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Relationship Summary

The poem “Relationship” describes a (back) complex emotional journey. It depicts a disregard that’s been built, symbolized by a citadel, covered in snow that turns into smoke, signifying a transient and insubstantial nature. The persona’s feelings are guarded, with a silent sentry wearing searching eyes, indicating vigilance. The presence of another person is felt deeply, every breath affecting their very essence as they follow the path dictated by the other person. Despite this, there’s a sense of fragility as they navigate through it, each step compared to a rose with warm, raw vessels.


The poem also portrays a moment of joy and spontaneity, with laughter tumbling down an unknown slope. Yet, the persona’s awakening to reality leads to confusion, and they cry out “friendship” – possibly as a coping mechanism to rationalize their feelings.



The poem takes a turn as it addresses someone who interferes, represented by “Soundless rage,” disrupting the persona’s guarded emotional state. The sentry’s pacing stops suddenly, and the poem touches on themes of concealment (“purdah”) and focused intent (“businesslike stride”). The persona, symbolized as “sandalwood enveloping you,” is deeply intertwined with the other person’s presence.


The poem closes with a sense of probing and questioning, as these features “cling, dig, slash” through the persona’s emotional landscape like moonlight that has been lost. The persona is left grappling with the question of what exactly is transpiring between them and the other person.



The poem navigates through layers of emotions, guardedness, and uncertainty, while exploring the complexities of a relationship that remains enigmatic and profound.

Sandals and I Summary

"Sandals and I" is a dalit poem written by a kannada poet, Mudnakudu Chinnaswamy and was translated by Rowena Hill. Through the poem, the poet outcries the bad practices that are prevalent in Indian temples. The poet has raised his voice against 'untouchability' and the deep-rooted prejudices through this poem. As the speaker says, whenever he goes to a temple he does not leave his sandals outside, but he himself stands outside.


The speaker being a cobbler, has faced many humiliations because of his profession which he considers to be his root if he were a plant. Standing outside the temple, he struggles to get a glimpse of the glittering and jewelled god inside, just like a crane that tries to drink water from a dried up pond. The speaker also notices the sacred lamp burning inside the temple when he himself is burning in the hot sun outside the temple. The people surge over him with little attention.


And then he finally expresses his deep devotion to God by saying that even though he isn't allowed inside the temple, he feels closer the god than those people who are standing next to the idol, but have left their souls with their sandals outside the temple.In India, some practices are coloured by caste beliefs. The opinion of the poet is that all the devotees must be treated equally, because all humans are children of God. Since people are not growing with egalitarian views, the poet advocates the virtues of logic, morality, and reasoning.


Digital Fluency Important Questions 2024 part 2

5.       Cyber Security and Types of cyber attack


1.                  What is Cyber Security?


a)     Cyber Security provides security against malware


b)    Cyber Security provides security against cyber-terrorists


c)       Cyber Security protects a system from cyber attacks


d)    All of the mentioned


2.                  Who is the father of computer security?


a)     August Kerckhoffs


b)    Bob Thomas


c)       Robert


d)    Charles


3.                  Which of the following is a type of cyber security?


a)     Cloud Security


b)    Network Security


c)       Application Security


d)    All of the above


4.                  What are the features of cyber security?


a)     Compliance


b)    Defense against internal threats


c)       Threat Prevention


d)    All of the above


5.                  Which of the following is a component of cyber security?


a)     Internet Of Things


b)    AI


c)       Database


d)    Attacks


6.                  The full form of Malware is


a)     Malfunctioned Software


b)    Multipurpose Software


c)       Malicious Software


d)    Malfunctioning of Security


7.                  Which of the following is considered as the unsolicited commercial email?


a)     Virus


b)    Malware


c)       Spam


d)    All of the above


8.                     is a type of software designed to help the user's computer detect viruses and avoid them.


a)     Malware


b)    Adware


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d)  Both B and C




is a famous technological medium for the spread of malware, facing problems of


spam, & phishing attacks.


a)     Cloud


b)    Pen drive


c)       Website


d)    Email


10.      Unsolicited Bulk E-mails (UBI) are called


a)     SMS


b)    MMS


c)       Spam emails


d)    Malicious emails


11.      Which one of the following is/are a type of antivirus program?


a)     Quick heal


b)    Mcafee


c)       Kaspersky


d)    All of the above


Module 2: Applications of Emerging Technologies


Applications of Artificial Intelligence


1.  Which of the following are examples of Weak AI?


a)             Siri & Alexa


b)            Advanced Chess Programs


c)              Siri, Alexa & Advanced Chess Programs


d)            None of the above

2.  Which of the following is an application of AI?


a)             Gaming


b)            Expert Systems


c)              Vision Systems


d)           All of the above


Applications of Internet of Things


1.                  What is the component of an IoT system that executes a program?


a)     Sensor


b)    Microcontroller


c)       Actuator


d)    Digital to analog converter





is a network of Internet-linked devices, vehicles, and appliances that can collect and


share data without the need of human interaction



Internet of things



Web browsers



Search engines


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d)    Google

3.                  IoT gateway must provide


a)     Protocol abstraction


b)    Data storage


c)       Security with hardware


d)    Simple and fast installation

Applications of Cloud Computing


1.                  The Private cloud is a –


a)     A cloud service inaccessible to anyone but the cultural elite


b)    Standard cloud service offered via the Internet


c)       Cloud architecture maintained within an enterprise data centre.


