new network is focused on business outcomes and how quickly and efficiently businesses achieve these outcomes. It removes the complexity of the traditional, timeintensive manual approach, introducing one that is automated, intelligent, and highly secure. With an automated network, you can connect billions of devices, identify them almost instantly, know what’s trustworthy and what isn’t, and draw exponential value from the connections – and you can do it in hours instead of weeks and months.

The new network:

• Interprets who, what, when, where, and how

• Automatically translates intentions into the right network configuration

• Continually learns from and turns data into actionable, predictable insights Security: embedded security starts at the edge and extends to the core and WAN of your network, providing visibility, control, and automation for today's businesses Mobility: provide a consistent user experience across wired and wireless enterprise networks and securely bring users, devices, and applications to the network quickly and securely IoT: leverage policy-based automation from the edge to the cloud, while simplifying and scaling operations Visibility: reduce troubleshooting time and improve network service levels with correlated network insights and applied machine learning Cloud: quickly and securely scale the network into the cloud, and leverage visibility to and protection from Internet threats anywhere


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