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1. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Health is wealth, and the rate at which humans are compromising on it is really shocking.

With AI, natural language is a boon. It helps to respond to the questions that are asked for. It enables workflow assistants who screen the patients, getting preliminary information. This in turn helps the doctors to free up their schedules and also reduce the time and cost by streamlining processes. AI-powered technology helps pathologists in analyzing samples of tissue and help in accurate diagnosis.

Advantages of using AI in healthcare:

It helps to support decision making and research.

Help to integrate activities in medical, software and cognitive sciences.

Help to offer a content-rich discipline for the future scientific medical communities.

2. Artificial Intelligence in Business

A business relies on real-time reporting, accuracy, and processing of large volumes of quantitative data to make crucial decisions. The adaptive intelligence, chatbots and automation helps to smoothen out the business process.

Let’s take an example of the Help Desk. AI is used in online help centers. If you’ve visited a website, you must have seen that the chat window pops up. You can then ask questions there directly and they revert to your problem or query in no time.

 Robotic process automation reduces the repetitive tasks that are normally performed by humans. The algorithms are integrated into analytics and CRM (Customer relationship management) platforms, which uncover information on how to better serve the customers.

3. Artificial Intelligence in Education

It must be very tedious for a teacher to evaluate homework and tests for large lecture courses. A significant amount of time is consumed to interact with students, to prepare for class, or work on professional development. But, with AI in education, this will not be the case anymore. Though it can never replace human work, it is pretty close to it. So, with the automated grading system checking multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank testing, grading of students can be done in no time.

It can tell the areas where there is a need for improvement. A lot of times, it happens that the teachers may not be aware of the gaps that a student might face in the lectures and educational materials. This can leave students confused about certain concepts. With AI, the system alerts the teacher and tells what is wrong. It gives students a customized message which offers hints to the correct answer. Hence, this helps to fill in the gaps in explanation that might occur in courses. It also ensures that students are building the same conceptual foundation.

4. Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles

Long-range radar, cameras, and LIDAR, a lot of advancement has been made in the autonomous vehicle segment. These technologies are used in different capacities and each of them collects different pieces of information. The information is of no use unless it is processed and any form of insights can’t be derived.

This is where artificial intelligence is used and where it can be compared to the human brain.

Some of its usage in autonomous vehicles are:

Directing the car to the fuel station or recharge station when it is running low on fuel.

Adjust the trip’s directions based on known traffic conditions to find the quickest route.

Incorporate speech recognition for advanced communication with passengers.

Natural language interfaces and virtual assistance technologies.

5. Artificial Intelligence in Social Media

Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, the world today is changing and everyone is using these social media apps to stay connected with the virtual world. But, are you aware of the fact that a majority of your decisions are being influenced by artificial intelligence?

Starting from notifications, to upgradations, everything is managed by AI. It considers all the past web searches, behaviours, interactions, and much more. So, while you visit these websites, your data is being stored and analyzed and thus you are served with a personalized experience.

6. Artificial Intelligence for a Better World

Many people say that technology is snatching away their jobs and with the machine, there is no need for humans. But, do you know that it is these machines that are making the world a better place to live in.

It is this AI, that is helping us to prevent future damage. It understands the needs and addresses developmental needs while focusing on sustainability. Do you know that companies like Microsoft are using AI to study land-use patterns with terrain maps? By understanding these patterns in-depth, better decisions related to land are taken. This is helping in implementing proper preservation techniques. Scientists are using the information obtained to preserve biodiversity and the ecosystem.

7. Artificial Intelligence in Tourism

Competition in the travel and tourism industry is very high. You must have seen that prices keep on fluctuating and change often.

You might have also booked a flight ticket in advance or have waited just before the departure date to find cheaper tickets. Everyone does that, but the struggle is minimized with AI.

With predictive analytics driven by artificial intelligence, the price can be predicted. The application is able to predict price patterns and alert travellers when to buy the tickets. So, the cheapest rate can be known before you book the flights to your destination.

The price trend is analyzed on the basis of the recorded data on each route. So, you get notifications of when to book your flight. Book it at the right time and at the right price and say thanks to artificial intelligence.

Top 5 uses of Neural Networks:

Apart from diagnosing medical conditions more accurately and speech creation (recreate sound from scratch), neural networks can be used for

Restoring color to black and white photos or videos. Lettherebecolor is a deep learning network that converts b/w photos to color using self learning algorithms.

Pixel enhancing or image enhancing. This is cutting edge CSI stuff. It uses pixel recursive super-enhancement techniques to convert low resolution images or videos to high quality.

Generating images from sketches or outlines. Pix2pix is responsible for generating lifelike images from only sketches or outlines as input.

Lip-reading. This application creates a text document from a video of a person reading. This is done by analysing lip movement, matching it with datasets and converting into text. It keeps learning from every new use case, thereby getting trained to get more accuracy.

Creating a scene from scratch - This is in the initial stages, called as Plug and Play generative Networks. Feed it thousands of images and then you need to tell it what output you expect from it by giving it keywords. It will then create the scene using self learning algorithms.

10 Powerful Examples of AI Applications - Becoming Human

Every time you do a Google search, book a trip online, receive a product recommendation from Amazon, or open your Facebook newsfeed, which are just a few everyday instances — AI is lurking in the background

1. Automated Customer Support

AI-enabled customer assistants can answer simple questions like letting you know the status of your order, and helping you in finding a particular product based on your description, among others.