d)    All of the above


2.                  Which one of the following is a model for cloud computing?


a)     County


b)    Public


c)       Ethernet


d)    Topology


3.                  Cloud Computing can store a tremendous amount of data which can also help:


a)     Big Data Analytics


b)    Action Items


c)       Cloud Networks


d)    None of the above


4.                  Cloud Computing architect also depends on:


a)     Information, Technology, and Application


b)    Information, Bandwidth, and Application


c)       Type, Security, and Application


d)    None of the above


5.                           is believed to facilitate greater collaboration and enhance the learning opportunities.


a)     Cloud Computing


b)    IoT


c)       Hacking


d)    Big data

Applications of Cybersecurity


1.                  Which of the following option is used to protect data and passwords?


a)     Authorization


b)    Authentication


c)       Encryption


d)    Non-repudiation


2.                  Firewalls are used to protect


a)     Fire attacks


b)    Virus attacks


c)       Unauthorised access


d)    Data driven attacks



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Module 3: Building Essential Skills Beyond Technology


1.                  Effective Communication Skills


1.                  The word 'Communication' has been derived from


a)     Greek


b)    Latin


c)       German


d)    French


2.           The   is the person who transmits the message.


a)     Receiver


b)    Driver


c)       Sender


d)    Cleaner


3.                  Which of the following can be considered as part of digital Communication?


a)     E-mails


b)    WhatsApp messages.


c)       Facebook messenger


d)    All of the above

4.                  The response to a sender's message is called


a)     Food bank


b)    Feedback


c)       Look back


d)    Backward

5.                        Our dress code is an example of       communication.

a)     Verbal


b)    Nonverbal


c)       Written


d)    Spoken

6.                           communication includes tone of voice body language, facial expressions etc.


a)     Nonverbal


b)    verbal


c)       letter


d)    notice


7.                  Letter, e-mail telephone are examples of


a)  Message


b)  Feedback


c)           Channel


d)  Encoding

8.                     are needed to communicate effectively with people.


a)     Self-Management Skills


b)    Communication Skills


c)       ICT Skills


d)    Time Management Skills


9.         is/are elements of a communication cycle.


a)     Sender


b)    Receiver


c)       Channel


d)    All of the above



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10.      Which of the following is the method of communication?


a)     Face to Face


b)    E-mail


c)       Notices/Posters


d)    All of the above


11.      includes sounds, words, language, and speech.


a)     Verbal communication


b)    Non-Verbal communication


c)       Both of the above


d)    None of the above


12. Oral communication ensures and                     .

a)     Fluency; speed


b)    adequate attention; immediate response


c)       speedy interaction; immediate response


d)    speed; attention


13.      Choose the correct example of oral communication.


a)     Reports


b)    Newspapers


c)       Face-to-face conversation


d)    Notes


14.      is the first enemy of communication.


a)     Noise


b)    Clarity


c)       Politeness


d)    Completeness


2.              Creative Problem Solving & Critical Thinking


1.                  What is the first step to solving a problem?


a)     Generating alternatives


b)    Defining the Problem


c)       Selecting alternatives


d)    Making a decision


2.                  Strategies for creative thinking include:


a)     Never be afraid to ask any question, even those you think may be silly.


b)    Take risks and dream big.


c)       Force yourself to do something old in a new way.


d)    All of the above


3.                  Which of the following can actually hinder your critical thinking goal.


a)     Intuitive judgment


b)    Social environment


c)       Rational thinking


d)    None of the above





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4.                  The Functional Fixedness barrier is as a result of:


a)     Unwarranted boundaries


b)    Not thinking creatively


c)       Emotional weakness


d)    None of the above


5.                  A major obstacle to creative thinking is called "homeostasis". It means


a)     Fear Of Failure


b)    Striving For Constancy


c)       Fear of criticism


d)    Lack of direction


6.                  What is the worst thing for a critical thinker?


a)     A logical mind


b)    An emotional mind


c)       Reaching to conclusion too soon.


d)    None of the above


3. Collaboration and Teamwork Skills


1.                  What is a Team?


a)     A group of people working on different things.


b)    A group of people where one member does all the work.


c)       A group of people where one member makes all the decisions.


d)    A team is a small group of people working together for a common purpose.


2.                                             With "teamwork", members create a strong sense of mutual       .

a)     honesty.


b)    hygiene.


c)       commitment.


d)    friendship.





skills such as writing, speaking and body language are important work


ethics so that you can be clear in your messages to others

















is important at work because you must be able to work with others,


especially if you don’t always agree with them














5.                       It is important to have a good     to be successful in your career.


a)     attitude


b)    clothes


c)       attendance


d)    shoes



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6.                  Act of working effectively with others to achieve a common goal


a)     Teamwork


b)    Collaboration


c)       Skills


d)    Personality Types


7.                  what personality trait do people in the health care need?


a)                 change your mistakes  b) patience


c)                 always late    d) selfish


8.                  Which of the following is a one of the most important aspects in any organization?


a)     Improving Internal employee communication


b)    Creating Silos


c)       Digital Transformation


d)    None of the above


9.                  What is a virtual team?


a)     A team with one leader


b)    A team that is created in one place


c)       A team that communicates with technology


d)    A team with no structure


4. Innovation & Design Thinking


1.        shows the process of creating something new.


a)     Innovation


b)    Business model


c)       Modeling


d)    Creative flexibility


2.                  Process innovation refers to:


a)     the development of a new service.


b)    the development of a new product.


c)       the implementation of a new or improved production method.


d)    the development of new products or services.


3.                  is a toolkit for an entrepreneur to solve complex problems for people.


a)     One-on-one interviewing


b)    Design thinking


c)       Product brainstorming


d)    Social media


4.                  Which of the following are essential to the process of Innovation?


a)     Learning, planning, and reasoning


b)    Learning, reflecting, and prototyping


c)       Learning, resolving, and validating


d)    None of the above







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