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1.     Which of the following IIoT elements can be used in factories to tackle manufacturing challenges, such as machine failure, problems in control systems, etc.? A. Installing sensors throughout the factory to monitor production flow in real time to eliminate waste B. Creating predictive models based on the data gathered with the help of IoT devices.

a)     Only A

b)     Only B

c)      Both A and B 

2.     Which of the following are the biggest users of IIoT? A. Automotive Fleet Management B. Manufacturing C. Media and Entertainment.

a)     A and B 

b)     B and C

c)      A and C

3.     DDoS attacks are real threats to IIoT.

a)     True 

b)     False

4.     What are the risks associated with industrial IoT?

a)  Ransomware infections denying access to critical systems                

b)     Not much awareness about internet and smart devices.

c)      Loss Of employment by skilled workers

5.     Which of the following are the top benefits of IIoT in manufacturing?

A. Improvement of operational performance B. Ensuring safety and compliance

C. Increasing flexibility and agility a) A and B

c)  A, B and C

b) B and C

1.     Which one of these are not one of the big names in the FinTech cloud computing sector?

a)     Amazon Web Services

b)     Microsoft Silverlight  

c)      Google Virtual Cloud

d)     Microsoft Azure

2.      The resilience of Cloud deployments:

a)     Increases Uptime

b)     Simplifies Disaster Recovery

c)      Both of the above 

3.      An example of PaaS is:

a)     Rackspace Cloud

b)     Mosso

c)      Amazon EC2

d)     Gmail

4.       Which cloud service model is the most widely used in the world?

a)     SaaS 

b)     PaaS

c)      IaaS

d)     All of them.

5.               Amazon Elastic MapReduce offers a framework   to   process   large amounts of data.

a)     R

b)     Hadoop

c)      Python

d)     None of the above.

1.     SaaS is also known as hosted software or on-demand software.

a)     True 

b)     False

2.       The PaaS service delivery model allows a customer to rent virtualized servers and associated services used to run existing applications, or to design, develop, test, deploy and host applications.

a)     True 

b)     False

3.       Grunge Computing is about moving local computing to local devices in a highly distributed system, typically as a layer around a cloud computing core.

a)     True

b)     False 

4.       iPaaS offerings in the cloud from which providers let users implement data mapping, transformations is/are:

a)     Apache Spark

b)     Dell Boomi  

c)      WorkFusion

5.      Infrastructure as a Service and Hardware as a Service are two completely different things.

a)     True

b)     False 

1.uses software and hardware methods to tackle external threats that can arise in the development stage of an application.

a)     Disaster Recovery

b)     Application Security  

c)      Information Security

d)     Endpoint Security

2.      Critical Infrastructure does not include

a)     Electricity Grid

b)     Water Purification

c)      Traffic Lights

d)     Cooking Gas Lines

3.       The full form of SEG is

a)  Secure Email Gateway          

b)     Secure Ecommerce Gateway

c)      Security Email Gateway

d)     Secure Email Gate.

4.       Application security uses software and hardware methods to tackle external threats

a)     True

b)     False.

5.     Who alongside the FDA recently launched a joint initiative to “increase coordination in dealing with threats related to medical devices?

a)     HHS

b)     DHS 

c)      LHS

d)     AHS

1.     Hackers are always looking for opportunities to invade privacy and steal data that’s of crucial importance

a)     True

b)     False.

2.     A cyber attack is any type of offensive action that targets computer information systems, infrastructures, computer networks or personal computer devices, using various methods to steal, alter or destroy data or information systems

a)     True

b)     False

3.     One of the easiest ways your information can become hacked is through easy-to-guess passwords

a)     True

b)     False

4.     Which attack involves using IP spoofing and the ICMP to saturate a target network with traffic?

a)     Smurf attack 

b)     Teardrop attack

c)      Replay attack

5.     Botnets are the millions of systems infected with malware under hacker control in order to carry out DDoS attacks

a)     True

b)     False

1.     Reactive machines use past experiences to determine future actions.

a)     True

b)     False

2.       Self-driving cars usually use Limited Memory technology to:

a)     Store data 

b)     Automate

c)      Detect Motion

3.      Which of these is NOT an application of AI?

a)     Language Translation

b)     Voice Recognition

c)      Robotics

d) Obtain massive training data sets          

4.       Which of the following are examples of Weak AI?

a)     Siri, Alexa & Advanced Chess Programs 

b)     Siri & Alexa

c)      Advanced Chess Programs

5.       Predictive maintenance, an application of AI, prevents unplanned downtime.

a)     True

b)     False

1.     Big Data Analytics is a complete process of examining large sets of data through varied tools and processes in order to discover unknown patterns, hidden correlations, meaningful trends, and other insights for making data-driven decisions in the pursuit of better results.