Online shopping experience has been greatly enhanced by chatbots because of the following reasons:

They increase user retention by sending reminders and notifications

They offer instant answers compared to human assistants, thus reducing response time

Chatbots provide upselling opportunities through personalized approach

2. Personalised Shopping Experience

Google Analytics alone is capable of providing the online store with information like your location, your browser, device etc, apart from how much time you spend on each page.

Implementation of artificial intelligence makes it possible for online stores to use the smallest piece of data about every followed link or hover to personalize your experience on a deeper level. This

personalization results into timely alerts, messages, visuals that should be particularly interesting to you, and dynamic content that modifies according to users’ demand and supply.

Online stores can also change currency and interface automatically, send notifications about discounts on best-selling products, and offer time limits on desirable items.

3. Healthcare

In healthcare, artificial intelligence has already proved to be a game-changer, improving every part of the industry virtually.

From safeguarding patients’ personal records against cybercriminals to assisting in surgeries — AI is implemented everywhere.

AI-enabled workflow assistants are aiding doctors free up their schedules, reducing time and cost by streamlining processes and opening up new avenues for the industry. In addition, AI-powered technology helps pathologists in analyzing tissue samples and thus, in turn, making more accurate diagnosis.

4. Finance:

The financial sector heavily relies on real-time reporting, accuracy, and processing of large volumes of quantitative data to make crucial decisions.

All these are areas in which AI-enabled systems excel. Because of the accuracy and efficiency of artificial intelligence, finance sector is quickly implementing machine learning, algorithmic trading, adaptive intelligence, chatbots, automation etc into an array of processes.

Now, there’re automated advisors powered by AI, who’re capable of predicting the best portfolio or stock based on preferences by scanning the market data. Actionable reports based on relevant financial data is also being generated by scanning millions of key data points, thus saving analysts numerous hours of work.

5. Smart cars and drones

Big names like Walmart and Amazon are already investing heavily in drone delivery programs and it’s likely to become prevalent soon.

Autonomous vehicles are prime examples of how artificial intelligence is impacting the automotive industry. A large segment of autonomous vehicles are connected and thus, able to share the learning with each other. This percentage is set to increase rapidly in the future.

With autonomous vehicles running on the roads and autonomous drones delivering the shipments, a significant amount of transportation and service related issues can be resolved faster and more effectively.

6. Travel and navigation

In both travel and transportation industries, AI is steadily becoming one of the key tools for service providers as well as users.

From suggesting efficient route to home, to making travel arrangements — artificial intelligence is helping people in taking the big leap. Travel companies, in particular, are capitalizing the ubiquitous usage of smart devices.

A huge percentage of users review travel tips, research local landmarks and dining options, and book trips on these devices, with the help of AI-powered travel assistants. Chatbots are also changing the travel industry rapidly by facilitating human-like interaction with consumers for travel recommendations, better booking prices, and faster response times.

When it comes to transportation, you can consider Google Maps. With AI-enabled mapping, it scans road information and utilizes algorithms to identify the optimal route to take, be it in a bike, car, bus, train, or on foot. Al is everywhere that can be business, education and event space etc.

7. Social media

Nearly everybody uses social media. If Facebook isn’t your thing, maybe it’s Twitter or Snapchat or Instagram or any of the other available social media apps.

The fact is, when you’re using social media, a majority of your decisions are being influenced by artificial intelligence. From notifications that you receive to feeds that you see in the timeline, everything is managed by AI.

 It considers all your past web searches, interactions, behaviours, and everything else done by you during your visit to these websites, and tailors your experience according to that.

The role of artificial intelligence becomes even more important when the amount of content increases in the platforms since then, it becomes even more difficult to show users accurate information while fighting spam and improving user experience. In such cases, AI can act as a great boon

8. Smart home devices

Rise of AI has exceptionally solidified the term “smart home”. A significant number of smart home devices that you buy use AI to learn your behavior so that they can adjust their settings automatically to make your experience as frictionless as possible. These smart home devices are controlled by using smart voice assistants, which are prime examples of AI. These techniques are part of our lives thanks to data science.

While it’s true that it’ll take a significant time for us to see a perfect AI-powered home capable of reacting to our choices in real-lives, steps are already being made to bring this to the real world. Already, there’re smart lights that can change intensity and color based on time, and thermostats that can adjust the temperature based on user preference, among others.

9. Creative arts

AI-powered technologies are inspiring new songs now. Based on inputs gathered from millions of newspaper headlines, conversations, and speeches, insights are gleaned that can help musicians create themes.

For instance, Watson BEAT is capable of coming up with different musical elements to help composers.

By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, musicians can understand what their audiences want and thus, compose songs based on that.

Another great example of the technology’s power is IBM’s AI-enabled Chef Watson who’s capable of becoming a sous-chef in your kitchen by helping you to develop recipes and advising on food combinations.

10- Security and surveillance

A broad surveillance system is being implemented all over the world. And artificial intelligence is playing a crucial role in this domain. It’s just impossible for humans to constantly monitor multiple channels with feeds coming in from a huge number of cameras at the same time, but AI is making that possible.

Technologies like facial recognition and voice recognition are getting better with each passing day.

Though there’s still some time before we can see that AI is monitoring all the security camera feeds, this is most likely going to happen sometime in the future. Image processing technology utilizes data science by raising the artificial intelligence.

11. Robotics

It’s not surprising that a large share of the manufacturing jobs is performed by robots. However, conventional industrial robots require being specifically programmed to carry out the tasks they were created for. The conventional robots now need to be provided with a fixed procedure of assembling parts but AI-powered robots can interpret CAD models, which eliminates the need to program their movements and processes. So, we are entering a phase where robots need not be told how to perform their tasks, they will learn that on their own. We just need to tell them what we want them to do.




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