--> Sayadasite: Prepositions

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What is a preposition?

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence. They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence.  Prepositions are usually short words, and they are normally placed directly in front of nouns.



"I was reading a book in the living-room."
The preposition “in” specifies, where exactly “I was reading a book”. It is placed directly
before the noun “living-room” (not counting a sometimes optional article like “the”).


Categories of Prepositions, as a class of words, can be divided in five categories.

1.   Preposition of time (temporal) e.g. in, on, at, etc.

2.   Preposition of place (spatial) e.g. in, on, at, etc.

3.   Preposition for direction e.g. to, towards, into, through etc.

4.   Preposition for device, instrument or machines e.g. on, by, with, etc. and various semantic roles e.g. of, for, etc.

This classification is not disjunctive: a lot of preposition fall in more than one group, e.g. “in” can be used for “in the car” (spatial) or for “in five years” (temporal).

The following lists contain some of the most frequently used prepositions in English.








Prepositions – Time


Explanation / Meaning



days (of the week) & dates

on Sunday; on May 1st; on Christmas Eve; on my mark; on the weekend.


months / seasons / year

part of the day

after a period of time

in summer / in July / in 2017

in the evening

in an hour; in the future


a specific point of time

exceptions (question: "When ...?")

at 11:15 p.m.; at half past six

at noon; at night; learned English at 42; at the weekend (BrE.); at first glance


from a specific point in time until now (past till now)

since 1980; since yesterday

until (till)

up to a certain point in time

until Monday; I’ll wait to call my manager until I hear from the client


over a certain period of time

for the first time in forever; for 3 years


from now to a specific point in the past (now till past)

a second ago; a decade ago; a while ago


throughout the course or duration of s.th.

during summer; during the vacation; during the discussion


previous to in time; earlier than

before winter; before dawn; I have to talk to the client before I call my manager


Subsequent in time; at a later time than

after midnight; after tomorrow

to / past

telling the time

ten to two (1:50) / ten past two (2:10)

from / to

a starting point / an end point

from the beginning; from now to eternity


not later than

by 12 o'clock; by next week





Prepositions – Place


Explanation / Meaning



position or state inside sth.

in London; in the book, in the mirror; in love


in the area of ...; specific position

an event (or a place related to it)

at home; at the table; at my side

at the party; at the cinema; at school


position above

in contact with

a certain side (left, right)

the state or process of

means of conveyance

on the desk; on my shoulder

on the wall; on the water

on the left side; on the bright side

on leave; on fire; on the way
on the phone; on TV; on the menu

on trains; on the bus; on a plane


from a place or position

off the table; off the wall; went off to Canada; got off the bus; turned off the TV

by, beside

at the side of; close to, next to

by the door; beside the car; stand by me


in a lower position; beneath the surface

under the table; under water


in or at a position above

more than

put sth. over a shirt; walk over sth.; over my dead body

over 100 years; over ten miles


in or to a lower place; beneath

below the surface; below 20°; below the clouds


higher than sth. else; overhead

above the door; the clouds above; the problems cited above


from a lower towards a higher point

up the hill; up there is a …


a descending direction

rolled down the hill; walking down the street


Prepositions – Direction / Movement


Explanation / Meaning



on, at, to or from the other side

across the street; lines across the paper


from one end or side to another

through the tunnel; a tour through France


in a direction toward a person or thing

toward a (given) state

go to bed; move on to; face to face; to the entrance

back to health; all the way to; to die for


movement to the inside or interior of

 the condition, state, or form of

went into the kitchen; crashed into a tree

breaking into pieces; go into banking

out of

movement from the inside to the outside

no longer in the condition, state, or form of

drag myself out of bed; out of nowhere

out of town; out of order; out of fashion


movement to the top

jumped onto the table


movement in the direction of; or closer to

towards the house; toward the future; toward peace


a starting point; movement away from

a source, a cause; a distinction

walked home from the station; travelled from NY to LA

a note from the teacher; know right from wrong


Other important Prepositions


Explanation / Meaning



originating from, composed of, associated with, belonging to

men of the north; a cup of coffee; the hand of God; that friend of yours


in the name of; through the agency or action of

a book by Mark Twain; by myself; played by the rules; killed by a bullet; one by one they left; by car, by bus


estimation of quantity

on the subject of

ready to do sth.

about ten people; about five minutes; about two miles

a book about English

the chorus is about to sing


indicates the object, aim or purpose

happy for you; for sale; eager for fame; for one thing, …; for heaven's sake


in the presence or use of

with a friend; with cheese; with confidence; with a lot of …; will be with you shortly; from Russia with love


List of Prepositions

Prepositions — IN & ON & AT

Short overview of the 3 prepositions in & on & at and their use from more general to more specific describtions of Time & Place.

Prepositions for Time & Place


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