a)     True

b)     False

2.       Which type of analytics ensures that the path is predicted for the future course of action?

a)     Predictive Analytics 

b)     Prescriptive Analytics

c)      Diagnostic Analytics

3.     Customer Segmentation and Differential Pricing Strategy can be easily achieved through Big Data Analytics.

a)     True

b)     False

4.     Which data analysis fails to cope with the advent of Big Data which is essentially huge data, both structured and unstructured?

a)     Traditional 

b)     New

c)      Low

5.     Healthcare big data refers to collecting, analyzing and leveraging consumer, patient, physical, and clinical data that is too vast or complex to be understood by traditional means of data processing.

a)     True

b)     False

1.     You're hosting a party in your home and your guests have arrived. The smart security camera will-

a)     Detect the number of people who have entered the home, report to the AI

Control Center and automatically turn on the lights            

b)     Wait to receive the instructions from the owner of the house to turn on the lights

2.      The latest advances of Technology have tremendous potential to:

a)     Impact the jobs of the people

b)     Benefit people by increasing efficiency and reducing waste 

3.     IoT can analyze mall traffic so that stores located in malls, can make the necessary adjustments that enhance the customer’s shopping experience while reducing overhead.

a)     True

b)     False

4.     The IoT is a network of Internet-linked devices, vehicles, and appliances that can collect and share data without the need of human interaction

a)     True

b)     False

5.      Statistics estimate the ever-growing world population to reach nearly:

a)     5 billion by the year 2050

b)     15 billion by the year 2050

c)  10 billion by the year 2050         

1.     Cloud Computing can store a tremendous amount of data which can also help:

a)     Big Data Analytics 

b)     Action Items

c)      Cloud Networks

2.       Disaster Recovery is one of the major benefits of Cloud Computing.

a)     True

b)     False

3.     Cloud Computing in e-commerce refers to the hosting and delivering of information through computer device on the internet via a network of servers.

a)     True

b)     False

4.    Cloud computing architect also depends on:

a)  Information, Technology, and Application              

b)     Information, Bandwidth, and Application

c)      Type, Security, and Application

5.     Cloud Computing is believed to facilitate greater collaboration and enhance the learning opportunities.

a)     True

b)     False

1.     Prioritizing simple security strategies is the best way to defeat evolving security threats

a)     True

b)     False

2.      The easiest way for attackers to gain network access is to:

a)     Leverage existing vulnerabilities 

b)     Creating new vulnerabilities

c)      Send Spam mails

3.     A cyber security framework can be any document that defines procedures and goals to guide more detailed cyber security policies

a)     True

b)     False

4.     Which of the following is the recommended security standard for electronic payment processing?

a)     COBIT

b)     HIPAA rules

c)      PCI DSS 

5.     It's impractical to use multiple cyber security solutions to address different threats to your infrastructure

a)     True

b)     False

1.     What can prevent Communication from taking place at all?

a)     Absence of Channel

b)     Absence of Team

c)      Absence of Feelings

2.     Which of the following increase at workplace through effective Communication? A. Loyalty. B. Efficiency.

a)     Only A

b)     Only B

c)      Both A and B

3.       Which non-verbal aspect makes the most impact in verbal face-to-face communication?

a)     Eye Contact 

b)     Professional Attire

c)      Communication Venue.

4.       Which of the following can be considered as part of digital Communication? A. E-mails. B. WhatsApp messages.

a)     Only A

b)     Only B

c)  Both A and B        

5.      Which of the following is the benefit of effective communication in an organization?

a)     Improved Technical Competence

b)     Increased Productivity 

c)      Better Adherence to Office Timings.

1.     When you’re listening to others, pay as much attention to them as you can. Which of the following should you notice about the speaker? A. Their words. B. Quirks in their body language.

a)     Only A

b)     Only B

c)      Both A and B 

2.     There are 6 steps that can be used for strategic communication. Five of them are Aim, Review, Message, Story and Audience. Which is the sixth step?

a)     Paths

b)     Channels 

c)      Ways

3.     There are 7 C's of Communication. Six of them Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct, Coherent and Courteous. Which is the seventh one?

a)     Carefree

b)     Complete 

c)      Codified

4.      Which of the following can hinder your capability to communicate effectively?

a)     Lack of familiarity with the audience

b)     Lack of focus 

c)      Lack of high-sounding words

5.     The ability to communicate with people is the most sought after skill in managers and team members.

a)     True

b)     False


1.     Examples of language barriers include using jargon, abbreviations and:

a)     Unfamiliar expressions  

b)     Fixed expressions

c)      Regular expression

2.       Environmental factors like room lighting and temperature can impede listening.

a)     True

b)     False

3.     Effective Communication in the workplace can have a significant impact on nearly every aspect of a company's productivity and success.

a)     True

b)     False

4.       Using the right communication channel is vital to for effective communication:

a)     True

b)     False

5.      Which of the following can be called a 'perceptual' barrier to communication?

a)     Negative Feelings

b)     Cultural Norms

c)      Pre-made Assumptions 

1.     What is the first step to solving a problem?

a)     Generating alternatives

b)     Defining the Problem 

c)      Selecting alternatives

d)     Making a decision

2.       A solution provided through creative thinking might seem unsettling.

a)     True

b)     False

3.      Critical Thinking skills are domain specific.

a)     True

b)     False 

4.     Creative Problem Solving Process can be applied where you have:

a)     Motivation, imagination, responsibility

b)     Responsibility, ownership, imagination

c)  Ownership, motivation, imagination            

5.     Those who think critically tend to be:

a)     Instinctual problem-solvers 

b)     Efficient leaders

c)      Ace speakers

1.     Communication is a key technique for critical thinking.

a)     True 

b)     False

2.     Which of the following best describes a 'Creative challenge'?

a)     Encourages team work

b)     Encourages ideation  

c)      Stimulates self-awareness

3.     Identify the important factors that one should consider while trying to approach a problem.

a)     Functionality and improvement 

b)     Need and improvement

c)      Cause and effect.

4.     Which technique allows you to collect a number of ideas that can be a potential solution to a problem and can be used in either a group or individual setting?

a)     Brainstorming 

b)     Mind Mapping

c)      Synectics

5.     Creative Problem Solving challenges a person to think beyond the conventional and to avoid well-trodden, sterile paths of thinking.

a)     True 

b)     False

1.     Which of the following can actually hinder your critical thinking goal.

a)     Intuitive judgment 

b)     Social environment

c)      Rational thinking

2.      The Functional Fixedness barrier is as a result of:

a)     Unwarranted boundaries

b)     Not thinking creatively 

c)      Emotional weakness

3.      Fear of failure or loss is not considered as one of the major obstacles to creative thinking.

a)     True

b)     False

4.      A major obstacle to creative thinking is called "homeostasis". It means_

a)     Fear Of Failure

https://www.blogger.com/img/img-grey-rectangle.pngb) Striving For Constancy      

c)      Fear of criticism

d)     Lack of direction

5.     Failing to identify and take into consideration the human factor in the problem-solving process will prevent the whole mechanism from reaching the desired final goal.

a)     True 

b)     False

1.     Which of the following is/are benefit(s) of Collaboration?

A.    Increased Efficiency and Productivity. B. Learning and Partnerships.

a)     Only A

b)     Only B

c)      Both A and B 

2.     Which of the following are two forms of Collaboration? A. Fixed and Fluid. B. Synchronous and Asynchronous.

a)     Only A

b)     Only B

c)      Both A and B

3.           Which of the following is/are involved in Collaboration at a conceptual level?

A.    Awareness and Motivation. B. Reciprocity and Reflection.

a)     Only A

b)     Only B

c)      Both A and B 

4.     In a successful team, body language is focused on the speaker, and members use energetic gestures when talking.

a)     True

b)     False 

5.     In a successful team, employees collaborate with colleagues within the team and not outside of it.

a)     True

b)     False 

1.     Design spaces play an important part in collaboration and teamwork.

a)     True 

b)     False

2.           Lack of direction given to the team members in a remote team can lead to:

a)     Inefficient results 

b)     Innovative results

c)      Effective results

3.     An ideal digital collaboration tool is the one that brings the work to you, not the other way around.

a)     True 

b)     False

4.           Which of the following is a one of the most important aspects in any organization?

a)  Improving Internal employee communication              

b)     Creating Silos

c)      Digital Transformation

5.     Creating a sense of community and synergy in any team is a must for success and interdependence.

a)     True 

b)     False

1.     Disruptive innovation is developed based on the:

a)     Future market needs

b)     Current market needs

c)  Niche market needs        

2.      Understanding of human needs happens at the stage of:

a)     Testing

b)     Prototyping

c)      Empathizing 

3.      (Pick the Odd One Out) Design thinking is:

a)     Human centered approach

b)     Collaborative

c)      Problem Centred  

d)     Iterative process

4.     Design thinking involves reframing the perceived problem or challenge at hand, gaining perspective, and thus narrowing down options.

a)     True

b)     False

5.           Sustainable innovation is driven by existing market demands.

a)     True

b)     False

1.     Design thinking is halfway between analytical thinking and intuitive thinking.

a)     True  

b)     False

2.     Feedback and test phase, in the Design Thinking process, is required because:

a)     It makes the process more impactful

b)     It allows one to eliminate the fine gap that exists between expectation and reality.

c)      It helps with the iteration process.

3.     Which of the following is an important trait for becoming an innovative person?

a)     Constant credibility

b)     Constant curiosity 

c)      Constant attention

4.     Which of the following are essential to the process of Innovation?

a)     Learning, planning and reasoning

b)     Learning, reflecting and prototyping 

c)      Learning, resolving and validating

5.     Which of the following refers to knowing something without any kind of reasoning?

a)     Analytical thinking

b)     Intuitive thinking 

c)      Rational thinking










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